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Clutches of Evil Rogues Gallery


Varius Valerius


Varius grew up the son of a blacksmith in Reignsburg. His father Felix of course wanted his son grow up and become a blacksmith like his father. But Varius spent more time practicing with the sword in his father's shop than crafting them. Not that he didn't become a decent blacksmith, but the hilt of a sword fit his hand better than the handle of a hammer. Varius spoke to all the warriors who came to the shop, asking about battles and what the Border was like.

It wasn't a huge surprise then when he announced that he was leaving to join the army. Had his younger brother not been there, and been more interested in blacksmithing, there might have been problems. As it was, Varius' parents knew he was a soldier at heart and bid him be careful. Varius set out to join the Exerkitus Multorum. The Earl of Sniblett of course welcomed any new member of the army and Varius had a crash course in warfare. He knew of the weapons and armor of course, having repaired them so often.

He real education came on the Border with Quehalost though. Fierce fighting and often toughened the young warrior quickly. A bright lad, Varius picked up on the many tricks the veterans near him used in fighting and Varius managed to survive his first several years on the border, and was an accomplished warrior and was strongly being considered as a candidate to the Contra Vili with a few more years of service under him. Something Varius desperately wanted.

Then came the fateful day when the patrol Varius was on was overrun. A Contra Vili excursion had been successful enough to stir up a hornets nest of trouble. And that trouble came in the form of a pack of giants, driven by a demon. The Contra Vili had killed it's mate and the demon was out for revenge, at what ever cost. Varius' patrol put up valiant fight against the giants, and might have won had the demon not been there. In the haze of the fight, Varius still can't quite recall what happened. But the Contra Vili managed to come along and drive the demon back, but not before the entire rest fothe patrol was killed. All expect for Varius, who stood unscathed amid the burned, smoking and butchered corpses of his friends and comrades.

The Contra Vili were immediately suspicious and questioned Varius under numerous magical effects. But they couldn't find any evidence he had a made a deal with the demon or betrayed his country. They exonerated him of any wrong doing. Still, they could erase the guilt that Varius had regarding his comrades. Even if the Vili said he had nothing to do with it, he felt guilty for not dying there with them. His superiors saw the sorrow in this young man and suggested that he take a leave of abscence. At first Varius refused, he did not want to abandon his lord, but after some reflection he agreed. He promised to return, and set out to heal his spirit.

Varius went home for a while, but the whispers and stares were too much that soon and he left again. Many of the towns fold had heard the story and though he was given full exoneration, Varius felt the questions in the eyes of the townsfolk. Varius wandered around a bit, not really knowing what to do. But a man who is good with a sword, level headed and has his wits is always in demand. Varius slowly made his way back by guarding merchant's caravans and worked his way up from there. He has now regained his confidence that he had as a youth. But still his heart is heavy and he desperately wishes he could remember what happened on that day and try to clear his name. In the meantime Varius finds small ways to fight the influence of Quehalost, even if that means guarding caravans. Someday, someday soon he will return to Tongra and the Exerkitus Multorum. And he still desired to fulfil his dream and be qualified to join the Conta Vili. That, he felt, would put to rest some of the demons that haunted him, and be a fitting tribute to his fallen comrades.

Male Human
Paragon 1/Fighter 3
XP: 6720

Str 17 (+3) 
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 14 (+2) 
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 12 (+1) 

Size: Medium
HP:  39
BAB: +3
Init: +1
Move: 20’

AC: 19 (+8 armor, +0 shield, +1 Dex)
T: 11
FF: 18
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +3

Greatsword +8 2d6+5 19-20/x2
Longbow    +5 1d8+3 20/x3

Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Power Attack
Weapon Focus:Greatsword

Skills (bonus/ranks): 43 total points
 *Designates paragon Class Skills #Designates Adaptive Skill
Appraise (+5/3)*
Climb (+5/2)  
Craft Armor (+5/3)*
Craft Weapons (+5/3)*
Diplomacy (+3/2)*
Gather Information (+6/5)#
Handle Animal (+3/2)
Intimidate (+6/5)
Kn:Geography (+6/4)*
Kn:Local (+4/2)*
Kn:Nobility and Royalty (+3/1)*
Ride (+4/3)
Sense Motive (+2/2)*
Spot (+4/4)*
Swim (+5/+2)

Languages Known:
Common, Giant, Dwarven

Class Features:
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency

Crystal Greatsword +1 (2,350 gp)
MW Full Plate (1,650 gp)
MW Comp Long bow (Str+3) (700 gp)
Quiver 20 arrows
2 potions Cure Light Wounds (100 gp)
1 potion Hide from Undead (50 gp)
Flint and steel
Winter Blanket
Water flask
1 week trail rations
Belt pouch
2 torches
50 feet hemp rope
Masterwork Artisans tools (blacksmithing/ weapons/armor) (55gp)
Explorers outfit.
33 gp

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First Post
Male elven scout 4
Experience Points: 6600
Alignment: Lawfull Good
Deity: solonor thelandira
Homeland: Unknown

Height: 5’2”
Weight: 89lbs
Hair: blond
Eyes: Green
Age: 134

Strength 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
Dexterity 18 (+4) [15 base (8 pts), +2 racial +1 at 4th lvl]
Constitution 12 (+1) [14 base (6 pts)]
Intelligence 14 (+2) [14 base (6 pts)]
Wisdom 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts) ]
Charisma 10 (+0) [10 base (2 pts)]

Class and Racial Abilities
standar elven crap
skirmish (+1d6, +1 AC)
Battle fortitude +1
fast movement +10 ft
trackless step

Armour Class: 19 (10 base, +4 armour +4dex +1 class [touch 15, flat-footed 15]
Armour Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: -
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (8,6,6,6)
Hit Points: 30
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40 feet (30 feet base)

Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +3/+4

+5 melee [1d8+1; 19-20/x2; slashing; mw longsword ]
+4 melee [1d4+2; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing; dagger]
+7 ranged [1d4; 19-20/x2; piercing or slashing; dagger]
+8 ranged [1d8+2; 20/x2; 80 ft.; piercing; +1 comp. longbow (str +1)]

Fortitude +3 [1 base, +1 Con +1class]
Reflex +8 [4 base, +4 Dex]
Will +2 [1 base, +1 Wis]

Skills (52 points; max ranks: 7/3.5)
Knowledge (nature) +9 (7+2)
Knowledge (geography) +9 (7+2)
Listen +8 (7+1)
Spot +8 (7+1)
Move Silent +11 (7+4)
Hide +11 (7+4)
Survival +8 (7+1)
Tumble +11 (7+4)
Search +8 (7+1)
Gather Info (cc) +3.5 (3.5+0)

1: point blank
3: precise
sc4: WF longbow

Common, Elven, Orc, Dwarven


mithril chain shirt
+1 comp. longbow (str+1)
Dagger [1 lb]
Explorer’s Outfit (green-brown)

Carrying Capacity [12 Strength]
Light: 43 lb. or less; Medium: 44-86 lb.; Heavy: 87-130 lb.;
Lift (over head): 130 lb.; Lift (off ground): 230 lb.; Drag: 650 lb.

2,598 gc

Voidrunner's Codex

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