Is each additional Quarry subject to the extra damage each round? IE: does only one Quarry take the damage, which is one reading of the rules on page 104, or does each Quarry that you attack that round take the extra damage?
Customer service response:
If you have multiple Quarries, and you hit multiple Quarries, you choose which one takes the extra damage.
PHB pg. 104
"If you can make multiple attacks in a round, you decide which attack to apply the extra damage to after all the attacks are rolled."
Should read
"If you attack multiple quarries in a round, you decide which quarry to apply the extra damage to."
The fact that you can make multiple attacks, and that the attacks are rolled is totally irrelevant to the situation.
You're missing the point of this rule. This rule allows you to decide to apply your Hunter's Quarry to the attack roll that was a critical hit, therefore maximizing it with the crit.