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City of the Spider Queen


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OOC: Couldn't find the post where Merlion wanted to check out the villages. Might have been my imagination. :\

As the last of the party arrives, Rashak asks "To the crypts, then?"

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Merin's horse seems quite uncomfortable bearing him and the wizard himself seems to be busy trying not to show his own inexperience and discomfort. It doesn't help, that the touch of his cloak seems to unnerve poor 'Feather' all the more. Rashak's question is a welcome divertion.

We should go to the village nearest to the crypts first, assess the damage, and ask any locals we might meet about the place. If we can reach it long enough before dark, we could then continue to the crypts and take their measure. Speaking from a purely tactical point of view, it would be a bad idea to make camp at the crypts, though - until we've scouted out the area properly the drow raiders would have us at disadvantage, even though it's us, who would do the ambushing.


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As the others begin to discuss what to do, Hazrael attempts to calm the horses. He does this with a combination of mental words of comfort and experienced strokes along their necks.

This is why i didn't get a horse. They are entirely unnecessary for this journey, and if the Drow are as viscious as Lord Morn has said, will likely be the first to fall on the field. I only hope my companions are better riders than they appear, or the horses will be more a liability than an advantage

When Merlion suggests going to the villages first, Hazrael finally speaks

I agree, to the villages. We should get moving

Hazrael stands finishes with the horses and stands upright. His stance suggests readiness.
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Rashak nods towards Merlion. He suspected the wizard, who he's travelled with and learned to trust, would want to find out more. A warrior like Rashak didn't need much preparation, but for one such as Merlion, knowledge was power.

He watches as Hazrael calms the horses. How does he do that? And why doesn't he have a horse? He's going to slow us down on foot. This one could be a liability. Still, that Randal Morn fellow wanted him along. We'll see.

"You should ride with one of us to keep up, Hazrael," Jyren said, looking to the others for agreement, "If we are to check these villages we may need much of the day, and one of us on foot would slow the rest of us down."

He attempted a smile, doing his best to show that it was a friendly suggestion and not meant as anything else. For some reason, Jyren felt worried that he would threaten the others in the group with words like that.


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Hazrael turns to Jyren. After a somewhat awkward silence, Hazrael addresses him: Perhaps you are right. As to why I did not choose one for myself, I did not see the need for a distance of ten miles and a small load. But if you think I would slow you down, I can ride with one of you. It seems your horse is somewhat jumpy; I don't think you would have a problem if I took the reins, would you?

As he mounts in front of Jyren, Hazrael nods to the hawk perched on his shoulder, which flares its wings and takes flight.

Watch the road in front of us, Erin, and behind as well. Circle from above, and if you tire come back to my shoulder. Tell me if you see any person, or anything strange ... and this time I don't want to know about every tasty squirrel running around ... good girl
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In time I could get used to this, Merion thinks. All the scenery, none of the travail of walking ... Now if only I knew how to go about this exactly ...

After about an hour (or at the first sign of trouble) Merion manages to convey to his horse that he wants to go a little slower. After shaking his right hand free of the sleeve and (daringly) also of his right reign he draws a small circle into the air and speaks two words of chaining. For a moment there is a golden shimmer in the air around him as the spell takes effect. After that he continues to ride on normally.

Casting mage armor to bring the AC up to 19. Excepting unusual circumstances there should be no chance of failure. Look in the OOC thread for what Merion plans to do exactly.
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Jyren moved to allow Hazrael to take the reigns, having no problem with this at all. In fact, it was now much easier to just sit and only worry about falling off.

((OOC: Jyren is pretty much fine with following the others, but will want to check out houses/ruins left behind for any traces left behind))


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Day 1 - On the road

You've been traveling for close to one hour before the path turns west. According to the map you are getting close to the arrea where the raids were comitted. To the south of the path you see a farmhouse. Cattle is grassing outside in the fields, and you can see a young man tending to a field of corn not far from the road.


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After exchanging a look with Rashak and nodding toward the man, Merion leaves the path and rides towards the farmhouse. He dismounts with some difficulty and leads Feather by the reigns stopping next to the field. Out of pure habit he closes his right eye for a moment and lets his spirit sight take over before speaking.

Hail, friend, could you give me a few minutes of your time? Lord Morn has sent us. Merion tries to be as cordial and friendly as possible.

(assuming the man comes nearer and seems willing to talk)
You see, me and my friends here are tasked with putting an end to the raids, that have been occuring in the general area. Do you perchance know the location of one of the raided villages or anything else, that might be useful in this endeavour?

Using spirit sight to detect undead or hidden forces in the vicinity, then diplomacy (+10).

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