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City of Doors, City of Lies - Planescape


City of Doors, City of Lies

This ongoing post revolves around my long-term (approaching six year) Planescape campaign. This was my third foray into the PS setting, and obviously my most successful.

The characters initially gathered together as an assembled team, working under a mercenary organization known as the Fiery Blades. The Blades are a retired adventuring party who have found a successful way to earn a living in the relatively stable environment of Sigil. They hire on factioneers who are not so embroiled in their faction agenda, ones who need to earn their keep.

The gathered cast of characters is an interesting one. They are not a ‘good’ party, but I hesitate to call them evil (as a whole at least). Honor means little to them, but loyalty is everything. They accomplish many good deeds, simply for the fact that someone needs to do them and the alternative is usually too heinious to consider. Usually they find a way to have their motivations coincide with what needs to be done (ie. How much are you paying us?)

The group is based out of Sigil, the City of Doors, with travel on the planes occupying between 30 and 40 per cent of the game. The game is heavy into plotting and interaction with NPCs. Factional viewpoints are very important, but philosophy is not as prevalent as I have seen in some games.


I use printed material for my Planescape campaign, including modules and DM sourcebooks. I usually modify the material a great deal to mesh with my game, but in reading these notes, you may ruin some surprises if you intend to play Planescape. I for one, love to be shocked and in suspense in games, so if you’re like me and don’t want to ruin the surprise (albeit a five or six-year old surprise), stop reading. There’s plenty of great original material available on this board already.

Modules used include:
The Eternal Boundary
Well of Worlds (partial)
Planes of Conflict insert
Into the Abyss
For Duty & Deity (partial)
Tales From the Infinite Staircase (partial)
The Great Modron March
Dead Gods
Something Wild (upcoming)
Fires of Dis (upcoming)
Faction War (upcoming)

Also used are several NPCs and plothooks out of:
The Factol’s Manifesto
Uncaged: Faces of Sigil
Online Resources such as the Mimir


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Cast of Characters

In order of introduction, here are the players characters at their current levels or last levels before leaving:

Tira Mythrilspear – Female Human Fighter 8 - Transcendant Order

Tira is a human female with tanned skin and long, raven hair (think Native American descent). She hails from the Outlands city of Faunel, the gate-town to the Beastlands. She lived in Sigil for a little over a year before meeting the group, learning the precepts of her faction and performing menial tasks assigned to namers like her. Tira is usually found with either her bow and arrows or a number of short spears strapped to her back.

Killian Darkweaver – Male Drow Rogue 9 – Doomguard

Killian is a mean-spirited Drow elf that hails from the gate-town of Curst, and before that the plane of Carceri. His people are a colony of Vhaerun worshippers, those who chose to worship a male god instead of the matriarchal following of Lloth. He quickly learned the ways of treachery and theft to support himself. He entered the city of doors a few years before, and found a place where he could belong. Soon he learned of the Doomguard’s philosophy, and it fit him naturally. Killian bears an athletic build, with grey eyes and silver hair (which is frequently dyed). Killian’s weapon of choice is currently a Salt Blade short sword, given to him by his faction.

Quinn Blackhorne – Male Minotaur Fighter 8 – Xaositects

Quinn, the Minotaur, was raised by two hag sisters that came to Sigil fifteen years ago. They established a bar called Crone’s with a secret pit-fighting arena below the building. Quinn helped them and learned the arts of fighting and showmanship over the years. His inherent chaotic nature surfaced, and it was easy for him to fit into the ranks of the Xaositects. Quinn has cloven hooves, and with horns he stands an impressive nine-foot in heighth. His fur is dark brown and his large horns are ebony black, one of which has been painted with a mural by Tira.

Kesdran Astahl – Male Tiefling Wizard 4 – Doomguard

Kesdran is a tiefling member of the Doomguard. He grew up in the Cage with relatively little knowledge of his family. Taken in by a wizard needing an apprentice to help maintain his household, he grew up learning bits and pieces of magic. Once his time came to leave, he wandered out and sought the faction that appealed to him most – the Doomguard. Kesdran ran across the Fiery Blades early in his career and signed up with them for a chance to earn some extra jink.

Cross – Male Human Fighter 4 – Believers of the Source

Cross is a man who fell into a particularly bad sequence of events. He became amorous with a woman who was taken, and her Guvner husband found out. Using the system against him, Cross was framed and sent to the Prison. From there, he was relocated out to one of the Mercykiller’s secret encampments in Carceri. Along with the help of others, Cross did the impossible and escaped from his confinement. Forced to travel the Planes for a year, he eventually made his way back to Sigil where he has taken on a new identity as a Prime without a faction.

Slim – Male Tiefling Wild Mage 7 – Fated

Slim is a tall, particularly thin tiefling with dark green skin and no hair. He found work in Sigil easily, working for the Planar Trade Consortium. His factional choice was the Fated, as their aggressive style matched his personality. After a series of jobs, he went to have a discussion with one of the merchant lords of the organization. It turned out that there was a new task for Slim, to join with a group called the Fiery Blades and see what he could learn from them. Slim wears light robes, but makes no moves to disguise his heritage from others.

Scar – Male Skaven Cleric 6 / Wizard 1 – Dustmen

Scar is a skaven, a race of rat-like humanoids hailing from an unnamed Prime world. Following guidance from his lord, the Great Horned Rat, Scar travelled through a portal that led him into Sigil. This was a new place for him to spread the word and the will of his deity. To assist him, he enlisted with the Dustmen, embracing their interests in Death and Unlife. Still he found work within the faction to bore him, so he enlisted with the Fiery Blades as a chance to gain more insight about the planes.

DM’s note: An odd grouping, as you’ll find out. You will see that I occasionally borrow from other game worlds or literature, such as Scar’s race. The player and I both liked the race of rat-men from Warhammer, so I allowed him to play one. So far, I’m very happy I did. Planescape is a crossroads, and to that extent I believe you can find all races there, some rarer than others. I feel that it adds to that intriguing, otherworldly feel.


The Year of the Broken Wheel
Spar 11th [ Day 1 ]

[ DM’s note: This is a variation of the module ‘To Baator and Back’ from Well of Worlds and ‘Hot Time in Darkspine’ from the Planes of Law boxed set. I would have prepared a well-crafted, homespun entrance into the campaign, but the game was a last-minute idea we put together. ]

The tale begins, surprisingly enough, in a backwater town on an unknown Prime world. We see a young woman enter the Grumpy Goat, a local tavern. She blends with the populace, being tan-skinned with straight dark hair. She has a bow and arrow with her, which draws a few looks but no one is terribly concerned. They have other matters to gossip about.

Such as the figure that’s been seated in the corner for the past two hours. The barmaid has seen nothing but the odd traveller’s cloak and gloves. He paid for his drinks with local silver coins, but everyone in the bar knew he was an outsider. The female notes the mysterious figure in the back and moves to sit at his table.

The female is named Tira. She has been in the town for a matter of days, learning the lay of the land and picking up pieces of chant here and there. The cloaked figure is named Killian Darkweaver. She alone knows why he is cloaked – no one in this town had likely ever seen an elf, let alone a black-skinned Drow. Their plan has been for her to find as much information as possible, and when he arrives, they would act on it. Their mutual ‘mission’ is to locate a magical item, a spoon, that had been held by a wizard here. Tira has a good idea of where they need to look.

Leaving the tavern, they have more freedom to speak. Tira had found no information regarding a magical spoon, but other news interested her. One of the local farmboys had gone missing the day she arrived, and had not returned. She had spoken to a friend of his and learned that they used to play out by an old ramshackle building an hour’s walk away from town. He spoke of some odd things that happened around the building. So the two of them head out of the town and to this building.

Amongst overgrown grass, they find a dilapidated building that could be over a hundred years old. Everything is quiet, so the two carefully investigate. Killian throws back his hood, revealing lengthy, silver hair. From under the cloak, he draws a short sword, just in case. Tira has a spear that she retrieved from her room. They move through the ancient house, splitting up to check different rooms. Within, there is no sign of the boy that disappeared earlier.

Tira finds a closet from which she can hear shuffling movement. She opens the door and finds two bizarre forms emerging – Demons! She stabs one of the lemures, then retreats a few steps before skewering the other. She calls out to Killian, but there is no answer.

While she was checking the closet, Killian entered another room where paper and great amounts of dust coated the floor. As he disturbs the dust, it begins to rise and rotate around the room, revealing an inscribed circle on the wood beneath. As Killian begins to utter a curse, he is transported out of the room.

Tira leaves the melting demon corpses and moves through the house to the kitchen. Searching through the cupboards, she does run across a spoon of some note. It is undecorative, but it has no stains or rust on it from over the years. She pockets it and goes to find Killian. She locates the room where he had went and catches a few papers settling. At that instant, she makes her decision and walks in, and is subsequently transported to…

A blasted landscape under a blood red sky. Baator, the plane of Order and Evil. Once there, they began to meet the natives and brave the hazards of that foul land. They encounter a rude barbazau that guards the portal. They pay him to stay, but he flies up after they’re out of sight. Sensing that he plans to betray them, Tira shoots him down out of the sky.

Continuing on, they find an old cave with a hut inside. As they approach, they are webbed by a spell by Hexla the witch. She threatens to burn the webs and them unless they answer her questions. After finding out that they’re not fiends, she releases them and invites them inside. She acts very congenial, and asks them if they could bring her some special ingredients or herbs that could help her transport her way off of this plane. She tells them that they could question the Pillar of Skulls and see if it knows a way for them to leave the plane. After they leave, she sends messages informing the pit fiend Bel of the travellers in his realm.

They run across and speak with the Pillar of Skulls, the undying heads of sages who betrayed the trust of others. They witness the pillar arguing amongst itself, and different heads trying to make bargains for information. In exchange for information on a portal home, they give it a few books they found in the wizard’s mound. The pillar directs the heroes towards the town of Darkspine.

Further hazards in Baator include them traversing the River of Blood, and avoiding the marching fiends from Bel’s fortress. Eventually they come to the town of Darkspine. Darkspine is a former Gate-town from the Outlands. It slid over to Baator a while back, but the resistance still fights there to keep the fiends from completely overrunning the town. The two adventurers are aided by this resistance in escaping the fiends. While waiting in the resistance’s makeshift headquarters, Killian figures out what is so special about the spoon, and uses its ability to produce food for the dwindling supplies of the resistance. They bypass the layer of fiendish guards at the Gate, through and back to the Outlands. In exchange for this help, the two agree to return sometime in the future and see about bringing weapons back to fight with.

The adventurers weasel their way through Ribcage, the new Gate-town. As they first arrive, they run across a guard and fool him by pretending to be lovers that had hid there to be alone. They talk him up some, and he gives some suggestions about making their way around. They shill out some jink to get the new symbol of the week for Ribcage, so patrols won’t stop and arrest them. Eventually, the two make their way back to Sigil. It’s nighttime when they arrive, so they plan to meet at the ‘workplace’ in the morning.


Spar 12th – [ Day 2 ]

Killian and Tira meet up at the Exchange, the headquarters for their employers. They both work for an organization known as the Fiery Blades. The Blades are somewhat of a mercenary organization that employs members of various factions to take on jobs ‘out of town’. They go speak to their mutual boss, Felinca. She is a githzerai female, somewhat attractive by human standards (and most likely unattractive by her own race). Felinca sent them on the mission, and she collects the magical spoon that they obtained. After a bit of haggling, she agrees to give them more jink based on their exploits and lets them have free reign for about a week.

In this time, Killian hooks up with the den of thieves operating from the Blades and works at training for his skills. He is being trained and supervised by a man named Gunther Travestane, one of the original members of the Fiery Blades. Tira also spends some time working at her faction headquarters, learning some new skills.

Spar 14th – [ Day 4 ]

Felinca introduces Tira to Quinn Blackhorne, a minotaur. She asks Tira to accompany him around the city, and get used to her new traveling companion. Quinn is an interesting sort: he claims to be a bard, although he occasionally dabbles in pit-fighting. The new pair leaves a message for Killian to meet them at Fortune’s Wheel, one of the ritzier bars in Sigil. Killian bides his time before going, pilfering and pickpocketing in the Grand Bazaar.

At Fortune’s Wheel, the characters get to know some of the locals, and get a mind for the general setup of the influential tavern. Tira and Quinn lose extensive sums playing the Wheel itself. They listen to the head of the dragon at the Dragon Bar. Killian investigates the wheeling and dealing going on within the card-playing room. Killian also talks to Estrella, the albino elven singer, but doesn’t get too far. After drinking a decent amount, the characters decide to leave to get some food.

Bad fate takes the characters to a hostile little bar known as the Tenth Pit. Inside, they quickly get an idea of the situation with the tanar’ri on one side and the baatezu on the other. They meet Thal’ralist, the boisterous steam mephit servant, and Cregid, the unfriendly owner. A few insults about mortals are thrown their way and they almost get into a scuffle with some locals, but wisely think against it. After dining on some ‘interesting’ fare, they leave for the night.

All this time, the characters have been paying attention to a new construction that the Xaositects have been working on in the Lower Ward. They are building a tower, something of a spoke to bridge across the inner expanse of Sigil. [For those who don’t know, Sigil is a city comprised on the inside of a torus, an open doughnut shape] Things look shaky but the Xaositects are dedicated to their work and continue unabated. Quinn talks to a few of the workers, fellow factioneers, and gets an idea of what they plan for the project.

After an enjoyable evening, the characters head home for the night.


Spar 15th – [ Day 5 ]

The next day, each of the characters receive a message to meet their boss, Felinca at the Blades’ HQ. After a bit of bargaining, they agree to another extraplanar mission. This one entails traveling to the plane of Arborea in search of a bariaur named Beauregard, a former member of the Fiery Blades. The higher-ups simply want to find out what has happened to him since he still has money pending his return to Sigil. They’ve tried to reach him for a few years, but he has never come back for it. They are to travel to his last-known position, the tree known as Grandfather Oak, and locate this bariaur.

They are provided with the location of an existing portal that will deposit them a few days from the base of Grandfather Oak. Unfortunately, the dark of the portal is unknown to them. They ask around some and determine that Tivvum’s Antiquities is the shop to go to. Alluvius Ruskin is a small tiefling lady who runs a shop just for portal keys. They meet her and talk of some various things, finding the key that they need, two silver earrings looped together. She helps them out and gauges them as per their magical capabilities. Killian is tempted to lift one or two of the wealth of items that she has in the store, but it seems too easy. Nothing is left that wide open without a defense of some sort.

With the key taken care of, the group heads for the portal in the Hive Ward. The portal is a doorway upstairs in a tenement that should have long been condemned. After bribing their way past one of the bubbers that makes his home there, they enter the portal and venture into Arborea.

They arrive within an immense forest, where canopies of trees that block out most of the light. They hear and see the gigantic wildlife that inhabit the area. It takes them two entire days of travel within the forest, where they forage and hunt for their food. During this time, they get to know one another. Quinn tries to entertain them with his lute (that is much too small), and at the start his playing is not too bad. A bit discordant, but not awful. Then he begins to sing and is quickly silenced by his friends.

“ You’re going to scare the trees away.”


Spar 17th – [ Day 7 ]

As they travel through this elven realm, they see the wonder of the giant trees and all of nature around them. Quinn is enraptured by the beauty, claiming that he never spent much time in the great outdoors. Soon enough, the group arrives at the town of Grandfather Oak, an enormous treant that houses hundreds of people and plenty of shops.

In Grandfather Oak, they meet with Trillamir Evensong, a capable elf who acts as a mayor and adjudicator for the town. They check in at the Town Office, giving their names and some minor information. Killians stays cloaked the entire time, reluctant to display his nature around this village of elves. As they go to find an inn, Killian takes notice of some abandoned buildings on the path. They aren’t boarded up, but they remain undisturbed, filled with dust and cobwebs He recognizes a symbol to be of Drow origin. These buildings were once workshops of Lloth’s followers, but now they are abandoned by the Drow who left this realm. They go to the Strong Branch Inn and get rooms for a nightly basis.

As darkness descends, Killian moves back out to go investigate the buildings without mentioning it to his friends. As he moves around inside, a portal opens and two twisted variants of elves move into the room from the hearth. They are not dark-skinned Drow like himself; their appearance is more grey and wicked in appearance. They say no words, but their moves are threatening, so he draws his sword. A fight ensues against these warped elves, and he finds himself pressed as more figures emerge through the portal. Small dark fairies fly through the portal, heading outside of the shop and towards the inn.

Quinn steps outside of the inn, curious about his friend. He sees the ensuing fight, but is struck silly by magicks from a faerie. Tira is beset by the fairies as she has been relaxing with a meal. The faeries fly in casting destructive magicks, and she has a tough time of it. Killian holds his own in the workshop fight, but he notices a few more of the twisted villains entering the fray.

After a little time, Quinn frees himself from the enchantment and moves up to help Killian. They both glance over to see Evensong fighting against a dark warrior with a skull helmet, the two evenly matched. Quinn and Killian dispatch the warped elves, followed by Killian moving to help Evensong, Quinn moving to investigate the weaver building. As Quinn enters, he hears chanting and sees an elven mage who entered in after the warriors. He blasts him with a magic missile and immediately prepares to cast another enchantment on him. Luckily for Quinn, the mage’s magic isn’t great enough to overcome him. Quinn lunges forward, trying to snag the mage, but he darts back through the portal.

Killian moves up to Evensong and tries to backstab the dark knight. He grazes him and earns the knight’s attention. The battle continues, with the two elves getting an upper hand on the armored warrior. The dark knight is heavily wounded and pitched over the side railing, where he plummets to the ground. As he falls, the faeries that are seem to realize that they are doomed and flee. Tira’s bow finds her mark as another flies away.

The group gathers, studying the situation. There is an awkwardness between Trillamir and Killian, with Killian being drow. Many thanks are given, and they make arrangements to find Beauregard, the original purpose of his visit. Quinn wants them to check the portal, and when they do, two drow elves in blackened armor step through, hauling the body of the mage. They explain that the portal led to their realm, and that these mockeries from the Unseelie Court had slipped through. The drow feel that if anyone were to use it to reach Grandfather, it should be them. They acknowledge Killian but don’t question him.

Once again, Evensong thanks them for their timely assistance, and bids them a good night.

Spar 18th – [ Day 8 ]

The next day, the group meets Beauregard and encourage him to come with them. He is very reluctant, happy to enjoy the vibrant weather of Arborea. Surprisingly enough, the minotaur agrees with his position. Quinn is not violently opposed to leaving the plane, but he emphasizes to his companions that he really would like to stay. Killian is prepared to leave him after the songs he’s belted out, but Tira is the calming voice that convinces him to return to the city of Doors. She realized that there is some great enchantment on the plane that makes it difficult to leave. This is most likely the reason that Beauregard stayed here for so long. Before leaving, they each are promised a reward from Evensong. Tira collects now, getting a few bottles of fae wine. Quinn requests a harp fashioned from wood of the area. Much to everyone’s groans, he agrees and promises to have the harp for him upon his next visit. Killian’s request is a bit grand: he asks that they reopen the workshops and speak with the drow that hold the other end of the portal about reopening a new silk-spinning shop.

The group leaves on a two-day trek to return to Sigil.


Spar 20th – [ Day 10 ]

Mid-day, the characters return to Sigil. Quinn lapses into an immediate depression, but it only lasts him an hour or so before he finds something new and interesting to focus upon. Beauregard is escorted back to the Exchange and he has a lengthy conversation with Felinca behind closed doors. Afterwards, the characters are paid for their excursion and released for a few days time. They each want to get some rest and attend to some other studies, so they agree to meet as a group in a few days time.

Spar 21st – [ Day 11 ]

The next day, Tira makes arrangements at the Great Gymnasium (headquarters of the Transcendent Order), speaking with Randir O La, an elven swordsman. She asks about the best place for her to order her thoughts within Sigil. He suggests that she go to a nearby garden and relax. She is intrigued, as the generally inhospitable weather of Sigil makes growing any plants other than razorvine difficult. He reassures her, and says that he will make arrangements for her training. She is looking for someone with skill in thrown weapons. Randir turns on the charm as the conversation progresses, and the pair also make plans to go to dinner that night.

Killian meets with Quinn and leads him to the Armory. Quinn has expressed an interest in custom-made weaponry, and Killian knows no better place than his faction headquarters. Two men (loosely speaking) run the armaments: Spragg , a small bookish man handles all of the paperwork, while a smug cambion named Ely Cromlich tests and displays all of the weaponry. Quinn speaks to them about crafting weighted daggers large enough for the minotaur. Quinn immediately warms to Ely, their conversations quickly moving to tales of fighting and gladiatorial combat. Spragg tests the waters with Killian, judging how much he tows the faction line. Arrangements for weapons are made, and will be completed, dealt with later.

Tira goes to the garden and meets Kanishi, an old nipponese man who doesn’t speak much. He points for her to go and work the garden. The garden is actually not what she originally thought – instead of vegetation, it is a small pond and shore of colored stones arranged in a pattern. She grabs a rake and does okay, trying to arrange a grand new pattern. Kanishi advises her to start small and leaves her to work. After a few hours, Randir arrives and they go to the Silken Flower, a posh restaurant in the Lady’s Ward.

The Xaositect construction site is in full effect. There have been a few incidents from bad planning and a small series of accidents have killed fourteen and injured more. Harmonium patrols are on the watch there constantly. The other site near the Hall of Records is garnering much interest as well.

Quinn and Killian decide to try and get Quinn a combat match for the night. They go through a bit of rigmarole track Tira and send her a message. Then they head for the Lower Ward to go to Crone’s, the arena that Quinn fights at the most. Inside they meet Nester Filspar, the hag proprietriss who runs the tavern portion of the building. Quinn is well-known to her, but she has to appraise Killian before allowing him to go downstairs. He passes her inspection, but is made to wait as Quinn heads down to Tizzermahden, the arena that secretly lurks underneath the building. Quinn speaks with Agnes, the scarier sister of the two. After a little bargaining, they set up a match for the night.

Tira and Randir arrive, taking in the common-looking bar. After meeting with Nester, they are given the nod and head down to Tizzermahden. Bets are made and wages are won before the night is out. Killian talks with some young nobles and exacts a good wager from them. Quinn makes his grand entrance into the pit and begins fight with a squat hobgoblin called Gorvak. The match is bareknuckles, with neither wearing armor or brandishing weapons. The minotaur wins the fight, and the two become fast friends. Some working-class men tell Tira and Randir about another arena, the Bottle & Jug, thinking that Quinn would be good there. With a smirk on his face, Killian takes the nobles for some jink, and leaves them with a decidedly foul taste in their mouths.

Tira and Randir leave, heading back for Tira’s place. He escorts her home, and she invites him up for some of the fae wine she got from Arvandor. They drink a good amount and he stays the night. Quinn and Killian hook up and make their way to the Night Market so Quinn can look for some caps for his horns. Killian practices the cross-trade, swiping some coins from a walk-by without being caught. Quinn doesn’t find exactly what he needs, but in his distraction, he does acquire some paints with which to paint his horns. The drow and minotaur meet back up and head for the Tenth Pit for a few drinks.

The Tenth Pit is roaring as usual. They slide over to the tanar’ri side of the tavern and have a seat at a table near one with a lone marilith. Killian goes to the back where some fiends are playing ‘darts’ with a helpless man pinned up against the wall. Killian asks if he can play, apparently trying to prove his merit to these tanar’ri. The first tanar’ri tries to intimidate him into leaving, but Killian proves he is of sterner steel. He gets jostled some by the tanar’ri, but eventually they let him play. The stakes: If he wins, he gets twenty jink, if he loses, he’s the dart board. A bit shaken by the game, Killian’s aim is poor and he ends up losing the contest.

Meanwhile, Quinn is approached by the six-armed marilith, who is intrigued by his presence there. She speaks with him for a bit, revealing that her name is Selazzj. They flirt a bit, a dangerous pairing, and then she straightforward asks if he’d be interested in a simple job. She wants him to deliver a sealed message for Shemeska the Marauder. He listens for a bit and accepts, figuring what harm can it do? There conversation turns a bit more friendly, until they take interest in what is happening to Killian.

The fiends have grabbed Killian and are hauling him to the wall make him the new dart board. He breaks lose as Quinn speaks up and distracts the fiends. Killian bolts off the landing and towards the door, quickly followed by the fiends, and then by Quinn. The fiends give chase but fail to catch Killian. When they angrily turn on the minotaur, Quinn plays it off in true Xaositect fashion:

“ Why did you follow us? You knew him, didn’t you? “
“ What? I thought you guys were having a race…”

Quinn returns to the bar for another drink. Selazzj comes to him and asks if he’d be interested in any other deals for the rest of the night. They leave and pursue things best not spoken of.

[Okay, looking back, this meeting between the minotaur and the marilith is a bit insane. Minotaurs are known to be powerful evil creatures, even in the Abyss, and it piqued the marilith’s whimsical interests. Of course, we find out later that sexy serpentine ladies might just have other agendas.]


Tarmy story!
Please, go on, and you will have a lot of cutters reading it, as sure as Sigil.

I'm leaving word of it to the fellow bloods of Planewalker's Guild forum and sure, they are coming here to read it...


Glad you like it. This campaign has kept me going for years, and there are so many things that I still intend to do with it. The players are awesome - over half of the plots they get involved in are direct relations of actions they take on their own. You can't ask for more than that as a GM.

And a funny side note. One of the NPCs, introduced in the recent segment, is named Randir. And yes, for those PS veterans of the old message boards, I snagged the name from that fun guy Randir O La. Can't remember why exactly, except I thought the name was cool. The character ended up sticking around for a lot longer than originally anticipated. And he's wayyyy different from our net guy, Randir. This NPC actually gets along with people. ;) [ Hey Randir, if you're out there, drop a line. It would be good to see if you've mellowed over the years. ]

Up next: Fortunes in the Lady's Ward. And we learn that guard dogs in Sigil may be more than one bargains for.
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Spar 22nd [ Day 12 – part one ]

Tira begins her next day early, going to meet with the man recommended by Randir. She goes to a moderate-sized warehouse off in the Market Ward near the edge. She is greeted by Orem, a well-muscled man with broad, friendly features. His black hair is long in the front, but the back does not reach beyond his shoulders. As he allows her entry into the warehouse, she inquires about learning the art of the spear. She sees an extensive rack of spears and javelins along one wall and knows that she has come to the right place.

Quinn returns to the Armory to speak more with Ely Cromlich about his weapons. He is considerably sore from his night with the marilith. Certain wounds inflicted the night before have yet to heal, an oddity for the hardy minotaur. Ely has already contacted a smith he recommends about the short swords. He pays for the remainder of his account, and talks about his recent gladiatorial matches. Ely mentions the need to spar some more, and suggests matching up against Quinn. Quinn hesitates, but says he will consider it in the next few days. Quinn leaves the Doomguard and heads to the Fortune’s Wheel, on the other side of the Lady’s Ward. Quinn asks a barkeep about Shemeska, the King of the Cross-Trade. The young man looks down and informs him that she usually doesn’t come around until night-time. Nonplussed, Quinn decides that he will return in the nighttime.

Killian goes and speaks with Gunther Travestane, the man in charge of the cross-trading (ie Thieving) within the Fiery Blades. Gunther had mentioned a possible job for him, and now has things more lined up. He tells him of a second-story job in a merchant’s house in the Market Ward. Gunther provides him a contact to meet at the Mermaid’s Cups at lunch, so he can get details on the job. He goes to meet the ex-servant at the restaurant. The man, Wilhelm, tells him of his former boss, Jonas Bihle. He wants Killian to break in and retrieve a medallion for him that would have gone to him before he was released from service. He gives Killian a charcoal-sketched map to the house, and they part ways.

Training with Orem proves to be very grueling for Tira. His methods are exacting, forcing her to practice the same maneuvers again and again. She does learn the rudiments of the skill, and he shows her ways she can practice on her own. She is allowed a break once during the affair, only when Orem receives visitors. As she lies there sweating, she sees Orem speaking to two men who look like brothers. Their conversation is too quiet for her to hear, so she utilizes the time to rest and recuperate.

Killian and Quinn meet up later in the day and head towards the Great Gymnasium in hopes of finding Tira. Quinn harasses the young factioneer at the greeting desk until she locates their friend. By this time, she is already there at the Gymnasium, receiving a massage after the endless workout with Orem. She redresses and meets the others, where the typical antagonistic banter starts. After a bit of discussion, they decide to move back to Fortune’s Wheel and attend to their respective business.

As they approach Fortune’s Wheel from the rear, they see the Singing Fountain. Each had heard the discordant noises issuing from this area, but none had actually stopped to watch. They see a graceful woman entertaining the crowd with little effort. She is dressed in long black and blue robes and her hair is festooned with a variety of grey feathers. The fountain itself is a large pool with a ‘tree’ of metallic basins that pour water into one another, each producing a ringing sound. They witness the woman giving a young man a drink from a ladle, and soon afterwards his voice is replaced by an unearthly song. When he stops, she reaches over and whispers in his ear, apparently translating his fortune.

Quinn and Tira volunteer to have their fortune’s told. As Tira watches, she dips the ladle into the fountain (which has a number of pigeon feathers floating within) and proffers it to her. After an exchange of coins, Tira drinks and sings the song. The woman, who introduces herself as Black Marian, whispers to Tira.

“ You would do well to beware the many who are one, young lady.”
“ Your dreams will herald the answers you seek.”

Tira nods, and then in a Cipher moment, Tira decides to begin something she thought of earlier. She removes an arrow from her quiver, snaps it in two and tosses the halves into the well. Black Marian looks at her quizzically, but says nothing. Quinn takes his turn next, and sings possibly better than he has ever sang before.

“ A friend will need your help in the midnight hour, yet you may not know of it.”
“ Do not get swept up in the cause of many, for while it seems good, it harbors more trouble than you know.”

Killian chooses not to participate in the fortune-telling. He recognized Black Marian as a member of the Godsmen, and their preachings of rebirth have always conflicted with the Doomguard’s philosophy of entropy. He idles his time, tossing coins at the basin to try and disrupt the sounds of the basin. He doesn’t raise the ire of Black Marian, which was his true purpose. When the pair are finished singing, the somewhat confused group leaves and heads into Fortune’s Wheel.

to be continued...
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