Collected Core Handbook Errata


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✦ p.77: under the Melee Weapon Groups and Associated Statistics table it says, "Polearm: Wisdom [and rarely Dexterity]", there are no polearm exploits that take advantage of Wisdom, and only one that uses Dexterity [Diirk]
The Paragon Tier feat, Polearm Gamble, requires a Wisdom of 15.

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Actually, it really means that a Dragonborn needs something stronger than a horse.

A RL horse should carry no more than 20% of its bodyweight, or so. A charger or horse with similiar bone-density can hold a bit more, but not a lot. Clydesdale and similiar draught-horse breeds made good warhorse base stock, due to size/density and stamina.

You'll be damnably lucky to find a horse that can carry a 270lb weight for long, and once you add tack and gear, you're going to be breaking that horse.

Sooo.. Dragonborn needs bigger/different mounts. Its not a problem with the Mounts carrying capacity.

Dragonborn are also freaking huge, the average weight being 120kgs.

They forgot to include stats for the equort...


First Post
The damage example on page 276 makes reference to an earlier version of the thundering longsword. They no longer have an encounter power that adds 10 thunder damage and a 1 square push. It is now a Daily power that adds 1d8 Thunder damage and a 1 square push.


PHB p111
Wounding Whirlwind, add line Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.

PHB p113
Wandering Tornado, add line Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.

(while it seems implied and reasonable for both instances given the hit and damage lines, it is not stated even though it is stated for all the other burst/blast abilities that are two weapon / ranged weapon specific. There may be others but those are the two I noticed)
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Underage AOLer

First Post
Page 160 Flaming Sphere

Since the wizards update makes this no longer occupy a square it needs text that makes it occupy a square. Not sure if it should block movement.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. I looked at the Update and there was no mention of Flaming Sphere, so perhaps you could elaborate?
Cavalorn said:
There seems to be an attack roll missing from the Killing Dark power common to both the Dark Creeper and Dark Stalker. The text in each is identical, suggesting the error was propagated across with a simple c&p; the Dark Stalker text states that 'when slain, a dark creeper explodes in a spout of darkness'. Obviously, this should be Dark Stalker.

The other interpretation is to see the attack as autohit, but seeing as it confers a fairly nasty status effect (blinded), I doubt this was the intention. ('Let's bombard the Tarrasque with Dark Creepers and keep it blinded!')

There are a few other "when <monster> reaches 0 hit points" that are automatic hits, but not many. I'm inclined to err on the side of no correction until I hear otherwise from WotC, or if you have a justification why all the autohits that are missing an attack vs. something are incorrect.

I've updated the first post with some new additions. Thanks again to everyone for pointing them out.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. I looked at the Update and there was no mention of Flaming Sphere, so perhaps you could elaborate?

Flaming Sphere is a conjuration. Conjurations now no longer take up space unless explicitly stated (due to errata). It makes some logical sense that a Flaming Sphere would take up space (but logic != D&D in all cases), and that there could be stated effects for movement into/through its square (forced or otherwise). But whether that's really a problem or not...


First Post
Flaming Sphere is a conjuration. Conjurations now no longer take up space unless explicitly stated (due to errata). It makes some logical sense that a Flaming Sphere would take up space (but logic != D&D in all cases), and that there could be stated effects for movement into/through its square (forced or otherwise). But whether that's really a problem or not...

What he said ... the fact that a flaming sphere has a size "medium" and must be conjured originally into an unoccupied square implies that it should occupy a square. As it is now since it only damages adjacent squares and doesn't occpy a square there's a 'safe square' in the middle of the sphere which is just silly.


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Hey folks,

Just wanted to say thanks for your continued vigilance. I am continuing to monitor this thread. We have reviewed all the issues raised here and you can expect another update soon.



First Post
Is each additional Quarry subject to the extra damage each round? IE: does only one Quarry take the damage, which is one reading of the rules on page 104, or does each Quarry that you attack that round take the extra damage?

Customer service response:
If you have multiple Quarries, and you hit multiple Quarries, you choose which one takes the extra damage.

PHB pg. 104

"If you can make multiple attacks in a round, you decide which attack to apply the extra damage to after all the attacks are rolled."

Should read

"If you attack multiple quarries in a round, you decide which quarry to apply the extra damage to."

The fact that you can make multiple attacks, and that the attacks are rolled is totally irrelevant to the situation.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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