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Shadow Leaf

First Post
What if there were general classes, like schools or something? That might be good for some of the newer players, and the more experianced players can teach the classes. plus it would help the new players meet more people.

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Shadow Leaf

First Post

I know, I think it would be pretty fun, there could be different classes for the different races (elven history=elf for teacher, dragon history=dragon for teacher, etc), and there are also so many other subjects that could be "taught"


First Post
I agree with the idea Shadow Leaf!

Because we all love learning!

*murmurs*Even if we don't like school*end murmur*

But let's see what everyone else thinks first.


First Post
Not a bad Idea, and not one that needs a whole lot of suppoert. Many chars are teachers. To do the clasees have your char post a schedule on the IC boards.

Shadow Leaf

First Post
classes about "things" Bari., and as for the schedule I am not really sure, I guess I would have to get some feedback from other players...

Infernal Scribe

First Post
I've be playing "hookey" :)

but this is a old story being resurfaced again. In the old days of lore, ISRP had sessions run by Wizos that would act as "school sessions", answering questions to patrons of old and new alike. They would desginate a time on the calendar and West Coast or East Coast time table. For a new incarnation of this, i would suggest that one of the Magi at least be present as volunteer duty and work the schedule around their schedule.

Shadow Leaf

First Post
really? i didn't know this had come up before, but having a magi supporting and helping with it is the only way for this to work out efficiently


First Post
I'm with Bari, still confused. Which are we talking about?

1) General RPing info about various character classes, taught "in-char" by people running that type of character. This should be taught as opinion-only, but could also be a great way of learning differences between gaming systems. You could have a wonderful debate between a D&D vampire and a WhiteWolf vampire about how things work on each of their worlds. I suggest Sigil as site, or even better, one of the non-setting rooms. This doesn't need a Magi, but if you want one, let us know. :)

2) How RPing works on ISRP. This one should probably have a Magi there to ensure that any misunderstandings aren't passed along as truth. (Even oldtimers can have entrenched misinformation, or not be completely up on the changes since WotC.) Since this would be out of character, it needs to be held in Nexus.

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