Unearthed Arcana Class Variant One of the Most Popular UAs


As it says in the Title the Class Variant UA got some of the most positive feed back of any UA. It also got the most responses of any UA. You add those together and it means it's heading to somekind of D&D product to become official.

Side note he called the Oath of the Watch Planar Cops, said that the way of mercy monk is intended to have a more Western aesetic then other monks which have more Eastern inspiration, the Beast Barbarian was a Barbarian because Barbarians are less simply nature lovers and more beastial themselves, the Noble Genie Patron for Warlocks is entended to be more personal then other Patrons, more involved then say a Shadowy background Patron like you might find in say the Fiend Pact.

PS I noticed all four subclasses have a Planar theme, Beast Barbarian screams the Beastlands, Oath of the Watchers Sigil, Monk Upper Planes, and Noble Genie Elemental Planes. I could be wrong.

PSS I learn this watching Dragon+ on Twitch were I also learned Australians list energy instead of carbs on food.

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Book-Friend, he/him
As it says in the Title the Class Variant UA got some of the most positive feed back of any UA. It also got the most responses of any UA. You add those together and it means it's heading to somekind of D&D product to become official.

Side note he called the Oath of the Watch Planar Cops, said that the way of mercy monk is intended to have a more Western aesetic then other monks which have more Eastern inspiration, the Beast Barbarian was a Barbarian because Barbarians are less simply nature lovers and more beastial themselves, the Noble Genie Patron for Warlocks is entended to be more personal then other Patrons, more involved then say a Shadowy background Patron like you might find in say the Fiend Pact.

PS I noticed all four subclasses have a Planar theme, Beast Barbarian screams the Beastlands, Oath of the Watchers Sigil, Monk Upper Planes, and Noble Genie Elemental Planes. I could be wrong.

PSS I learn this watching Dragon+ on Twitch were I also learned Australians list energy instead of carbs on food.

Good, glad to hear it: that UA had good material.


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
I'd never heard of this UA until my group started asking for permission to use it recently, which I granted.

This really feels like 5.5 or errata material, stuff they would add to the PHB if they could. Nothing major, just little quality-of-life changes for each class.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle

I just wish they’d make an option for adding the ranger options, rather than than using them as replacements, so that my DDB Rangers could eventually use them without me having to create unwieldy homebrew subclasses to do the job.


I'm looking forward to the next book with all of these options.

PS. Australians also list carbs on their food labels. Similar to us in NZ.

Voidrunner's Codex

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