D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part IX: Paladin)


The High Aldwin
^sniped :)

@Burnside I am guessing you just passed midnight? Because your last two votes were less than 30 minutes apart...

My fault.

This is where we actually are:

Oath of the Ancients 13
Oath of Devotion 16
Oath of Redemption 6
Oath of Vengeance 3
Oath of the Watchers 10
Yep, those are accurate.

Oath of the Ancients 13
Oath of Devotion 16
Oath of Redemption 6
Oath of Vengeance 3

Oath of the Watchers 10

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Oath of the Ancients 14
Oath of Devotion 12
Oath of Redemption 3
Oath of Vengeance 5
Oath of the Watchers 8

Voidrunner's Codex

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