Pathfinder 2E Class/subclass for these traits



My Group is starting a new campaign. We're playing classes that fit our personalities based off traits that each player has said about each other.

Factual, prefer hard facts

Plan everything in advance. Adaptable if need be

Blunt and tell it as Is



Imaginative but not super creative

Narrow things down and organize

Value on details and the past

Obsess over meanings


Thrive on comfort and predictability

Love space and science and gothic horror

Logical and Rational

Good at bridging gaps with communication if there's a misunderstanding


Read a lot

Love to learn about new things.

Must understand before doing

Rebellious when need be

Somewhat selfish

Not a very chaotic person

Can be aggressive

Easily stand up for myself

Weightlift everyday, like working out

Knowledge is important and believe everyone should have opportunities to learn

Very protective

Competitive and don't like losing

Really enjoy strategy games and puzzles

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i think investigator would probably fit best, especially since you can pick up predictive purchaser which gives you both prescient consumable and a buffed version of prescient planner. the empiricism methodology matches up pretty well with what you've put here.

you could probably also get away with magus or inventor if you think investigator wouldn't fit your campaign super well. for magus, inexorable iron or sparkling targe would both fit (depending on whether you want a shield or a two-hander). i can't really help you with inventor.


Were playing a dark fantasy/gothic horror campaign
i think investigator would probably fit best, especially since you can pick up predictive purchaser which gives you both prescient consumable and a buffed version of prescient planner. the empiricism methodology matches up pretty well with what you've put here.

you could probably also get away with magus or inventor if you think investigator wouldn't fit your campaign super well. for magus, inexorable iron or sparkling targe would both fit (depending on whether you want a shield or a two-hander). i can't really help you with inventor.

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