3PP Release Chrono Slip Temporal Campaign Setting (free 57 page Primer PDF)

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A5e 3rd Party Publisher!

Awwww, shucks!

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies

The Timelocked Bestiary has been unlocked as an add-on! ($5 PDF, $10 Softcover + PDF)​

Timelocked Bestiary add on button with text.png
  • 20 monsters and NPCs ranging from CR 1 to CR 20!
  • Full Monstrous Menagerie-like treatment with Legends and Lore entries, treasure and encounter lists, and wilderness signs and behavior tables.
  • Hyperlinks for monsters out of the core that take you directly to their statistics on A5E.tools.
  • Plus a DOZEN MAGIC ITEMS you can make out of the remains of these creatures!

Next Stretch Goal: Iconic Adventurers at $5,000​

Iconic Adventurers stretch goal LOCKED.png
When this project reaches $5,000 everyone who gets a PDF or print of Chrono Slip will also get a PDF detailing a quartet of adventurers at 3rd level ready to play so your group can jump straight into the temporal action of Untimely Assault!

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