D&D 5E Chris Perkins, Dungeon Mastering Tips. Premiers Sept 12, noon Central.


I crit!
Premiers Sept 12 at 12pm Central Secrets of D&D Dungeon Mastering with Chris Perkins
Chris Perkins (Principal Game Design Architect, Dungeons & Dragons), Dungeon Master extraordinaire is here to answer,

"How do you do THAT?!" and give you advice on how to level up your DM game! All are welcome, from the DM-curious to experts!

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Book-Friend, he/him
Premiers Sept 12 at 12pm Central Secrets of D&D Dungeon Mastering with Chris Perkins
Chris Perkins (Principal Game Design Architect, Dungeons & Dragons), Dungeon Master extraordinaire is here to answer,

"How do you do THAT?!" and give you advice on how to level up your DM game! All are welcome, from the DM-curious to experts!
Interesting! I wonder if this is a way to soft launch some of how thr new DMG aporoaches the game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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