3PP Release Chrono Slip Temporal Campaign Setting (free 57 page Primer PDF)

A setting caught up in the middle of a temporal causality loop. While your website says that the loop resets everything, including everyone's minds, I can imagine that everyone is suffering an annoyingly persistent case of deja vu'. 😋 Or at least the PCs are, since they are starting to sense something is really amiss.

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Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
A setting caught up in the middle of a temporal causality loop. While your website says that the loop resets everything, including everyone's minds, I can imagine that everyone is suffering an annoyingly persistent case of deja vu'. 😋 Or at least the PCs are, since they are starting to sense something is really amiss.
Yup! There's a big section of Slip NPCs who don't realize how good they've become after performing the exact same tasks a thousand times (for example, Slip bandit captains are CR 5).

How incredibly horrific a time loop actually is was a frequent topic of discussion among the intro adventure playtesters.

Yup! There's a big section of Slip NPCs who don't realize how good they've become after performing the exact same tasks a thousand times (for example, Slip bandit captains are CR 5).
There was an episode from Stargate: SG1 where two of the main characters took advantage of the time loop they were stuck in by learning a bevy of new skills (how to read, write and speak in Ancient, pottery and wormhole golf. 😋 ). I take it that the PCs will definitely know how good they're becoming with each loop.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
For the record: I literally continually have these moments of "Oh. Well. This is existentially horrifying" and the rest of the group gives me a "What?" and then I express the abject terror I'm experiencing and it's like "Oh, yeah. The Time Knife. We've all seen it." and there's this 20 second silence as we all experience the dread... and then someone makes a joke and we move on.

It's harrowing in some ways. I kinda like it.

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies

The rogue is making good use of the time knife too.

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