D&D 5E Companion thread to 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part IX: Paladin)


So for someone like myself, who never played 4th Edition: what does the "Warden" do that the Oath of Ancients paladin cannot do with the right feats and spells? Serious question, not trolling.

Well, let's see.
OH! I just remember another aspect of the Warden!

In 4e, most negative effects either lasted for a turn or had 'Save Ends' as duration. That meant that at the end of the every turn you would roll a d20 to see if you shook off each negative condition afflicting you (meaning you always got 'until the end of the next turn' at minimal). This saving throw was a simple d20 with a success if you rolled 11 or more. Not unlike a Death Save essentially.

A Warden got to Save at the START of their turn in addition to the end of their turn. In other words, they were extremely good at shaking off negative status and were very hard to take down, especially with their aforementioned huge HP. That one aspect I think we can kinda see it in the 5e Paladin with their immunities and Auras. It's not 1-to-1 but the philosophy is kinda there.

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Possibly a Idiot.
Except for the Wizard UAs tho :p
They literally had to drop the 70% requirement because of the massive amounts of hate that any new wizard school got, just for being a wizard school. The Sorcerer/Warlock lobby was poisoning the well so much that even the boringly obvious gap of the War Magic school couldn't pass the bar.

Honestly, I am concerned over what is going to happen to the 1D&D Wizard when it's packet comes around, because it's going to be more of the same "delete wizards plz" and nothing resembling useful feedback.


Follower of the Way
The Oath of the Ancients is a good Green Knight-style Paladin or even a nice paladin as imagined for elves. It's probably my favorite paladin oath. The OotA haters can get lost. They ain't no friends of mine.
Honestly, I'm not a hater. I just think (a) it should be its own class, because the Green Knight people keep describing, they almost always say "I wanted it to be nothing like what a Paladin is" in not so many words, and (b) it's been consistently the highest or second-highest thing (and it was only second-highest this morning, having been clearly the leader for essentially the entire run up to this point.)

Voting down the easy targets is what leads to only boring things winning. Voting against the popular things ensures greater variety going into the final few votes. There's no strategic benefit to voting for something one doesn't personally want, but there is strategic value in which things you vote down. Hence, I vote against popular things on the regular.

Incidentally, for folks saying "you have to get most of the upvotes to win," this current suvivor thread is great evidence against that. Ancients only got something like a quarter of the first three pages of votes....and yet as stated was still winning until literally yesterday morning. There are clearly more people who like Ancients than don't. It's practically guaranteed to win at this point, simply because it has like five or six people dedicated to pushing it up. Devotion is probably the only thing that has even the slightest chance of defeating it, and that only because it is the Beige: the Neutraling option this time around.


Honestly, I am concerned over what is going to happen to the 1D&D Wizard when it's packet comes around, because it's going to be more of the same "delete wizards plz" and nothing resembling useful feedback.
Maybe they SHOULD delete the Wizard... it's design has many problems and its fan will always fight to keep it the top dog on no other ground than tradition...


Morkus from Orkus
Wardens in 4e were, as stated, very "sticky." They were very, very good at keeping enemies locked down where the Warden wanted them, which usually meant "next to me, because I can take the hits." Stickiness is difficult to achieve in 5e in general for a variety of reasons, but you might be able to kludge something together, especially with UA and a DM open to favorable options (e.g. bringing back Marking and allowing non-Reaction OAs when opponents violate the mark.)
If feats are allowed, you can achieve a limited form of stick by taking the Sentinel feat. My Oath of Ancients paladin had that feat and I was locking down creatures in almost every fight.


Morkus from Orkus
Maybe they SHOULD delete the Wizard... it's design has many problems and its fan will always fight to keep it the top dog on no other ground than tradition...
There's only a slightly greater chance of the sun rising tomorrow morning than the wizard class being deleted. :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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