WotC Community update for Sept 22, 2023. Note Lost Mine of Phandelver will be unavailable to claim after Oct 6th


Some good news here. I liked that they translated the 5.1 SRD into multiple languages a while back and I appreciated the sentiment of the time from Kyle Brink: "We believe that D&D should be for everybody. So we're taking steps to make that ever more the case, as promised. And this won't be the last such step."
But I'm less thrilled with how they've moved "Review Previous Editions for Inclusion in Creative Commons" from "In Progress" (in March) to "Upcoming." The new explanation is "Before adding previous editions into Creative Commons, we need to review the materials in detail as it has been many years since their publication," and back in March it was talking about IP loss concerns. It sounds like it's just getting put off further and further.
I get that they have to do an IP wipe and check for dated/offensive elements, but I feel like this is a sign that effort hasn't been given any meaningful priority, or that it might slip into next year (or quietly retired). If they're gonna take this long to comb over an actual, finished SRD like 3.5, I feel like a CC stripped-down version of 4e, BX/OD&D, or AD&D/2e might as well be wholly off the table. Not a fan.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Some good news here. I liked that they translated the 5.1 SRD into multiple languages a while back and I appreciated the sentiment of the time from Kyle Brink: "We believe that D&D should be for everybody. So we're taking steps to make that ever more the case, as promised. And this won't be the last such step."
But I'm less thrilled with how they've moved "Review Previous Editions for Inclusion in Creative Commons" from "In Progress" (in March) to "Upcoming." The new explanation is "Before adding previous editions into Creative Commons, we need to review the materials in detail as it has been many years since their publication," and back in March it was talking about IP loss concerns. It sounds like it's just getting put off further and further.
I get that they have to do an IP wipe and check for dated/offensive elements, but I feel like this is a sign that effort hasn't been given any meaningful priority, or that it might slip into next year (or quietly retired). If they're gonna take this long to comb over an actual, finished SRD like 3.5, I feel like a CC stripped-down version of 4e, BX/OD&D, or AD&D/2e might as well be wholly off the table. Not a fan.
To be honest, it is probavly the case that the people who can do that work are currently working in the PHB, MM and DMG.


... I feel like a CC stripped-down version of 4e, BX/OD&D, or AD&D/2e might as well be wholly off the table. Not a fan.
I don't think any of those were ever on the table. Of those, only 4e had an SRD and it was not like the 3e or 5e SRDs. It would be mostly useless to make that document CC. Why it would be great if they provided those, that is a lot of work. They definitely don't have the workforce to do that while preparing the 2024 core books and probably not ever.


I don't think any of those were ever on the table. Of those, only 4e had an SRD and it was not like the 3e or 5e SRDs. It would be mostly useless to make that document CC. Why it would be great if they provided those, that is a lot of work. They definitely don't have the workforce to do that while preparing the 2024 core books and probably not ever.
I don't have an exact quote handy (I will investigate), but I remember Kyle Brink on his apology tour said the ETA for the 3.5 SRD going CC was by the end of 2023 (pretty sure this was in the interview with Bob World Builder). I also recall him saying that there was a possibility other vintage editions could be considered for inclusion (but that might not have been in the same interview as the first). It would take a while for me to find those specific statements, but I'm gonna look.


Kinda figured they'd turn the original Lost Mine of Phandelver into Legacy Content, what with the retcons in Shattered Obelisk.

I wonder if any of 5E's Legacy Content will ever wind up on DMs Guild.


I don't have an exact quote handy (I will investigate), but I remember Kyle Brink on his apology tour said the ETA for the 3.5 SRD going CC was by the end of 2023 (pretty sure this was in the interview with Bob World Builder). I also recall him saying that there was a possibility other vintage editions could be considered for inclusion (but that might not have been in the same interview as the first). It would take a while for me to find those specific statements, but I'm gonna look.
I watched all of those interviews too. I don't remember him giving a specific date for the 3/3.5e SRD. Or really any promise to deliver it this year or even next.

I remember him mentioning that they could look at other editions, but that they specifically would be more difficult.


Book-Friend, he/him
I watched all of those interviews too. I don't remember him giving a specific date for the 3/3.5e SRD. Or really any promise to deliver it this year or even next.

I remember him mentioning that they could look at other editions, but that they specifically would be more difficult.
Honestly that it's still on tje docket is impressive to me.


I watched all of those interviews too. I don't remember him giving a specific date for the 3/3.5e SRD. Or really any promise to deliver it this year or even next.

I remember him mentioning that they could look at other editions, but that they specifically would be more difficult.
Regarding the timing of older editions (3E/3.5E) going CC.

Bob World Builder Interview (full version)

Starting at 18:18:
Bob: So let's say just to maybe, like, narrow down on this a little bit as well. You know 2024 - huge year for D&D. Um, is there any guess or, like, plan that by the time 6E comes out, is that when all these SRDs will be in Creative Commons, or do you think it'll be something that happens later down the line?
Kyle: I think it'll be, uh, in in-flight updates. So I think that as we you know we obviously have to publish rules first before we put them in the SRD. But you'll get to see some of the rules changes we're working on as we do the play tests for for One D&D, and so you'll have some idea of the rules changes that are coming up. And we expect the community will tell us, "hey you need to make sure this makes it into the SRD," just in case we're overlooking something.
Bob: Yeah.
Kyle: And then when the actual rule books are published, we'll follow that up with an SRD update.
Bob: Yeah I guess, uh, I-I also meant for those older editions.
Kyle: [spoken with a "for sure" tone] Oh yeah.
Bob: You think in Creative Commons—
Kyle: Yeah.
Bob: —by 2024 or end of 2024?
Kyle: Oh I think that'll happen this year. I mean, we just have to do our homework and do the review. It's, you know, there's no particular reason to delay it other than the work.
Bob: Okay.

Regarding other old editions going Creative Commons.

Nerd Immersion's interview

Starting @ 20:55:

Ted: To that point, just to touch on the previous SRDs, I know obviously one of the big ones that was out there was the 3rd Edition one. Is there plans to possibly go further back, or even touch on 4th possibly, if people are still looking to to do things like that?
Kyle: Yeah, I don't see why not. I mean, other than the work involved.
Ted: Sure.
Kyle: You know, it's all, like, got to look at it, figure out what's the perfect thing to put into an SRD, for editions that may not already be in SRDs, we'll have to create SRDs for them, which is a fairly, uh, extensive process. And some, honestly some of those old editions, wow, the files are... [laughs]
Ted: Yeah. Sure, I can imagine, yeah. [smiles]
Kyle: It might just be a logistical problem, it's not a strategic problem. Anything that would hold us up would be more logistical than strategic.

EDIT: So you're correct on the latter point about older editions being only considered—which I'll note is exactly what I said in my earlier reply—but he definitely did give an estimate of the 3/3.5 SRDs going CC sometime this year (and spoken with quite a bit of confidence, I might add). In any case, he is aware that there is interest in the older editions and seemed amenable to exploring it, assuming logistics aren't an issue.
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Well, that's probavly the case.
Maybe so, hence what I said in my original post:
If they're gonna take this long to comb over an actual, finished SRD like 3.5, I feel like a CC stripped-down version of 4e, BX/OD&D, or AD&D/2e might as well be wholly off the table. Not a fan.

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