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Clutches of Evil Rogues Gallery

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Alright, players. Feel free to post as much here as you would like others to know about your character. All I ask is that we continue to respect Sblocks and spoilers used. I will be posting NPCs in this thread as well as you run across them, and I hope to use this thread much like the sig thread so that this first post becomes a list of NPCs and important people you meet in the world. I realize that many of the NPCs listed below will be on this same page, but hopefully by putting them up like this you can find the ones you need without searching post-by-post. If I do it right, they will be listed alphabetically by the name you know them in-game. That will make it easier to reference people so you don't need to worry about retaining everything in your mind!


Braachus - Head priest of the Temple of Heironeous in Great Bend
Dahlia - Waitress at the Rusty Anchor in Theropa
Destiny - Female Aster searching for people who can accept her unique talents.
Dhorgrad - Second in command in the Temple of Heironeous in Great Bend
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Destiny of Nichols

Destiny is of the Aster race. Her brown hair is almost always pulled back into some kind of braid that trails down her back. Her blue eyes peer out from underneath heavy brown eyebrows. While she only stands 3'0" tall, she looks considerably fleet of foot. She often wears simple cloaks to hide the fact that her physical stature is of no threat to anyone.


Destiny always knew there was something special about her. It began as a small child when she realized that when she wanted to, she could choose to touch someone and make them nauseous. While it was admittedly an unusual talent, it did come in handy. There was the time when as a teenager there was a halfling that would not leave her alone. So, finally, she agreed one day to eat lunch with him. While they were out together, he continued his pursuit of courting her. She was uninterested in him and so she reached out her hand and touched his fingers. Suddenly, and as far as he could tell for no apparent reason, he became extraordinarily sick. He had to excuse himself and barely made it out of the inn before he threw his lunch back up. He was so embarrassed that he never could muster up the courage to talk to her again.

As another example, one day she was out walking through the marshes around Nichols, her hometown. Instinctually, she could feel a presence behind her and as she turned around she saw a vague shape coming towards her head. No sooner had she thought about avoiding the object than the object seemed to hit a solid – yet invisible – wall before her face. As the object hit the invisible wall and dropped to the ground, she saw that it was a tradition goblin throwing dagger. She immediately ran back to Nichols and more than likely avoided capture – and probably being dinner for a goblin household!

But the most recent example came as a murder was being investigated around her hometown. Three people had been missing for days. Suddenly, as she was walking around in the marshes around the town she had a feeling of anger, fear, and violence pass through her. Somehow, she knew that there had been ogres around and these three people had been murdered by the ogres. She reported her feeling to the city guard, who in turn reported it to the magistrates. The magistrates notified the mayor, who promptly dispatched a force from the barracks to investigate her claim. Sure enough, the bodies of the missing persons were found stuck deep in muck at the bottom of the marsh where Destiny had been walking. The limbs of the bodies were rent apart, some of the limbs still missing. All the personal effects of any worth had been stolen by the ogres.

Unfortunately, this latest occurrence is what drove her out of Nichols. Many of the townsfolk could not accept her explanation as to how she had come across the knowledge of where to find the bodies. Some even accused her of being in liege with the ogres. Her family had no choice to send her away; not only for her safety but for their own. Now, she is forced to wander the kingdom in search for friends who can accept her talents as they are. She thought she had found such a place in The Pixies Hammock ... until the night of the unfortunate robbery.

More personal stats, but not a complete listing:
[sblock]Destiny of Nichols
Psion 3 (Clairsentience "Seer" Discipline)
STR:8 (0 pts)
DEX:16 (10 pts)
CON:12 (6 pts, -2 racial)
INT:18 (10 pts, +2 racial)
WIS:12 (2 pts, +2 racial)
CHA:12 (4 pts)
Religion: None expressed
Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Orc, Terran[/sblock]
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First Post
Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

Male Drakontos Cleric 4
Experience Points (required): 8,425 (10,000 for 5th level)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Bahamut
Homeland: Unknown

Height: 6’3”
Weight: 205lbs
Hair: Black with silver highlights
Eyes: Silver
Age: 80 (apparent human age: 20)

Strength 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
Dexterity 10 (+0) [12 base (4 pts), -2 racial]
Constitution 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
Intelligence 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
Wisdom 17 (+3) [14 base (6 pts), +2 racial, +1 level (4)]
Charisma 16 (+3) [14 base (6 pts), +2 racial]

Class and Racial Abilities
+2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity; Medium size; Base speed 30 feet; Draconic Heritage feat; 4 extra skill points at 1st level, 1 extra skill point per level thereafter; Low-light vision; Weapons and Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all armor, and all shields (excluding the tower shield); Spontaneously cast “cure” spells; Turn undead 6/day [+2 turning synergy bonus Knowledge (religion)]; Air domain: Turn earth creatures 6/day; Cold Domain: Turn fire creatures 6/day

Armour Class: 18 (10 base, +5 armour, +3 shield) [touch 10, flat-footed 18]
Armour Check Penalty: -4 (-4 armour, -0 shield)
Arcane Spell Failure: 35% n/a (25% armour, 5% shield)
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (8,6,6,6)
Hit Points: 30
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 feet (30 feet base)

Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +3/+5

+5 melee [1d8+2; 20/x2; bludgeoning and piercing; morningstar]
+5 melee [1d4+2; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing; dagger]
+3 ranged [1d8; 19-20/x2; 80 ft.; piercing; light crossbow]
-- 15 bolts remaining

+6 melee [1d8+1; 20/x4; piercing; heavy pick spiritual weapon], lasts 4 rounds.

Fortitude +5 [4 base, +1 Con]
Reflex +1 [1 base, +0 Dex]
Will +7 [4 base, +3 Wis]

Skills (35 points; max ranks: 7/3.5)
Concentration +8 [7 ranks, +1 Con]
Diplomacy +10 [7 ranks, +3 Cha]
Disguise +5 [2 ranks, +3 Cha]
Heal +8 [5 ranks, +3 Wis]
Knowledge (arcana) +6 [4 ranks, +2 Int]
Knowledge (religion) +9 [7 ranks, +2 Int]
Spellcraft +5 [3 ranks, +2 Int]

Draconic Heritage (Silver--Disguise as a class skill) [racial bonus]
Augment Healing [1st level]
Divine Vigor [3rd level]

Common, Draconic, Auran, Sylvan

Air Domain
Granted Power (Su): Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. You can also rebuke or command air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Spells: 1) obscuring mist, 2) wind wall, 3) gaseous form, 4) air walk, 5) control winds, 6) chain lightning, 7) control weather, 8) whirlwind, 9) elemental swarm (air only)

Cold Domain
Granted Power (Su): Turn or destroy fire creatures as a good cleric turns undead. You can also rebuke or command cold creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Spells: 1) chill touch, 2) chill metal, 3) sleet storm, 4) ice storm, 5) wall of ice, 6) cone of cold, 7) control weather, 8) polar ray, 9) obedient avalanche

Spells Prepared
Spells Per Day (5/4+1/3+1); Save DC = 13 + spell level
0-level -- create water, detect magic, light, purify food or drink, read magic
1st-level -- bless, comprehend languages, magic weapon, shield of faith; domain: obscuring mist
{spontaneous cure light wounds 1d8+6}
2nd-level -- bull’s strength, silence, spiritual weapon; domain: chill metal
{spontaneous cure moderate wounds 2d8+8}

Weight of Items Worn [48.5 lb / 56.5 lb (if mounted)]
Breastplate [30 lb]
+1 Heavy Mithral Shield embossed with the symbol of Bahamut [5 lb]
Morningstar [6 lb]
Dagger [1 lb]
Light Crossbow [4 lb]
-- 15 bolts [1.5 lb]
Explorer’s Outfit (blue-grey)
Holy Symbol of Bahamut [1 lb]
1 gp from Dahlia (carried for luck in the back of his left gauntlet or left boot)

Backpack [2 lb / 57 lb (incl. backpack)]
-- Bedroll [5 lb]
-- Case, Scroll [0.5 lb]
-- Flint & Steel [0 lb]
-- Healer's Kit [1 lb]
-- Lantern, Hooded [2 lb] (Destiny carries when in use)
-- Mirror, Small Steel [0.5 lb]
-- Oil (x15) [15 lb]
-- Rations, Trail (10 days) [10 lb]
-- Rope, Silk (50 feet) [5 lb]
-- Sunrod (x6) [6 lb]
-- Traveller’s Outfit (blue-grey) [5 lb]
-- Waterskin [4 lb]
-- Whetstone [1 lb]
-- Party Items
xx -- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1st-level / 50 charges) [0 lb]
xx -- Scroll of Bless (3), Scrolls of Cause Fear (2), Scroll of Obscuring Mist (2)

Pouch, Belt [0.5 lb / 0.66 lb (incl. pouch)]
-- 1 sapphire [2,000 gp]
-- 4 amethysts [100 gp/ea]
-- 2 rose quartz [40 gp/ea]
-- 8 gp [0.16 lb]

Pouch, Belt [0.5 lb / 2.58 lb (incl. pouch)]
-- Party Expenses Fund: 304 gp (8 obsidian [25 gp/ea], 104 gp) [2.08 lb]

Pouch, Spell Component [2 lb]

Weight Carried: 110.74 lb

Carrying Capacity [14 Strength]
Light: 58 lb. or less; Medium: 59-116 lb.; Heavy: 117-175 lb.;
Lift (over head): 175 lb.; Lift (off ground): 350 lb.; Drag: 875 lb.

2,488 gp (in gems and coins); 304 gp (party fund)

Keryth is an athletic and handsome man of above average height, with shoulder length black hair highlighted with silver. His bright silver eyes are serious and contemplative, and you feel as if they are watching and measuring every situation. His clothing is well fitted but functional, suitable for almost any situation, and is blue-grey in colour. His only adornment now is a dragon-shaped symbol hanging from a leather cord around his neck.

When dressed for battle he wears chainmail, a heavy mithral shield embossed with the symbol of Bahamut strapped to his left arm, and carries a morningstar that looks decidedly lethal in his right hand.

Keryth is calm and steadfast man who holds doing good above all else, whether that means defeating an evil force or helping the less fortunate it matters not to him. He gets on well with those around him, always striving to put people at ease, and makes friends easily. Believing a peaceful solution is the best solution, he will first try to diffuse a situation, but if it falls to fighting he will not hold back in cracking a few skulls. His faith is very personal to him as it was the first gift he received from Bahamut, so he won’t try to force it on others, but is happy to talk about it if people inquire. He usually prays at dawn for his spells.

An orphan with no possessions other than his name and the clothes on his back, Keryth had lived on the streets for as long as he could remember which was a very long time. Running with generations of neighbourhood scamps, stealing to survive, lucky to find a warm place to sleep, until finally after decades he awakened with a strange feeling in his heart and mind. This feeling, which he would later find out was a calling from a higher power, drew him from the city to and old isolated abbey several days from the city in the rugged mountains. Driven as he was by the calling, he arrived at the forgotten abbey and promptly collapsed.

Over the next few days he faded in and out of consciousness, occasionally seeing the kindly face of an old man, but more often than not just the old stone roof above him. The stranger nursed him back to health, with food more plentiful than he had ever experienced over many hard and meagre years. When he finally awoke fully the stranger was there to greet him saying, “You must be Keryth.”

Not knowing how the old man knew his name, but not really caring, after all he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth, Keryth instead asked, “Why was I drawn here?”

“That is a much better question than I expected,” replied the old man, “You Keryth, have been brought here to be taught and to serve.” Taking the old man at his word, Keryth begins to get up from the bedroll he had been lying on, but the old man pushed him back down saying, “Tomorrow is early enough to begin that, for now just rest.”

The next morning he found new clothes, a cloth, and a large bowl of water awaiting him when he awoke. Washing for the first time in what seemed like years, he donned his new clothes marveling at how perfectly they fit him for several minutes before moving outside into the dawn light. There he began his martial training and the path to his future.

He stayed with the old man whom he knows as Lothir for 20 years or more, but is in truth a silver dragon, training in the ways of Bahamut and travelling with his master as he was called on occasion to defeat various evils. During this time he finally learned of his own heritage as a Drakontos, and about the hundreds of years which he could expect to live. Finding that the majority of his life wasn’t the waste he thought it was, Keryth knew that he could contribute much to the world around him in the plethora of years available to him. This along with the teachings and example set forth by his master steeled his resolve to seek out evil and defeat it while aiding those in genuine need, knowing firsthand the hardships faced by those less fortunate.

Lothir feeling that 20 years was a long enough apprenticeship sent Keryth into the world, equipped to battle the evils he would face and knowing he could face any hardship. Wandering the world alone for several years, and defeating several small evils, he has finally found his way to the town of Theropa. Not long after his arrival...

(this is followed by part of Byntrou's background below)

XP Log
6,330 (when I started with specifics); 850 (Recipient’s realm and the miners traps); 525 (defeating three opponents at the force wall); 300 (mine entrance fight as we left the mine); 300 (capturing the mage at the mine); 120 (rescuing Dahlia)[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Byntrou of the winding river

Character Stats:[sblock]
[B]Name:[/B] Byntrou of the winding river
[B]Class:[/B] Barbarian 2 / Sorcerer 1 / Rogue 1
[B]Race:[/B] Bous
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] None

[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (4p)       [B]Level:[/B] 4        [B]XP:[/B] 8,375/10,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 (6p)       [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 36/36
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (4p)       [B]Grapple:[/B] +3     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -
[B]Int:[/B] 15 +2 (6p)       [B]Speed:[/B] 40'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (2p)       [B]Init:[/B] +1        [B]Spell Save:[/B] -
[B]Cha:[/B] 16 +3 (10p)      [B]ACP:[/B] 0          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] -

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +2    +0    +1    +0    +0    +0    13*
[B]Touch:[/B] 11              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 13 (Uncanny Dodge)

* Total 11 while raging
* Total 15 with Mage Armor cast

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +2          +5 (+7 vs. massive damage)
[B]Ref:[/B]                       2    +1          +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      2    +0          +2 (+4 vs. enchant/telepath)

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage*     Critical[/B]
Scimitar.................+3......1d6+1.......18-20/x2 slashing
MW C. Longbow +1str......+4......1d8+1.......x3, range 110 ft. piercing

* conditional: +1d6 for Sneak Attacks

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Giant, Aquan, Sylvan 


--Racial (Bous)--

* +2 Con, -2 Dex
* Mistaken Identity: +1 vs. Minotaur
* Large-handed: +1 disarm / vs. disarm
* Solid body: +2 bull rush, trip, or overrun
* Dense body: +2 Fort vs. massive damage
* Firm Will: +2 save vs. enchantment / telepathic
psionic power


* Fast Movement (+10 base racial)
* Rage 1/day
* Uncanny Dodge
* Simple and Martial weapon proficiency
* Light/Medium armor proficiency
* Shield proficiency


* Familiar:

+2 Spot / +2 Listen when within arm's reach
+3 Bluff (snake familiar)

* Arcane spells (used / slots per day):

Cantrips: 0/5  
1st level: 2/4 (base 3 +1 Cha)

* Spells Known:

Cantrips (4): Acid Splash, Read Magic, Dancing Lights,
Ray of Frost
1st level (2): Mage Armor, Magic Missle

* Spell saving throw DCs:

Cantrips: 13 (14 evocation)
1st level: 14 (15 evocation)


* Sneak attack +1d6
* Trapfinding

Athletic (1st level)
Spell focus [Evocation] (3rd level)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 34       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 6/3
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]

Appraise...................0....+2..........+2 (+4 bows)
Craft (bowmaking)..........5....+2..........+7
Disable Device.............4....+2..........+6
Open Lock..................1....+2..........+3
Survival...................5................+5 (+7 find tracks)

* Athletic Feat bonus
** Snake familiar bonus

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]


Arrows (29)................1gp....3lb
MW Comp Longbow............--.....3lb
Ring of Feather Fall.....220pp......--
Bracers Armor +2.........400pp....1lb
Traveler's Outfit...........--....--
Heavy Steel Shield*.......20gp....15lb
MW Thieves' Tools........100gp....2lb
Spell comp. pouch..........5gp....2lb
CLW potion................50gp.....--
Silver dagger...............**......1lb

** Adventure loot
* carried on back (not normally in use)

[B]Total Weight:[/B]31lbs      [B]Money:[/B] 1256gp total (2 Sardonyx, 1 Jade, 1 Silver Pearl, 2 Rose Quartz, 1 onyx, 1 Amythyst, 1 violet garnet, 26 gp) 

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                43    86   130   260   650

[B]Age:[/B] 23
[B]Height:[/B] 6'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 250lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Dark Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Dark Brown

Description:Byntrou is on the short end for a Bous, but that still leaves him tall by most other humanoid standards. Add to that his dense muscle, well-toned during his upbringing in order to try to attract a powerful mate, and Byntrou strikes an imposing figure. His dark coloring is accented by the green of his eyes--and, as she often settles herself on one of Byntrou's horns in idle moments, by his diamond-backed viper familiar, Delcoi.

Familiar Stats:[sblock]Name: Delcoi (viper snake familiar)
Size: Tiny
Gender: Female
Hit Dice: 4
Hit Points: 18
Initiative: +7
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares), climb 15 ft., swim 15 ft.

Armor Class: 18 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural, +1
familiar), touch 15, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-11
Attack: Bite +7 melee (1 plus poison)
Full Attack: Bite +7 melee (1 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: Scent, Improved Evasion, Share
Spells, Empathic Link
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 4, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha
Skills (natural): Balance +11, Climb +11, Hide +15,
Listen +6, Spot +6, Swim +5
Skills (through master): Jump +2 (5 ranks, -3 Str), Survival +6 (5 ranks, +1 Wis)

Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse [/sblock]

Origins:[sblock]Byntrou wanted more than to simply attract a powerful female and stud a strong family for her, but he could never bring himself to question the female Boes directly. Instead, he channeled his frustration into his training. His mother commended the fire he could bring to a fight, but cautioned him not to go too far lest he damage himself and lose his chance to be top choice. Indeed, many of the unmated females at the last family gathering had expressed interest in the time of Byntrou's majority.

None of his cousins, however, would ever get to snatch him up. As he tracked game one afternoon, a group of three humans called out to him, their voices thick and slurred but their weapons nonetheless sharpened--and unsheathed. They labeled him one of the Hated Others, as so many blind humans might, and Byntrou knew the danger he faced. Silently he prayed one of his kin might happen by to aid him.

The chance appearance of a small snake--and its bite--distracted the men, but when Byntrou called out to keep them from killing the poor creature (he could imagine its fear, almost feel the surge of adrenaline as it coiled back beneath their rising blades) they turned on him once again. He wished he'd had the foresight to draw his bow while they were preoccupied. Instead, he backed away, arms forward.

He tried to calm them, but they called him that name again, and Byntrou's own temper bubbled up. His hands clenched as the edges of his vision reddened. Pointing an accusatory finger at the human, Byntrou shouted denial at the claim, damned their very flesh for making it.

The rage gurgled forth, but instead of charging his body with energy as he expected, Byntrou felt it rush along his arm, burning at the tip of his finger. Then it happened: a glob of yellow fluid arced forth, starting at the tip of Byntrou's finger and landing on the chest of the human, who screamed as his flesh sizzled audibly. His friends joined his screams when the liquid splashed on impact and hit them, as well, hissing on their faces and arms. They ran away, screaming vows of revenge, leaving Byntrou to stare at his finger like it was something completely foreign to his body.

He flinched when the snake slithered over his foot, tongue flickering. They locked eyes, and he realized he could feel what the snake did. It seemed to think it odd that Byntrou wouldn't know the weapons the world had given him. Then came assurance: the snake understood as soon as she felt Byntrou call her. She would help. They would learn about Byntrou's new sting together.

There were still the humans, though, and the trouble they might cause Byntrou's family. Unless he was no longer there, a rogue element they could deny.

Byntrou gathered up the snake and made for the river, following it out of his family lands. He hid from his kin and the humans alike, knowing he would never see his family again, hoping he would never see those humans again. He had always wanted to be something all his own. Now was his chance. Byntrou of the winding river made his way into the world, hoping his strength and his newer ... skills would be enough to sustain him.[/sblock]

Associating with Bahruul:[sblock]A chance encounter and display of Byntrou's magics resulted in his partnering with another Bous, Bahruul. Byntrou is meant to be Bahruul's mystical guide on his quest to fulfill a prophecy involving someone the pair knows only as "Oathbreaker." Byntrou's own nascent abilities, however, have proved insufficient to the task of revealing who or where "Oathbreaker" might be. He has thus convinced Bahruul to seek aid from other, non-Boes sources. Their travels have lead them to the town of Theropa.[/sblock]

On meeting Destiny:[sblock]The Aster seemed to appear out of nowhere. Of course, given how small the creatures were, it was hardly surprising the Boes hadn't taken notice of her. It was only Delcoi's mental nudge that gave Byntrou cause to turn. When he looked down, the Aster's bright blue eyes locked onto his gaze. Though they didn't touch one another, Byntrou nonetheless felt himself held in place, as if unseen hands gripped his soul.

"There is no shame in admitting your limitations, Byntrou," the Aster said quietly. "Your herdmate's devotion is stronger than you suspect."

Byntrou's breath grew cold in his chest. "How do you know my name?"

The diminutive female creased her eyebrows. "You just told me," she answered, clearly perplexed. Then, a slight desperation in her voice, she backed away a step, whispering, "didn't you?"

Delcoi slid her way out of Byntrou's robes where he'd concealed her and moved to wrap around his horn, and the insight she shared with him, as usual, was quicker in coming than his own. Here was another like him. Another struggling with a power not fully understood. But unlike Byntrou, the small one appeared to be alone.

"What are you up to, Byntrou?" Bahruul called out. Apparently, he'd just noticed his companion had stopped. Bahruul gave Byntrou a comrade's slap on the back, then laughed when he saw the Aster, "Don't tell me: we require the aid of a tiny cat girl."

The Aster blushed, and turned her gaze from them, moving to leave. It didn't take Delcoi's urging for Byntrou to make a decision this time. He puffed out his chest and turned to Bahruul. He still only came up to the warrior's chest, but that didn't mean he couldn't affect a forceful presence when he needed to.

"Supernatural power is beyond what the mundane eye sees, Bahruul. Small is her frame, but mighty are the psychic forces she commands. Sorcery alone clearly hasn't shown us the Oathbreaker. We've come to find alternate means, and we have found one in this Aster, this ... " he turned to her now, seeing the spark in her eyes that his praise had engendered. She already knew he was searching for her name, and answered:

"Destiny," she declared proudly.

Bahruul chuckled. "Well, with a name like that, we'd be fools to refuse her, eh herdmate?"[/sblock]

On finding Keryth (and leading into the plot hook):[sblock]"There," Destiny pointed into the crowd. The man towered over most of the others humans, the silver highlights in his dark hair catching the light. Serene and graceful as he was, it would have been difficult not to take notice of him even without the psychic's aid.

Bahruul smacked Byntrou on the back. "At least the unknowable forces picked a tall one this time, eh, Byn?" He smiled, then turned affably downward to add, "No offense, of course, lady."

Destiny smiled. "Of course."

"Now, how to approach our intended divine guide?" Bahruul said.

As if on cue, the man turned and caught them all staring. Byntrou really wished people would stop locking eyes with him, especially people with such knowing gazes. This one had exotic, silver eyes.

Byntrou tried to shrug it off, announcing as if it were his plan all along, "We don't. He comes to us."

Sure enough, the lithe man slipped through the crowd on the walkway, across to the pair of Boes and their small Aster guide. Byntrou realized on the man's approach that, unlike most humans, this one was not only as tall as him, but slightly taller.

"You seek Bahamut's aid?" It was only slightly a question.

Bahruul took the lead now. It was his quest, after all.

"I seek the Oathbreaker, as is prophesied" he said, pulling up to his full height and staring down at the man, commanding. "I have gathered arcane and psychic powers to guide me. They advise me that your link to the divine is crucial in unlocking the secrets of my birthright."

The priest merely frowned, the dragon hanging from his neck glinting in the silence.

"Bahamut's power is not to be demanded, my good Bous. And a child of the dragon is hardly cowed by so blunt a show of force."

Not a human, then. A Drakontos. That explained the coloring. The height. The Drakontos looked over the others. Tiny Destiny. Nervous though he tried to hide it Byntrou. And, Bahruul's stance notwithstanding, the man's expression softened.

"It can, however, be gained through mutual respect and understanding. Come, I've a space at The Pixie's Hammock. If you agree to give up your game of 'who has the bigger stick,' I'll hear your tale and decide if Bahamut would wish me to take up your cause."

He walked away without checking to see if the others followed. When they shuffled into step behind him a few moments later, he smiled slightly, saying, "My name, since you've forgotten to ask, is Keryth. You can introduce youselves when you buy the first round of drinks."[/sblock]

Adventure Notes:[sblock]~Scimitar, Longbow, and quiver of arrows from Regent's Program. Rental: 2gp/day up to cost for scimitar & Longbow, 1gp total for arrows.
~Contact: Karan - Innkeep, Theropa
~Contact: Endoo - Arms and Armor merchant, Theropa
~Contact: Dahlia - Waitress at The Rusty Anchor, Theropa
~Contact: Filgar - Guard in Theropa
~Antagonist: Dreeves - Black Market merchant, Theropa[/sblock]
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First Post

Gav is just a little kid who woke up in a dark alley of {Insert big city's name here} one day. He couldn't remember much of anything, and he was covered in blood, his head especially. A quick survey quickly revealed that yes, at least some of it was his own.

Carefully starting to explore his surroundings, not sure at all of what was going on, he pretty quickly fell in with other kids pretty much like him, homeless orphans. At first everything made some sense to Gav, but he eventually realized that.. Well.. He wasn't really like the other kids. He was quicker, for one, and more agile. And to some degree, stronger as well.

He wasn't crazy about the idea, but, well, he was hungry, and so were his newfound friends. So he started stealing. Not much, mind you, just enough to get some decent food. Not from just anyone either.. But from people who could obviously afford it. It became pretty apparent to him that he must have done something similar before what he now refered to has "My First Day", since a lot of it came to him out of nowhere. He could open locks, knew how to climb.. It was more than a natural "knack", it was obviously training, and done enough to have become second nature, since he didn't consciously remember -any- of it.

Then one way, as he was headed to a "job", he was accosted in yet another alley. Is that how it happened?, he thought, as he was surrounded by what appeared to be three off-duty guards, wielding cudgels and knives? Apparently he had stolen from the wrong person, and left some sort of clue, from what the thugs were saying as they got closer to him.

As the fear took over, Gav sort of black-out for a moment, and next thing he knew, he was holding a dagger in his hand, and he wsa behind one of the thugs, with most of the blade in the man's back. The remaining thugs appeared as surprised as Gav as he pulled the blade from the man's body, and it simply crumpled on the ground. Apparently the other two decided that, perhaps, there was more to the little kid than it appears, as they started backing up, and calling for the guard, on-duty ones this time.

Figuring discretion was sometimes the best part of valor, Gav took the opportunity to disappears in the network of alleys he had come to know pretty well. After spending the night on the move to avoid being found, and afraid that he might have killed a guard, even if it was in accident/self-defense, Gav decided that perhaps it was time to leave town. Stopping by his caches to retrieve the funds he had hidden in a few places for rainy days, he hit the road. And as luck would have it, at a inn on the road, it happened -again-. Knocked uncounscious. Well darn. At least, this time, when he woke up he hadn't forgotten everything yet again...


Will post a character sheet here eventually, once a few things come out.

Class Change
Thibbledorf Pwent (or Pwent for short) loved Mistrolla the ale was good his job was good, his pay was good, it was the life. Was... he really needed to stop reminding himself of it, there was no going back after that. He couldn't help it though.

That day started like most days, he was working as a bouncer for the seamaiden, from his point of view, the best inn in town. It was at night, (between 4 and 7pm) there were an especially boisterous (whatever that meant) group of customers the innkeeper had said. The regulars were louder than usual though and so when he came in, Pwent didn't even notice.

Then, as usual, a brawl started. Pwent fell out of conciousness and went wild. When he came to after the brawl, he was sitting in a heap of broken chairs, tables, and glass. The door to the Seamaiden was off of its hinges and lying under the man. The man was also apparently waking up. He took one look at Pwent and ran off. Pwent left in a hurry before the gaurds could decide wheter or not it was his fault.

After that he went from town to town doing oddjobs for ale and hunting for game trying to forget his past.

Thibbledorf Pwent
Human Monk 2/Barbarian 1

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 231
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Beard, Waist Length, Dark Brown
Skin: Dirty

STR: 16 [+3] (10 points)
DEX: 14 [+2] (6 points )
CON: 16 [+3] (10 points)
INT: 10 [+0] (2 points )
WIS: 12 [+1] (4 points)
CHA: 8 [-1] (0 points)

Hit Dice: 2d8 + 1d12
HP: 33
Armor Class: 13 (10 base + 2 Dex +1 Wis)
Initiative: +2
BAB: +2
- Melee: +5
- Ranged: +4

Speed: 40’

FORT: +8 (5 Base + 3 Con)
REFL: +5 (3 Base + 2 Dex)
WILL: +4 (3 Base + 1 Wis)

- 3 Bonus Feats
- 6 skill points
- Count as armed when unarmed (1d6)
- Flurry of blows
- Rage 1/day
- Fast movement

1st Level
- Earth's Embrace
1st Level (human)
- Flying Kick
1st Level(monk)
- Improved Grapple
2nd Level(monk)
- Combat Reflexes
3rd Level
- Power Attack

Spot +7 (6 ranks, +1 Wis)
Jump +11 (6 ranks, +3 Str, +2 Synergy)
Listen +7 (6 ranks +1 Wis)
Climb +9 (6 ranks, +3 Str)
Survival +2 (1 rank +1 Wis)
Tumble +9 (5 ranks, +2 Dex, +2 Synergy)

- Common

Melee weapons
-Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+3, *2)

Ranged weapons

Mundane equipment
-Peasants Outfit (1sp, 2lbs)

Weight carried:0lbs
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Bahruul the Seeker Bous Barbarian 3

Bahruul the Seeker
Bous Barbarian 3
Medium Humanoid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Nature
Sex: Male
Height: 6’11"
Weight: 300lbs
Skin: White, pale fur and pink skin with dark markings
Experience: 4,810

Hair: White
Eyes: White Dark Blue/Purple Iris
Age: 23

Str: 18 (+4) [16 points]
Dex: 10 (0) [4 points]
Con: 17 (+3) [8 points]
Int: 10 (0) [2 points]
Wis: 10 (0) [2 points]
Cha: 8 (-1) [0 points]

Class Abilities
Fast Movement (+10' speed); Illiterate; Rage 1/day (+4 Str; +4 Con; +2 Will; -2 AC; 3 rounds plus newly improved con bonus); Uncanny Dodge (Retain Dex bonus of caught flat footed, or attacked by invisible foe); Trap Sense +1

Race Abilities
+1 attack and damage vs minotaurs
+1 sunder and disarm (+2 with 2 handed weapon)

Hit Dice: 12
HP: 15+12+12=39 current HPs 15
AC: 14 (+0 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt) Touch – 10, Flat-footed – 14
ACP: -2
Init: 0 (+0 Dex)
Speed: 40ft

Fortitude +6 [+3 base, +3 Con] +2 save versus massive damage
Reflex +1 [+1 base, +0 Dex] +1 saves versus traps
Will +1 [+1 base, +0 Wis] +2 save versus enchantments spells and telepathic psionic powers

BAB/Grapple: +3/+7
Melee Atk: +7 Great Sword (2d6+6;19-20/x2)
Melee Atk: +7 Warhammer (1d8+4;x3)
Melee Atk: +7 Battle Axe (1d8+4;x3)
2 handed +17 - +4 2 handed; +2 Boes; +4 improved sunder feat; +7 attack
single weapon + 12 - +1 Boes; +4 improved sunder feat; +7 attack
Ranged Atk: +3 -

Class Skills:
Climb 4 [2 ranks, +4 Str, -2 ACP]
Craft 0 [+0 Int]
Handle Animal 1 [2 ranks, -1 Chr]
Intimidate 3 [4 ranks, -1 Chr]
Jump 6 [4 ranks, +4 Str, -2 ACP]
Listen 4 [4 rank, +0 Wis]
Ride 0 [+0 Dex]
Survival 6 [6 ranks, +0 Wis]
Swim 2 [2 ranks, +4 Str, -4 ACP]

Power Attack - Trade attack bonus for damage (up to level)
Improved Sunder - +4 bonus on Sunder attempts, no attack of opportunity

Languages: Common, Giant


Wearing or carrying at hand
Great Sword – 50gp (8 lbs)
Battle Axe - 10gp (6 lbs)
Warhammer - 12gp (5 lbs)
Chain Shirt – 100gp (25 lbs)

In or on containers

Total weight carried – 44 lbs, light load.

gp sp cp

"SEEK OATHBREAKEEEEER-KER-KER-Er-er-r-r,” bellowed the great voice, bouncing off the rocky, weathered walls of the canyon. "SEEK TRUSTDESTROYEEEEEEER-YER-YER-Er-er-r-r,” it continued, crying out in a hoarse, guttural bark. "SEEK HOPEE, OPe, Ope, ope, ope". The echoes died down, almost to a whisper, almost a plaintive cry for help. The hairy beast fell to its knees, the only physical sign that the heavily muscled creature that had caused the discordant words to echo through the great crevasse, might have been in need of any assistance.

A hulking brute, standing at least seven feet tall, with two horns that curled almost ram-like either side of its head, but otherwise giving every appearance of being a very large, overly muscled human, stood silhouetted in the afternoon sun. A huge, wickedly bladed double axe was strapped across the beasts back, the razor sharp edges catching the fading afternoon light. The short, wiry white bristles that covered what could be seen of the creature's shoulders and back bristled in anticipation, every muscle, every fibre of the being seemed to quiver in anticipation.

The creatures wide, hairy nostrils flared, a small silver ring, which was looped through the left nostril, swung slowly back and forth in time with each breath, the cavernous nostrils sniffed at the stale, hot air that seemed to rise languidly from the canyon floor. Suddenly, the creature flayed its head from side-to-side, again sniffing at the wind, before it let out an anguished, undulating cry. "AAAAHHHRRROOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo", again the bellow echoed down the wide, natural stone corridor "AAAAHHHRRROOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo", rebounding from craggy wall to craggy wall. Then -


- The creature had lost the scent, again.


A bone coloured robe covered in scrawled runes and pictographs hung over a gnarly branch of an old willow, which sprawled majestically on the banks of the placid waters of the mountain lake. The light of the early morning sun danced across the still lake's waters, dappling the dark, midnight blue surface with small motes of dancing light. Suddenly, with a great crashing roar, a bovine-like head exploded from the water and shook from side-to-side, beads of water shaken from ebony black horns, that swept back from deep violet coloured eyes, splattered through the crisp morning air.

"Haha that is what life is all about "Petik" the Bous yelled in exhilaration, it's mighty voice breaking the stillness of the fresh mountain morning. "It feels good to be alive eh Byntrou" the mighty beast's arms broke the water as it stroked heavily towards the shore, a frothy wake trailing in the water behind. The beast kept its head bobbing above the water as it swam, a beaming smile playing across its broad face as it eyed its 'herdmate'. The second Bous sat cross-legged upon the shore, a jumble of bones, hairs, skins, furs, berries, dungs, crystals and stones piled before him, all laid out in an intricate, mystical pattern.

"I have no luck!" the robed and cowled Bous grunted in frustration, exasperation dancing through every word "The path is unclear, the way forward is muddied, whomever we oppose is mighty indeed in the sorcerous arts. I can not discern who the Oathbreaker is or how the oath will, or has been, broken" he threw back the heavy hood that shadowed his face revealing a small diamond backed snake sleeping wrapped around a short horn that jutted spear like from the beasts temples. "I think perhaps we will need help 'Petik'. I fear you will not like this solution but we may need to journey to the League Cities to find help from Gah'irr-kei'uhk. I am afraid that this 'problem' runs deeper than just affecting the Boes."


Note: I'm thinking of a prophecy linked to this guy, maybe he is a candidate for being a 'chosen one', one prosephised in Boes legend to do something. that's why I went with the horns that curved differently to the norm for his race and, of course, the colour of his 'coat'.

‘Petik’ is Boes for friend. Herdmate is Boes for family, in this case through friendship rather than blood. Gah'irr-kei'uhk translates as 'not of our blood'. 'Eerrruk del kiehar kek berin' is a traditional Bous greeting meaning something along the lines of Welcome to my herd

A Destiny fulfilled?

The Aster seemed to appear out of nowhere. Of course, given how small the creatures were, it was hardly surprising the Boes hadn't taken notice of her. It was only Delcoi's mental nudge that gave Byntrou cause to turn. When he looked down, the Aster's bright blue eyes locked onto his gaze. Though they didn't touch one another, Byntrou nonetheless felt himself held in place, as if unseen hands gripped his soul.

"There is no shame in admitting your limitations, Byntrou," the Aster said quietly. "Your herdmate's devotion is stronger than you suspect."

Byntrou's breath grew cold in his chest. "How do you know my name?"

The diminutive female creased her eyebrows. "You just told me," she answered, clearly perplexed. Then, a slight desperation in her voice, she backed away a step, whispering, "didn't you?"

Delcoi slid her way out of Byntrou's robes where he'd concealed her and moved to wrap around his horn, and the insight she shared with him, as usual, was quicker in coming than his own. Here was another like him. Another struggling with a power not fully understood. But unlike Byntrou, the small one appeared to be alone.

"What are you up to, Byntrou?" Bahruul called out. Apparently, he'd just noticed his companion had stopped. Bahruul gave Byntrou a comrade's slap on the back, then laughed when he saw the Aster, "Don't tell me: we require the aid of a tiny cat girl."

The Aster blushed, and turned her gaze from them, moving to leave. It didn't take Delcoi's urging for Byntrou to make a decision this time. He puffed out his chest and turned to Bahruul. He still only came up to the warrior's chest, but that didn't mean he couldn't affect a forceful presence when he needed to.

"Supernatural power is beyond what the mundane eye sees, Bahruul. Small is her frame, but mighty are the psychic forces she commands. Sorcery alone clearly hasn't shown us the Oathbreaker. We've come to find alternate means, and we have found one in this Aster, this ... " he turned to her now, seeing the spark in her eyes that his praise had engendered. She already knew he was searching for her name, and answered:

"Destiny," she declared proudly.

Baruul chuckled. "Well, with a name like that, we'd be fools to refuse her, eh herdmate?"

To Bait a Dragon

"There," Destiny pointed into the crowd. The man towered over most of the others humans, the silver highlights in his dark hair catching the light. Serene and graceful as he was, it would have been difficult not to take notice of him even without the psychic's aid.

Bahruul smacked Byntrou on the back. "At least the unknowable forces picked a tall one this time, eh, Byn?" He smiled, then turned affably downward to add, "No offense, of course, lady."

Destiny smiled. "Of course."

"Now, how to approach our intended divine guide?" Bahruul said.

As if on cue, the man turned and caught them all staring. Byntrou really wished people would stop locking eyes with him, especially people with such knowing gazes. This one had exotic, silver eyes.

Byntrou tried to shrug it off, announcing as if it were his plan all along, "We don't. He comes to us."

Sure enough, the lithe man slipped through the crowd on the walkway, across to the pair of Boes and their small Aster guide. Byntrou realized on the man's approach that, unlike most humans, this one was not only as tall as him, but slightly taller.

"You seek Bahamut's aid?" It was only slightly a question.

Bahruul took the lead now. It was his quest, after all.

"I seek the Oathbreaker, as is prophesied" he said, pulling up to his full height and staring down at the man, commanding. "I have gathered arcane and psychic powers to guide me. They advise me that your link to the divine is crucial in unlocking the secrets of my birthright."

The priest merely frowned, the dragon hanging from his neck glinting in the silence.

"Bahamut's power is not to be demanded, my good Bous. And a child of the dragon is hardly cowed by so blunt a show of force."

Not a human, then. A Drakontos. That explained the coloring. The height. The Drakontos looked over the others. Tiny Destiny. Nervous though he tried to hide it Byntrou. And, Bahruul's stance notwithstanding, the man's expression softened.

"It can, however, be gained through mutual respect and understanding. Come, I've a space at The Pixie's Hammock. If you agree to give up your game of 'who has the bigger stick,' I'll hear your tale and decide if Bahamut would wish me to take up your cause."

He walked away without checking to see if the others followed. When they shuffled into step behind him a few moments later, he smiled slightly, saying, "My name, since you've forgotten to ask, is Keryth. You can introduce youselves when you buy the first round of drinks."

Other PC 'hooks'

Bahruul's nebulous quest seems to provide a decent way to connect the other characters. He and Byntrou are looking for more aid in identifying the Oathbreaker. Byntrou's still trying to play the part of super-mage, so it makes sense he might steer them toward other types of magic: divine magics in the form of Keryth and psychic powers in the form of Destiny. Either of them might have been the initial contact, pointing the way toward the other.

Gav's background seems to fill in right up to the robbery, but it wouldn't be a major retcon to have him acting as the Boes' "local guide" (whether he knows the local town well or not isn't required. After all, he wouldn't be the first party member to misrepresent his credentials). If he's as quick to take the measure of a town as his background might suggest, Gav, too, could have been the contact point that put the Boes in touch with Keryth and/or Destiny.

Race: Bous Plural: Boes

Racial Traits:
Abilities: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Languages: Automatic: Common, Giant. Bonus: Auran, Aquan, Terran, Ignan, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan.
Mistaken Identity: Boes are often confused with Minotaur by those who do not know the difference. Because of this, many good Bous have been slain by non-Bous in a confused effort to purge the land. This has generated a deep dislike for Minotaur by all Boes. As a result, Boes get a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against Minotaur.
Large-handed: Because the Boes possess a size advantage over the typical humanoid, their grip on their weapon makes it easier for them to sunder or disarm. All Boes receive a +1 bonus on attack roll made during the opposed rolls step of an attempt to sunder or disarm an opponent. This bonus also applies if the Boes is subject to a disarm or sunder attempt by an opponent. This bonus does not count in the preceding attack of opportunity if there is one. If the Boes is fighting with a two-handed weapon, the bonus increases to +2.
Solid Body: When making a bull rush, trip, or overrun attack, the Bous receives a +2 bonus to their strength or dexterity check.
Dense Body: Boes bodies are dense in spite of their larger than normal size. A Bous receives a +2 bonus to their Fortitude save to survive massive damage.
Firm Will: Boes are used to having a say in their actions, if not getting their way outright. Because of this, a Bous receives a +2 bonus on any save against an enchantment spell or a telepathic psionic power.
Favored Class: Barbarian

Physical description:
Boes stand between 6’0 and 7’0 tall and weigh between 240 and 350 pounds. Females are slightly larger and heavier than their male counterparts. A Bous reaches adulthood at 20 years, middle age at 40, old age at 60, venerable age at 80, and the oldest Bous to ever live was 120 years old.
Bous have small non-functional horns that begin growing slightly above and forward from their ears. The horns curve backward around the ears, down to the level of their jawbone, and back up to a point just below their eye socket and about one inch away from their skin. Boes horns grow very slowly; by the beginning of adulthood the horns have grown halfway down their skull behind their ears and only at middle age does the horn begin to curl up from the level of the jaw towards the eye. Only a Bous that has managed to make it to a venerable age has horns of a full length. Bous typically live as long as humans.
Bous skin is always dark, often taking on a slight reddish hue over the typical dark brown. During the summer months, the more time a Bous spends outside and in direct sunlight the more the skin takes on a reddish hue – although it never turns more red than brown except through magical means. This effect has no impact upon the abilities of the Bous. Bous eyes are white with either dark green, dark brown, or black irises. Often the colors of the eye are so dark that they make the iris indistinguishable from the pupil. Boes typically have larger than normal hands and long, thick fingers ideal for increasing a tight grip on larger objects.
Bous tend to wear long flowing robes over any other type of clothing, although there is no cultural or social restriction for clothing type. Most clothing worn by Boes is colored in earth tones, but again there is no cultural restriction for coloration. All unmarried Bous wear a ring through one of their nostrils. The ring is silver and through the left nostril for the smaller male Boes; and the ring is gold and through the right nostril for the larger and more dominant female Boes. This ring is typically removed once a Bous has found a mate. Bous are loyal to their mates for life.

Because of their great size and unfortunate luck for being mistaken as Minotaur, many Bous live the lives of hermits. It is still uncommon to find a Bous town in more remote areas, but not impossible. Bous typically get along well with other races once they demonstrate that they understand the difference between the Boes and Minotaur kind. Since Boes can be of any alignment, Boes may be found mixing with any race that respects the qualities that a Boes brings to life. Boes may occasionally join together and form large hunting bands in the case where a Minotaur hunter has slain several other Boes. These raiding parties are often feared by the general public, but they are typically of no threat except to the one who is responsible for slaying a Bous because they perceived it as a Minotaur.

Boes have no alignment restrictions. A Bous generally becomes the alignment that prevailed in the society in which they were raised. Boes can be very regimented and raised to respect strict laws; but on the other hand Boes can enjoy the freedom in life that their larger stature tends to bring. Boes can respect the cause of good and helping those around them; but some Boes can be quite capable of understanding greed and domination over others as well. Boes can often learn to appreciate all of the above held in balance.

Boes Lands:
Many Bous do not desire to congregate together in a formal setting. The typical Bous lives a solitary life until mated. In spite of this solitary lifestyle, every Bous belongs to a formal family hierarchy of Boes. Male Boes who mate for life are removed from their own hierarchy and adopted into the hierarchy of their mate. These family hierarchies always meet together in a central location at various times per year. Each family of Boes has their own unique schedule for meeting, but no family of Boes goes without meeting at least four times a year. It is at these meetings that the Boes teach socialization to their children and form parties to take revenge upon Minotaur hunters who may be preying upon family members.
Boes do not claim land for themselves, they exist in the land without care about whose kingdom the land belongs to. Boes usually have a good relationship with the kingdom in which they live, however, because the Boes treat the land as their own and typically care for the land a great deal. Thus, Boes are often welcome in the land once it is discovered that they are not Minotaur. However, even Boes who are welcomed in the land seldom find the urge to become true citizens of a kingdom. Instead, the Boes have their loyalty to family. It is certainly possible for a Boes hierarchy to span across kingdom borders if the Boes family lives near the edge of the border. Most Boes families live within a three days journey of the central family land where they meet.

The Boes are most commonly worshippers of nature. They can find many respectable things in religion, so long as the religion is not destructive to their homelands or their people. The Boes have difficulty with extreme fanatics, however, because they are often the victim of mistaken identity and live knowing what types of genocide fanatical thought can lead to.

Boes are capable of speaking any language, however their opportunities are quite limited as far as which languages they can learn. Most Boes tribes speak a dialect of Giant, which interestingly enough often allows them to converse with any Minotaur they should happen to find and hunt. Boes occasionally have a chance to learn any of the elemental languages of nature: Terran, Aquan, Auran, and most rarely Ignan. Of course, any race which has made itself known to the family hierarchy of Boes of an area has the opportunity to teach them their language as well. Most common in this category are Gnome, Goblin, and Sylvan.

Boes names are typically guttural sounding. They are given only a single name at birth. Thus, a Boes does not carry a family or surname. At the time in which a Bous sets of on his or her own, usually determined by their parents, the place in which the young Bous chooses to live is adopted by the Bous in the place of a surname. When two Boes mate, the male Bous willingly changes his surname to match the surname of his mate.
Example male names: Groack of the oak grove, Trang of the purple cave, Brist of the tall rock
Example female names: Craash of the narrow river, Ergoth of the apple orchard, Herthosh the cliff dweller

Designer's notes: Again, the -2 DEX is something people are unaccostomed to taking, but this race definately has some things to offer for a player who wants to use more tactics with a fighter type than just hack the bad guy to pieces.

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Nonlethal Force

First Post

Dahlia Rosewater

The Rosewater's family name comes from their delicately colored and textured skin. The family typically has fair skin and it seems to be naturally silky to the touch.

Dahlia is a young adult woman, working hard for tips at the Rusty Anchor - a tavern/restaurant in Theropa. She is known by the patrons for her sweet smile and her rather pleasant figure. Up until recently, she was the only waitress that the merchant Dreeves had allowed to serve him - mostly because he was infatuated with her physical beauty. While the merchant Dreeves was a good tipper, he always took personal liberties regarding physical contact with the waitstaff - especially Dahlia. If you'd ask her yourself, you'd quickly find out that Dahlia does not reciprocate the merchant Dreeves' infatuation. But the tips were good, so she endured for the sake of putting food on the table.

Most recently, a group of adventurers has caught her eye. Something about the human cleric, Keryth, has her intrigued. It goes far beyond the fact that this party has helped to subvert the merchant Dreeves' power in the city - for Dahlia was attracted to Keryth before that brawl began. It goes beyond the fact that at least for a few days, the merchant Dreeves will not have her at his beck and call. These people seem real, and they seem to legitimately care for more than themselves. Dahlia knows that such people are rare indeed.

As for her physical stature, Dahlia only stands about 5 1/2 feet tall. She has light brown hair that hangs to the middle of her back when she lets it down. Most often, hoever, Dahlia braids the hair into one long and tight braid so that it stays out of her way as she works as a waitress. Dahlia is typically seen in the white shirt in which she waits tables. The shirt is flirtatiously low cut in the front, but she is careful to make sure it is always worn correctly so as to leave everything truly up to the imagination. The shirt has ties running the length of the back. Often, she is seen wearing a tanned leather jacket when she is going to and from her job. Dahlia often strikes out against the customs of the day and wears pants more often that dresses. She enjoys wearing pants of color - although since she is not wealthy the colors typically are blue, green, and brown.

Dahlia's personality is typically sweet unless someone tries to take physical advantage of her. Then, in most cases, they find out that she ahs a surprise in store for them. Of course, if it is a paying customer of the Rusty Anchor and they know where to stop, Dahlia usually grins and bears the physical touch in the name of a higher tip. Besides, she knows the cook - and the cook always has a willing ear to let her vent about some of the more natured customers of the Rusty Anchor.

Nonlethal Force

First Post

Braachus is clearly either Human or Drakontos. He stands 6'0" tall and carries himself in a proud manner. Of course, one would expect nothing less from a head priest at the Temple of Heironeous in Great Bend. Not that this particular temple is all that grand of majestic. However, Braachus takes his duty seriously and leads the residents of Great Bend in worship towards their god. Braachus commands healthy and loyal respect among his clerics and acolytes. Being in the vicinity of Theropa also means that Braachus typically knows about most matters that would concern a priest and is usually willing to share such information to a worthy guest.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post

Dhorgrad is Braachus' dwarven assistant in command over the Temple of Heironeous in Great Bend. Dhorgrad doesn't quite share Braachus' flare for conversation and socialization, but he maintains his duties quite well. Dhorgrad is as loyal an assistant as Braachus would ever need.

Voidrunner's Codex

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