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(CoC) The Snake Pit

Isida Kep'Tukari

Arkham, Massachusetts, March 1st, 1932 -

Wet, rotten leaves blow through the skeletal trees, over dirty piles of melting snow, and pile up against the wall of Miskatonic University. A respected research facility, endowed with an enormous library containing many unusual and rare tomes, Miskatonic University has one of the finest collections of occult books in the world.

Many respected professors lie within its walls, but there are also a few that reside outside of them. Professor Eugene Witherspoon, Doctor of Cults of Africa, was committed to Arkham Asylum over two decades ago. He apparently set fire to the old asylum after visiting a doctor, and killing him. Despite his current situation, his books on cults and their odd rituals remain required reading amongst those who wish to follow in his line of work.

Also, the Professor was known for his charity work, particularly amongst the orphans and poor children of the area. He is remembered fondly, but most people rather pretend that he's dead, instead of mentioning his shameful downfall. But despite two decades of incarceration and numerous attempts to correct his delusional thinking, Eugene continues his daily rants and raves about incomprehensible things.

But in the past week he has become more lucid, and has suddenly asked for the company of several friends.


Our Intrepid Investigators

Daisy Gene Velmont - Female Cat Burglar (offense option) 4, played by Tailspinner

Dr. Adon Augustus Ashe, Professor of Chemistry and Physics, Miskatonic University - Male Professor (defense option) 4, played by Hrothgar

Agatha O'Reilly - Female Madwoman (offense option), played by Ashy

A.C.G. (Arthur Charles George) "Hightower" Llewellyn - Male Detective (defense option) 4, NPC

Patrick “Pat” O’Donald - Male Reporter (defensive option) 4, played by Gomez

Dayton Williams - Male Mechanic and Orderly (offensive option) 4, played by jdeleski


"Dr. A, Dr. A!" a high-pitched voice calls from down the hall. Surpressing a flash of irritation at the nickname the graduate students had pinned him with, Dr. Ashe turned around to see Henry Rollins, one of the graduate students that assisted him with chemistry. Henry's shirt was untucked, again, and still bore the chemical burn from earlier today. His brown hair was more toussled than usual, and his wire-rimmed spectacles are askew. It was a good thing Henry was much more careful about chemistry than he was his appearance, or he might have blown up the lab by now... "Sorry Dr. A, there was a letter that the postman gave to me, and I had to swear upon pain of death to deliver it into your hands," Henry says apologetically, handing the cream-color envelope into the professor's hands. The return address caught Dr. Ashe's eye instantly. Whitherspoon.

"Thank you lad, that was quite kind of you. Do remember to set up the lab for the titrations this afternoon, would you?" Dr. Ashe says a bit absently, his mind already pondering the contents of the letter. Henry nods his agreement and goes bounding down the hall with his usual exuberance. Taking the letter to his office, Adon can carefully open it and read it.

Dear Adon,

I've had some rather unusual clarity of mind recently, and have come to some exciting conclusions about the theories that I mentioned to you so very long ago. You remember the heath, yes? I am calling a meeting of what few friends I still have left, and I hope you can spare the time so that I can tell you what I do know. If it so pleases you, come to the asylum on March 4th, around 4pm.​

Eugene Whitherspoon


*Daisy Velmont steps off the bus in Arkham, and quickly gets a cart for her trunk. The town is small, not a great deal fine entertainments about, and everywhere one sees book-toting students going to and from the university that dominates the town. In her pocket Daisy can feel the stiff paper of the unusual letter she received a fortnight ago.*

Dear Daisy,

I dare say you've never heard of me, so let me introduce myself. I am Eugene Whitherspoon, formerly a Professor at Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massechusetts. Your mother Violet was a delight to me, and I was greatly saddened to hear of her death. I must apologize that I was not able to come and comfort your family in the time of your grief, but powerful circumstances prevented me from leaving the area. I understand you've been doing well for yourself, and have finally decided that it is time for you to meet your old grand uncle. I pledge you that the trip will be worth your time, and you will make an old man very happy if you choose to come. If you so desire, please come to 400 Arkham Road, Arkham, Massechusetts on March 4th, at around 4pm.​


Great Uncle Eugene


*Arthur Llewellyn came down in the early morning, nodding once to Mrs. Beasely as she served the rest of the boarding house residents their oatmeal, toast, bacon, and coffee. She scattered to and fro with the energy of a woman half her age, her gray curls becoming wispy as she hurried to complete everything. One of her brood of children was handing out mail, and nearly dropped a letter for Arthur into his oatmeal. Rescuing it and stabbing the child with a glare that had frozen hardened criminals in their tracks, he took the letter and his coffee back to his room. The return address on the letter was one he recognized, but hadn't thought about in years. Heavens, Dr. Whitherspoon had been a consultant on several cases, offering his insights into the mind of cultists and other oddballs.*

Dear Detective Llewellyn,

I know you haven't had cause to contact me for many years, and it took quite a while for me to track you down. Imagine my surprise when I discovered you had taken up residence here in my hometown! Detective, I have need of your insight and counsel, and I shant beat around the bush about it. I've come to some rather disturbing conclusions in my stay in the asylum, and have had some extreme clarity of thought recently. I greatly desire to speak with you, if you would indulge a rambling old man. If it pleases you, come to the asylum on March 4th, at around 4pm.​


Dr. Whitherspoon.
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Guest 11456

Daisy Gene Velmont : Female Cat Burglar

Daisy looks around the area for a boarding house or inn. She realizes that she still has several days before she is to meet with her great uncle. Not seeing one she walks over to a young man nearby. "Excuse me sir. Might you point me in the direction of a good boarding house or inn? I have just arrived in town and I am in need of accommodations." She looks at the man expectantly while smiling coyly.


First Post
Dr. Adon Ashe

Adon's face remains expressionless as he turns his chair and faces out his office window on the University. His thoughts drift back to happier times when a much younger Adon was friends with Eugene Witherspoon and the collegiality they shared. Adon sighed heavily. Too bad times have to change

Adon returns to the letter and reads it once more. The faintest trace of a smile flashes across his face. You old coot. Of course I remember the heath. I've based my whole career on it. Adon looks out the window again. Yes, Eugene. I'll be there on March 4 old friend.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
A.C.G. Llewellyn

Arthur glances at the note for a moment as he retrieves it from Beasely Junior. "Old Witherspoon, ha! I've not heard from him in an age." He thunders back up the stairs after eating and reads it in-depth. "Harrumph," he says to himself, as he drains his coffee and folds the note. "Thinks he's made a breakthrough. So many of our great scientific discoveries are made by asylum inmates. Ha! But I guess I may as well see what it is he wants."

A.C.G. will go about his normal activities until the date and time specified.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Tailspinner said:
Daisy looks around the area for a boarding house or inn. She realizes that she still has several days before she is to meet with her great uncle. Not seeing one she walks over to a young man nearby. "Excuse me sir. Might you point me in the direction of a good boarding house or inn? I have just arrived in town and I am in need of accommodations." She looks at the man expectantly while smiling coyly.
"Ah... ah, w-well of course miss! There's the Seaside House, very nice place that is, or the Steeple Inn. And... Umm... Baywind Boarding House... and Mrs. Beasley has an older place over on the west side," the student says nervously, pointing in the direction of each place as he says, pushing his glasses up his nose. He can give her directions to any of the boarding houses she chooses.


Guest 11456

Daisy Gene Velmont : Female Cat Burglar

Daisy decides on Mrs. Beasley's place and asks for directions. Then she heads for her location taking in the sites (and potential 'business' sites) along the way. She wonders if she will do any 'business' while she is here. At the moment she is comfortable with the idea of just relaxing for a few days.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Daisy can find Mrs. Beasley's place without too much trouble. It's a bit run-down, an old ramshakle place with three stories and an attic, but it's obvious there's plenty of room. The kindly Mrs. Beasley will put her up with room and board for a not unreasonable eight dollars per week. The room is small, with a single bed, a dresser, table, chair, mirror, and a closet. However, everything is clean, if worn. Two oil lamps provide the illumination along with a single curtained window looking out into the yard below. It's conveniently just below the porch roof, and an easy climb to the ground, which is why Daisy chose it.*

*The prospects for a job are not terribly great. This is not a rich town, but there are a few houses on the north side that seem to be well-maintained and prosperous.*

*Finally March 4th arrives. Dr. Ashe, Daisy, and Arthur set out early to get to their meeting on time. Dr. Ashe and Arthur find their way to the asylum without difficulty. It is a gothic building of massive proportions, with spires, towers, gargoyles, and decorative ironwork a-plenty. A wrought iron fence with wicked spikes atop it encircles the grounds. A few of the patients are taking a stroll in the relatively warm weather, taking advantage of one of the relatively calm days of March in New England. Orderlies walk close by, steering them away from the gate as the two older men present themselves for admittance.*

*Daisy Velmont had not known where 400 Arkham Road was, and when she asked for directions from Mrs. Beasley, had gotten quite a shock!*

"Why heavens! That's the asylum miss, the crazy house," she had told her, along with the directions.

*Now she stood with two other men, one she vaguely recognized from the boarding house, and another bespecled academic in a tweed suit. A burly orderly stood at the gate, having come from the shelter of a small guardhouse. A nightstick was visible at his belt, and he looked upon the small group with small eyes full of suspiscion.*

"Who are you here to see?" he asked, gruffly.


Guest 11456

Daisy Gene Velmont : Female Cat Burglar

Daisy steps up toward the man. She curtsies before speaking. "I am here to see great uncle Eugee..." She blushes at her error in speaking. She ducks her head, a bit embarassed. "I mean, Eugene Whitherspoon. Yes! I am here to see Eugene Whitherspoon. Is he here?"


First Post
Dr. Adon Ashe

Adon looks over his glasses at the young woman in mild surprise. "Hmmm, yes, good sir. I'm also here to see Professor Witherspoon. We were colleagues when he was still with the university. I have his letter asking me to come, if you would like to see it." Adon smiles slightly at the suspicious guard.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*The guard looks at all three with a strange expression, particularly when Arthur indicates his desire to see Dr. Whitherspoon as well.*

"He said he was expecting company today... Very well, let me call an orderly. Just a warning, don't talk to the patients. A lot of them talk nonsense. We don't let the violent ones out, but these ones out here are still fairly batty," he says with a shrug. He goes back into his little guard house, and in a few minutes, another orderly comes out from the main doors.

"Good day, gentlemen, lady, if you'll follow me," the young man says with a bob of his head. Like the others, he's well-muscled and looks as if he can handle himself. The walkway from the main gate to the main entrance has a wrought-iron fence separating it from the rest of the yard. Some of the patients follow the group, pacing them, and even imitating them as they walk. At the entrance, the orderly pulls out a jangling ring of keys and begins to search for the right one.

*Suddenly Dr. Ashe feels a hand tug the sleeve of his jacket. Turning, startled, he sees a thin old women with bony hands standing at the bars of the fence... a good ten feet away. She whispers to him in a frantic voice.*

"Have you seen the yellow sign?" she gasps. Another orderly comes up behind her and begins to steer her away from the fence. "Come on Mary, don't bother the guests..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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