Children of the Mud

Deuce Traveler

Lem takes in the smell at the cook's house and grins, "Well, sir, I thought we might trade some recipes to be honest. I've been working with drying slices of banana fruit and dipping them in coconut oil in order to give them a sweeter taste and to help preserve them. Then I dry them again and serve. So I thought I had the greatest idea for sweetening party snacks, but upon smelling your pastries I realize there are some other oils I could have used. Some of what you have seems to have been covered in some sort of citrus-like batter. What did you use, if I may ask, or is it a trade secret? Oh, and by the by, we were also wondering if you had any words on those strange cultists that had been appearing in the city lately," Lem says adding the last as an afterthought.

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OOC: Sorry about the delay. Ended up having to run a session for my real life game that I share DMing duties with at the last minute. Will get a post up sometime today.


OOC: temple
"Some concerns is merely a starting point, I am afraid. If you have the time, I would suggest we continue this conversation at my house, where I have my notes."
OOC: Assuming agreement to keep things moving along.
Following Andolyn, Larissa soon finds herself in an older neighborhood approaching an older two story house surrounded by gardens. You enter the backdoor and walk into a big kitchen that is smelling absolutely marvelous with all sorts of dishes laid out on the counters. Andolyn rings a bell, and a gingerbread golem appears, with orders to the golem following quickly. "Please escort our guest to the back parlor and inform my husband we have guests." Turning to Larissa, "I will join you in the parlor after I gather some notes together. In the mean time, I suspect that Gendrew probably has a few bits of leftovers you can snack on. Please resist any urge to eat our butler; we are both very busy right now, and don't have time to replace body parts at the moment." The golem leads Larissa to a back parlor, obviously setup for business meetings, containing a large table against one wall and numerous options for sitting.

OOC: Cook's House
Gendrew seems to be taking some time to craft his reply when the gingerbread golem appears at the door to the room. At a series of grunts and gestures, Gendrew turns back to the group, "It appears that my wife has returned from her investigations and apparently found someone else looking into the matter in the process. She is the one you would need to discuss these new cultists with; I have simply made a few inquiries at her behest. Our butler here will take you back to the parlor where she conducts her business. As for exchanging recipes, I am always looking for new ideas. If you find yourself with spare time after talking with my wife, I will be in the kitchen putting some finishing touches on tomorrow's dinner before packing it up to be taken to the feast hall." With that, he bows and returns to the kitchen. After you have all gathered your things, the golem takes you to a back parlor where you find Larissa waiting.

OOC: Back Parlor

The party has a few minutes to compare notes before Andolyn returns. "You must be the ones my husband's inquiries pulled in. I am glad to see that others are showing concern. This threat is bigger than most here in Venza truly understand, and even I and my associates know more than a few details here and there."


Larissa nods to her companions as they enter. "It seems our paths cross again," she observes. "I hope you have learned more on your journey than I on mine. The Children of the Mud have vandalized a temple this morn, and reduced an acolyte to a babbling fool. But I've learned nothing of who did it or how."

[sblock=Larissa stat block]
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 93 Current: 93
CMB: +11 CMD: 22
Fort: +11 Reflex: +3 Will: +10 (currently wearing Cloak of Protection)
PER Roll: +3
Move: 30’ (w/boots of Striding & Springing)
Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword

+2 Greatsword Attack: +14/+9 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2)]
Damage: 2d6+8, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+2 Greatsword Attack: +12/+7 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2) +PA(-2)]
Damage: 2d6+14, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Spells prepared:
0 Level (4) Level 01 (5+1) Level 02 (4+1)
* Detect Magic * Bless * Shatter
* Read Magic * Protection from Evil * Resist Energy
* Light * Detect Evil * Grace
* Guidance * Obscuring Mist * Zone of Truth
* *unassigned * D: Spiritual Weapon
* D: Shield of Faith

Level 03 (4+1) Level 04 (2+1)

* Speak with Dead * Summon Monster IV
* Remove Curse * Divination
* D: Holy Smite
* Dispel Magic
* Searing Light
* D: Heroism

Channeling at current level: Channel 4d6,
DC 18 =(10 + 1/2 Cleric lvl + CHA +2 for Glory) for
Undead to Save.


Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Weylyn inhales deeply as his new friend the chef discusses recipes with their new friend, the pastry maker. He draws back a meaty hand that had been reaching for the little gingerbread man as their host warned him against taking a nibble. As the group is reunited with their other members, the mage is introduced and her motives discussed, the blood-mage quirks an eyebrow.

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Nuthin' t' see here![/sblock]


OOC: The gingerbread golem is fully human sized, so not little.

Andolyn returns carrying some notes, and the butler is behind carrying another tray of goodies, this time leftover bits from the main courses currently being packed up. "My husband has sent samples for your enjoyment from the bits he didn't need for the wedding dinner. Feel free to eat for a bit while I explain the situation as far as I know it; my husband does so enjoy filling people's bellies. My associates and I first ran into this group a few years ago in a barony on the eastern edge of the Baronies. As far as we can tell they originate from the Great Delta or the Great Chasm regions. Aside from pure chaos, their intent is unknown, though reports from an one of the adventurers who first drew our attention to the group suggests that some ancient and powerful source from the Abyss is behind it. My associates believe that they are getting close to finding out more concrete details, but I have not been able to go out there and personally investigate due to the appearance of this group operating under the name you are familiar within Venza itself. I have been tracking them to the best of my ability since their arrival, but even my reasonably extensive network of contacts has been insufficient to glean many details. They have been here a few months and are led by a high priest who, along with a few acolytes, live and operate out of a extradimensional temple anchored to a plain looking slab of dried mud that apparently doubles as their altar. This anchor is periodically moved around at random times and to random places. Pinning down it's exact location at any given time has proven to be exasperating and beyond the means of the few of us that have grown increasingly concerned about the group and its activities. At first, activity was limited and random, but in the last month, it has increased both in quantity and amplitude. Where it started out as followers dying their hair bright pink, we have reached the level you are aware of, with near daily incidents spread out across the city. Something has changed to cause them to openly act, and we don't know what. If any of you know anything further and/or are willing to help track down this temple, your assistance would be greatly appreciated."

Deuce Traveler

Lem shrugs and says, "I was able to follow everything up until the food discussion ended. So where do we go searching for this slab that acts as an altar?"


Larissa does not partake of the offered food, the gingerbread man having somehow put her off of her appetite. But she considers the mage's words.

"Are any of your associates priests?" She asks. "Have you attempted to seek divine guidance?"

[sblock=ooc]For context, she is considering using her own Divination spell.[/sblock]

[sblock=Larissa stat block]
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 93 Current: 93
CMB: +11 CMD: 22
Fort: +11 Reflex: +3 Will: +10 (currently wearing Cloak of Protection)
PER Roll: +3
Move: 30’ (w/boots of Striding & Springing)
Current Weapon in Hand: Greatsword

+2 Greatsword Attack: +14/+9 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2)]
Damage: 2d6+8, Crit: 19-20/x2,
Special: pommel is hollow, contains scripture
Pow Att w/+2 Greatsword Attack: +12/+7 = [BAB(6/1) + STR(4) + WF(1) + Magic(2) +PA(-2)]
Damage: 2d6+14, Crit: 19-20/x2,

Spells prepared:
0 Level (4) Level 01 (5+1) Level 02 (4+1)
* Detect Magic * Bless * Shatter
* Read Magic * Protection from Evil * Resist Energy
* Light * Detect Evil * Grace
* Guidance * Obscuring Mist * Zone of Truth
* *unassigned * D: Spiritual Weapon
* D: Shield of Faith

Level 03 (4+1) Level 04 (2+1)

* Speak with Dead * Summon Monster IV
* Remove Curse * Divination
* D: Holy Smite
* Dispel Magic
* Searing Light
* D: Heroism

Channeling at current level: Channel 4d6,
DC 18 =(10 + 1/2 Cleric lvl + CHA +2 for Glory) for
Undead to Save.


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