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Chicago Gameday XVI: the aftermath!

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[size=-2]Read the FAQ to learn more about Chicago Gameday.[/size]

[h1]Chicago Gameday XVI Sign-Up Thread[/h1]
ENWorld Chicago Gameday XVI is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus.

Gameday XVI is February 24th.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. PM or email me (buzz[at]buzzmo[dot]com) with any questions.

The Gameday prize giveaway is open to donations from attendees. We solicit prizes from publishers, but attendees are also welcome to donate games they'd like to "swap" to the prize pool.

[highlight]PLEASE NOTE: This thread is the primary means of communicating information about Gameday XVI. Please keep an eye on the thread for any updates or schedule changes, especially in the day or so prior to Gameday. This goes double for GMs. If you'd like to be on the Gameday mailing list, just shoot me an email.[/highlight]

Special note regarding food: We here at Gameday HQ encourage attendees to purchase their soda and snacks from our host, Games Plus.

Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Little America (located across the Metra tracks and a couple blocks northwest of Games Plus). Ask for the "Games Plus" table.
  • [highlight]Arrive at the store by 9:15am to settle in to your game tables.[/highlight]
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    Game 1: Agon, "The Isle of Oryonica," GM: Reidzilla
    Game 2: Basic D&D (1980), "Death in the Tombs of Moldvay," GM: FCWesel
    Game 3: Call of Cthulhu d20, "Summer Road Trip," GM: Trevalon Moonleirion
    Game 4: D&D 3.5, "Beneath the Blade of Sword Mountain," GM: rowport
    Game 5: Ars Magica, "Rule, Britannia," GM: Cerebral Paladin
    Game 6: Miniatures Painting Open Table
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Be sure to come back on time for the...
  • Prize drawing from 3:30pm to 4:00pm.
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 4:00pm to 9:00pm (or later)
    Game 1: Iron Heroes, "The Iron Heroes vs. The Tomb of Horrors," GM: Pbartender
    Game 2: D&D 3.5, "Caverns of the Condemned," GM: Mark CMG
    Game 3: [highlight]Spirit of the Century, "The Century Club Chronicles: The New Centurions Versus the Sun of E.V.I.L.," GM: FCWesel has been cancelled[/highlight]
    Game 4: M&M2e, "When Chaos Reigns, It Pours," GM: Ninjacat
    Game 5: Gamma World 1e, "Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the Legion of Gold!", GM: buzz
    Game 6: Don't Rest Your Head, "Serious Moonlight," GM: Nev the Deranged
    Game 7: D&D 3.5/Arcana Evolved, "THE HAND OF THE MOUNTAIN," William Ronald​

[h2]Event Listings[/h2]
[h3]Slot 0 (Breakfast)[/h3]
No limit to number of attendees.
1. buzz
2. Nev the Deranged
3. Trevalon Moonleirion
4. William Ronald
5. Tofu_Master
6. Painfully
7. ...

[h3]Slot 1[/h3]
Game 1: The Isle of Oryonica
Reidzilla (table by the door)
Your band of heroes has just landed upon the shores of an island as perilous as it is beautiful. Beasts roam the land as the neighboring cities fight over the mystic pools of enchanted water and cursed fishermen weep in despair as their families go hungry. What better place to seek adventure!

Join the band of Greek heroes as they strive mightily to appease the Gods and carve out a legend of their own. No XP necessary. Just bring lots of dice and a thirst for heroic Greek adventure![/bq]
1. Nev the Deranged
2. William Ronald
3. Tim C Koppang
4. pvt. patterson
5. inundator
6. Der Spot
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 2: Death in the Tombs of Moldvay
Basic D&D (1980)
FCWesel (private room)
They say a darkness has settled in the tombs and barrows of the Duchy of Moldavy and that fell creatures that once hid in the darkest parts of the forest and mountains now venture out from their holes.

So the Knig of Moldavy, Khurt duValle, the Liondragon, has called the Seven Blades Adventuring Company to his Court to send them out against the darkness, their task is to unveil and vanquish the evil that has seeped into his lands.

"In my day, we had to roll-play up hill, both ways!" In this adventure, seven players will have a chance to play the early 1980's version of "Basic Dungeons & Dragons". Seven Pre-generated 3rd level characters will be provided to choose from. A basic set of "D&D dice" is all that's needed and even those I can provide if someone should have need for it. Come to have fun or don't bother signing up![/bq]
2. Vyvyan Basterd
3. Vyvyan Basterd's wife
4. AstroCat
5. Keibot
6. Tofu_Master
7. MaidenMan
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 3: Summer Road Trip
Call of Cthulhu d20
Trevalon Moonleirion
It'll be a summer that you'll never forget...if you survive.

You've made it through four years of high school, if not longer together, and this summer was going to be your last blast before you all went your separate ways in college. You set out from home in a van with your five best friends for a two-week roadtrip full of drinking, having fun, and laying on the beach, and didn't have a care in the world. Then the thunderstorm came--one of the worst you've ever seen--and your van went flying off the road and into a tree.

Your van is totalled, your cell phones don't work, and the storm has drenched you to the bone. Even worse, you have a terrifying feeling that there's something hidden in the woods, watching you. Every step you take, you hear whispers over the roar of the storm. Could the rusted sign for "Forest City Amusement Park" pointing down an abandoned road lead you to at least a little shelter from the storm? Or will it only lead you to madness.

A game of modern horror for 6 players. No experience needed, but knowing a bit of d20 mechanic means you basically know the system. Characters will be pre-generated teen movie stereotypes (see below), if you really are interested in playing a certain type of character, I'm willing to let people 'call dibs' here on the board.

And I'm already planning the fun you'll have once you start losing 20% increments of your sanity. First person to drop below 5% sanity might be able to win a prize. Expect Sanity loss. And lots of it.

  • Ted Stevens, Crescent Heights High School Quarterback
  • Stephanie Kaltiera, Cheerleader, Ted's girlfriend
  • Katrina Petrowski, computer geek with a dark secret...
  • Kaylee Jones, flute section leader, Crescent Heights Marching Band (no american pie jokes....until gameday.)
  • Carter Jackson, captain of the basketball team.
  • Jim Perry, the token fat guy, class clown
1. waterdhavian
2. Kelleris
3. Ninjacat
4. reidmcc
5. Annamarie
6. dalkai
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 4: Beneath the Blade of Sword Mountain
D&D 3.5 ...the Animated Series!
Nostalgia is a powerful tool-- it can make 37-year olds enjoy poorly animated cartoons aimed at 8-year olds. Now, you, too can re-live the magic!

This scenerio uses D&D 3.5 rules playing the famed adventurers from the 1983 cartoon series. For those of you whose memories are fuzzy about that classic series, the stars include the following illuminaries:
* Hank the Ranger!
* Presto the Wizard!
* Bobby the Barbarian!
* Sheila the Thief!
* Eric the Cavalier!
* Diana the Acrobat!
* and... for anybody who likes bleating farm animals... Uni the Unicorn!

The adventure comes along with the (utterly fantastic) DVD set of said cartoon, so no fair cheating a peek if you have not read it already. But as long as you overact appropriately, I will let cheating slide.

A game of cheesy nostalgia for 6 players (or 7 for unicorn-lovers). Pre-generated 7th level cartoon characters will be provided. Fond memories of the series are not required, but will probably help the fun factor.[/bq]
1. buzz
2. Thorindale
3. brehobit
4. sw3333
5. Pbartender
6. Yort
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 5: Rule, Britannia
Ars Magica 5th Ed.
Cerebral Paladin
The year is 1801 and shipping is the lifeblood of England in its struggle against revolutionary France. Join the officers, mages, and men of H.M.S. Circe as they strive to defend the merchant ships of the West Indies against French privateers, men-of-war, and magic. A game in the style of Hornblower and Aubrey, with a mix of action and role-playing, using the Ars Magica rules.
Novices welcome; characters supplied and rules will be taught. A very brief rules summary is attached for players' reference, but don't worry about it-- I'll take care of complexities and explain things as necessary. (3-7 players, no more than 6 preferred.)

Rules Summary (.rtf, 8 KB)[/bq]
1. Tekkmage
2. Tekkmage's guest
3. Mark CMG
4. Lifelike

Game 6: Miniatures Painting Open Table
While not an official event, you are welcome to bring your own supplies and spend some time painting minis at our dedicated painting table. Chat with your buds, prime some orcs... you get the picture.

To be clear: you don't need to register for this event. Just show up and paint.[/bq]

D&D 3.5
"I wish to be a halfling again." When Wilimac Harbuckle uttered those words, he had no idea what would happen. (Not too different from any other words he ever uttered.) Who knew it would lead to a stampede?

THE REDCOATS GIANT, FRICKIN' ELEPHANTS WITH CITIES ON THEIR BACKS ARE COMING!!! is a D&D 3.5 adventure for up to six players that follows up on the previous gameday games "The Runaway Bride," "The King's Wedding Day...or should I say DEADDING DAY!!! (Is that McBain-y enough for you?)," and "Excuse Me, But I Believe I Ordered the Pineapple Special." It is not necessary for you to have played in these games, but may help make sense of all the madness. Characters will be provided, and no experience is necessary. We will be using a few simple house rules and the facing rules from Unearthed Arcana. All rules will be taught as we play, but you can take a sneak peak there if you're interested.

Come, play, and have fun...or else![/bq]
1. bigznak
2. rvalle
3. Redwind
4. Diremede
5. Maiden_Cyborg

[h3]Slot 2[/h3]
Game 1: The Iron Heroes vs. The Tomb of Horrors
Iron Heroes d20

"Go back to the tormentor or through the arch, and the second great hall you'll discover. Shun green if you can, but night's good color is for those of great valor. If shades of red stand for blood the wise will not need sacrifice aught but a loop of magical metal - you're well along your march. Two pits along the way will be found to lead to a fortuitous fall, so check the wall. These keys and those are most important of all, and beware of trembling hands and what will maul. If you find the false you find the true and into the columned hall you'll come, and there the throne that's key and keyed. The iron men of visage grim do more than meet the viewer's eye. You've left and left and found my Tomb and now your soul will die."

This is an Iron Heroes d20 adventure for up to six 9th-level pre-generated characters. No experience required, but familiarity with D&D 3.5 is helpful.

Download an Iron Heroes Primer (.doc, 66 kB). Pre-generated characters coming soon.[/bq]
1. Cerebral Paladin
2. bigznak
3. sw3333
4. AstroCat
5. Keibot
6. Painfully
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 2: Caverns of the Condemned
D&D 3.5
Mark CMG (private room)
People are disappearing from the streets of Madosture. Folks whisper of work camps deep in the mountains with mines delving for dark secrets. Worse yet, the symbols of a long-forgotten cult have begun showing up on the doors of those who have vanished.

Pre-Generated 9th-level characters will be provided for this adventure.[/bq]
1. Thorindale
2. Kelleris
3. Vyvyan Basterd
4. Vyvyan Basterd's wife
5. HinterWelt
6. Tekkmage
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 3: The Century Club Chronicles: The New Centurions Versus the Sun of E.V.I.L.
Spirit of the Century
[highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight]

Game 4: When Chaos Reigns, It Pours
Mutants & Masterminds 2E
The day started out normally enough for the Crisis Guard, no trouble alerts on any of their scanning systems as the team gathered for breakfast... ..because none of the scanners could pick up the trouble that had occurred. Soon enough, it was discovered that the city was somehow frozen: eerie, still, and silent... ..other than occasional bursts of activity where something would collapse or explode, screaming, fleeing citizens... ..suddenly going back to motionless silence. What has happened? Bizarre alien invasion? Juvenile super powers rampaging out of control? A government experiment gone horribly awry? A fracturing of the space/time continuum? -Whatever has happened, the heroes need to address the damage it has caused, and repair the problem before things get worse... ..or get so bad they can't be fixed....

This will be a game with pre-generated power level 11 characters, focusing on role-playing in a superhero setting. Character backgrounds to enable mystery investigation will be provided, but there will still be plenty of action and daring-do. M&M is a streamlined d20 system, using simplified combat rules and requiring only one d20 to play.

View the characters (.bmp, 3 MB)[/bq]
1. reidmcc
2. Annamarie
3. Lifelike
4. Nazriel
5. Sharraunna
6. Der Spot
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 5: Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the Legion of Gold!
Gamma World 1st ed.
buzz (tall table in back)
In a world torn apart by radioactive holocaust... lay the city of the Munch's Kin, a gleaming oasis of peace and comfort, at least for those under three feet tall. But, all is not well. Tales have come from the blasted suburbs of marauding, golden warriors bent on destruction! Gleen-Da, the Good Overbrain of the North and leader of the Kin of Munch has appealed to you, heroes of the wastelands, for help:
  • Capt. Dorothy Baum, human explorer from Wichita Dome Complex.
  • TOTO-epsilon-4, Tactical Operations Terrier Organobot, the Captain's faithful sidekick
  • The One They Call Scarecrow, shotgun-toting neo-zombie
  • A sapient, pre-war exosuit Captain affectionately calls "Tinman"
  • Lyon, savage and feral genevolved predator
  • The three Kin representatives of the Li Paup monastery: Barty, Warwick, and Hervé
Will you learn the secret of the golden warriors? Will you be able to bring peace to the shattered lands of the Munch? Will you be attacked by mutant death badgers with GIANT FRICKING LASER BEAMS shooting from their eyes? Quite probably!

Pregens will be provided. No previous experience with the system necessary.[/bq]
1. Reidzilla
3. Trevalon Moonleirion
4. brehobit
5. TracerBullet42
6. Yort
7. rowport
8. Tofu_Master
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 6: Serious Moonlight
Don't Rest Your Head
Nev the Deranged
Players will take the roles of insomniacs in the Slumbering City. By day they are just like you and I, working their 9 to 5 jobs, or going to classes, or both... but at night they join forces as local rock outfit, Serious Moonlight!

Between gigs, practice, school, and paying the bills, who has time to sleep? Eventually rest just stops being a priority, and seeing things that aren't there starts to seem normal... until the first time you hear the clocks chiming 13, and sleep goes from being an unnecessary luxury to being an enemy. Because now you're not just awake, you're Awake, and the Nightmares won't give up on you as easily as you gave up on them.

I will provide semi-pregenned character sheets and dice, just bring a pencil, yourself, and a willingness to push your limits. Your life... and your sanity... will depend on it.[/bq]
1. Tim C Koppang
2. pvt. patterson
3. Guest of pvt. patterson
4. Guest2 of pvt. patterson
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

D&D 3.5/Arcana Evolved
William Ronald
[bq]An adventure for 10th level D&D/Arcana Evolved Characters

You have received dreadful news. Enemies have captured a dwarven fortress. An enemy general who has secured a relic of an ancient era, the Hand of the Mountain. Your mission: retrieve the Hand of the Mountain and defeat or kill the enemy general. You may also find some help from the local resistance movement.

The game will use the Core D&D 3.5 rules and the rules for Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved. No special knowledge of Arcana Evolved is required, and rules will be taught as needed. If you can play D&D 3.5 or any D20 game, you can play in this event. I will have a variety of pre-generated characters from both the D&D 3.5 and Arcana Evolved rules.[/bq]
1. rvalle
2. waterdhavian
3. dalkai
4. gperez1234
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First Post
So many goood choices thie time.

Please sign me up to the follwoing:

AM: Beneath the Blade of Sword Mountain
PM: Caverns of the Condemned


Nev the Deranged

First Post
Sign me up for breakfast, and Agon. And... oh, right... guess I'm already signed up for the pm slot, heh. ^_^

Hey, where did the Gamma-Oz artwork come from? That's supa-bad@ss!
Last edited:

Please sign me up for the Slot 2, Game 1 (Iron Heroes).

OOC, is anybody driving from the Evanston area and interested in carpooling? I'm trying to decide between taking the train, which is a little psycho, but would get me there in the nick of time, and using the car sharing service I'm part of, which adds up in terms of cost. But if there's someone who's driving down from my neck of the woods, that would make everything easy. (Hrm... actually, as I look at it, the problem with the train would be making it back. 10:37 to Chicago gets me home at 1 in the morning. But still, I could either carpool or drive on my own, but carpooling is nicer.)


First Post
Ah, hell, lets make it an all old-school Gameday and sign me up for Death in the Tombs of Moldvay in the morning as well.

This has been a rediculously difficult decision to make--why can't I get a Time-Turner like Hermione, and play in all the afternoon games, damnit?--but I think the Gamma-Oz painting has really sealed the deal.

Sign me up for that awesome, sanity-loss-provoking game I'm GMing in the morning, as well as breakfast. :)

And sign me up for your Gamma World game buzz. (You never know--you might just have another Harry Potter on your hands :] )

Also, please add the following to my event description:

No experience needed, but knowing a bit of d20 mechanic means you basically know the system. Characters will be pre-generated teen movie stereotypes which may be announced later, if you really are interested in playing a certain type of character. And I'm already planning the fun you'll have once you start losing 20% increments of your sanity. First person to drop below 5% sanity might be able to win a prize.


Thorindale, Reidzilla, Nev the Deranged, Cerebral Paladin, petenik, Trevalon Moonleirion... ADDED!


Nev the Deranged said:
Hey, where did the Gamma-Oz artwork come from? That's supa-bad@ss!
I saw it in a British magazine dedicated to digital illustration called ImagineFX. I knew I was going to run GW, but the second I saw that picture I realized that I needed to run Gamma Oz. :cool:

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