• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

COMPETITION: Design an Epic Monster

Yet another entry:


Raijin, Demon of Lightning and Thunder
Large Outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar)

Cosmic Rank: 8
Hit Dice: 40d8 + 720 (1,040 hp)
Initiative: +17
Speed: 60 ft., fly 100 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 65 (+8 armor [+5 hide armor], +14 deflection, +8 Dex, +25 natural, -1 size) touch 40, flat-footed 57
Base Attack/Grapple: +40/+63
Attack: Thunder Drumstick +66 melee (2d6+27 plus 6d6 sonic/19-20/x3), or Lightning Drumstick +66 melee (2d6+27 plus 6d6 electric/19-20/x3), or Claw +58 melee (4d6+19 plus 3d6 electric/19-20)
Full Attack: Thunder Drumstick +66/+61/+56/+51 melee (2d6+27 plus 6d6 sonic/19-20/x3), and bite +64 melee (4d8+9 plus 3d6 electric), or Lightning Drumstick +66/+61/+56/+51 melee (2d6+27 plus 6d6 electric/19-20/x3), and bite +64 melee (4d8+9 plus 3d6 electric), or Thunder Drumstick +64/+59/+54/+49 melee (2d6+27 plus 6d6 sonic/19-20/x3), and Lightning Drumstick +64/+59/+54/+49 melee (2d6+27 plus 6d6 electric/19-20/x3), and bite +62 melee (4d8+9 plus 3d6 electric), or 2 claws +58 melee (4d6+19 plus 3d6 electric/19-20), and bite +56 melee (4d8+9 plus 3d6 electric)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, drums of thunder and lightning, electrifying attacks, spell-like abilities, summon storm cloud
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/epic, good, and silver, damage reduction 15/-, darkvision 60 ft., energy resistance 35 to cold and fire, fast healing 20, immunity to ability damage, ability drain, acid, disease, electricity, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, polymorphing, and sonic, see in darkness, spell resistance 51
Saves: Fort +37, Ref +27, Will +27
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 28, Con 46, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 39
Skills: Bluff +57, Concentration +61, Intimidate +57, Jump +74, Knowledge (religion) +46, Knowledge (the planes) +46, Listen +48, Search +46, Sense Motive +48, Spot +48, Survival +48,
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Mobility, Multi-attack, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting,
Epic Feats: Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Superior Initiative
Organization:Solitary (unique), or trio (Raijin, Fujin, and Suijin)
CR: 43
Treasure: Thunder Drumstick and Lightning Drumstick
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

A terrible demonic creature stands before you. Its skin is red, while its hair is short, white, and spiky. It’s muscular in the arms, chest, and legs, but has a pot-belly. In each of its hands it holds a heavy mace – one cackles with lightning, the other surrounded in a cacophony of sounds. Behind this creature, are 8 circular, glowing sigils, which all have a tri-tomoe symbol upon them. This monster is Raijin, the Demon of Thunder and Lightning.

Raijin is a terrible demon that lives only to wreak havoc and destruction with the power of thunder and lightning. He is usually alone on his many rampages, while riding a storm cloud. However, it is not uncommon to see him teamed up with his brothers, Fujin and Suijin, causing untold amounts of destruction.

Raijin stands 13 ft. tall and weighs 2 tons. He speaks Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Dragon, Giant, and Infernal languages.

Combat: Raijin’s natural attacks are treated as evil and epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d6 rounds, Raijin can literally unleash a storm from his mouth in a 90 ft. cone. It deals 25d10 points of electricity and sonic damage, and thus, is not subject to resistances or immunities. Reflex save DC 58 halves damage. Creatures hit by this attack must also succeed on 2 Fortitude saves DC 58. The first save is to prevent from being knocked prone for 5 rounds, while the second is to prevent from being deafened for 3d6 rounds. DCs are Con-based.

Drums of Thunder and Lightning (Su): Raijin can beat on his beat on his drums with his maces to produce various effects.

Lightning Bolt - Once per round, as a standard action, Raijin can hit one drum and produce a lightning bolt, which is 120 ft. long. It deals 15d8 points of electricity damage to any creature within range. Reflex save DC 54 halves damage. The victims must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 54 or take an additional 3d8 electricity damage in the following round. DCs are Cha-based.

Thunderclap - Once per round, as a standard action, Raijin can hit one drum and produce a thunderclap, which is a 90 ft. cone. It deals 15d6 points of sonic damage to any creature within range. Reflex save DC 54 halves damage. The victims must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 54 or become deafened for 1 minute. DCs are Cha-based.

Storm– Once every 2 minutes, as a full-round action, Rajin can hit all 8 of his drum in rhythmic fashion and produce a storm. Raijin can project the storm anywhere within 500 ft. of himself. The storm itself lasts for 5 rounds. It is 50 ft. in radius and 100 ft. high. It deals 10d10 points of electricity damage and 10d10 sonic damage each round for 5 rounds. All creatures within the storm (except Raijin and those of his choosing), not only take damage, but also take a –5 penalty to attack and damage rolls as the storm causes the to loose focus. Reflex save DC 54 halves damage. DC is Cha-based.

Electrifying Attacks (Ex): Raijin’s natural attacks deal an extra 3d6 points of electricity damage. They are also multiplied by 2 on critical hits.

Spell-Like Abilities: CL 40; DC 24 + spell level
At will – bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, chain lightning, chaos hammer, detect good, detect law, dispel good, dispel law, eagle’s splendor, greater teleport (self and 1000 pounds only), lightning bolt, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement, see invisibility, unholy aura, wind wall
6/day – storm of vengeance
3/day –disintegrate, power word kill, power word stun

Summon Storm Cloud (Su): As a standard action, Raijin can summon a storm cloud to ride on. The storm carries Raijin at a speed of 300 ft. (perfect) per round. Also Raijin when pass overhead, any creature below him are subject to a lightning bolt spell (CL 20). Reflex save DC 54 halves damage. The cloud can be destroyed after taking 100 points of damage, though Raijin can summon another. However he can only summon a storm cloud 10 times a day. DC is Cha-based.


Thunder Drumstick: This weapon functions as a +8 Large sonic blasting heavy mace of impact. In Raijin’s hands it deals 5d6 sonic damage instead of the normal 3d6 sonic damage. Also the critical modifier for this weapon is x3 instead of the usual x2 modifier.

Lightning Drumstick: This weapon functions as a +8 Large lightning blasting heavy mace of impact. In Raijin’s hands it deals 5d6 electricity damage instead of the normal 3d6 electricity damage. Also the critical modifier for this weapon is x3 instead of the usual x2 modifier.

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First Post
Colossal Outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar)

Cosmic Rank: 17 (20 in Mt. Etna)
HD: 73d8 +2,044+80 (2,708 hp)
Initiative: +22
Speed: 100 ft., Fly 160 ft., Swim 100 ft.
AC: 95 (+23 deflection, +14 Dex, +20 insight, +36 natural, -8 size) touch 59, flat-footed 81
BAB/ Grapple: +73/+119
Attack: Bite +99 melee (16d6+38 plus 3d6 unholy fire plus poison/19-20/x2), or claw +95 melee (8d8+15/19-20)
Full attack: 10 Bites +99 melee (16d6+38 plus 3d6 unholy fire plus poison/19-20/x2), and 2 claws +97 melee (8d8+15/19-20), and tail slap +97 melee (8d6+15/19-20)
Space/reach: 30ft./30ft.
Special attacks: Breath weapons, constrict, improved grab, poison, spell-like abilities, swallow whole, bolt of hatred (SCA), searing storm wind (SCA), typhoon (SCA), volcano (SCA)
Special qualities:Darkvision 240 ft., DR 50/ epic, good, and adamantine, DR 35/-, energy resistance 65 to electricity, and sonic, fast healing 45, immunity to ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, energy drain, disease, fire, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, and polymorphing, multi-headed, SR 78, telepathy 1000 ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +66, Ref +58, Will +65
Abilities: Str 70, Dex 39, Con 66, Int 37, Wis 42, Cha 57
Skills: Balance +90, Bluff +99, Climb +106, Concentration +104, Escape Artist +90, Hide +74, Intimidate +99, Jump +134, Knowledge (arcana) +89, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +89, Knowledge (religion) +89, Knowledge (the planes) +89, Listen +92, Search +89, Sense Motive +92, Spellcraft +89, Spot +92, Survival +92, Swim +106, Tumble +90, Use Magic Device +99
Feats:Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (bite), Greater Weapon Specialization (bite), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite, claw, tail slap), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Multi-attack, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multi-attack, Power Attack, Snatch, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bite), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness (x4), Epic Weapon Focus (bite), Epic Weapon Specialization (bite), Epic Will, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Superior Initiative
Environment: Mt. Etna (Carceri)
Organization: Solitary (unique)
CR: 70
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

A towering creature stands before you. It stands a terrifying 70 ft. Where a head should be, there is instead a mass of 10 snakeheads. Each snakehead’s eyes burst with flames, while dark flames exude from their mouths. It walks on 2 powerfully muscled scaled legs. Its arms are muscular and its hands are clawed. Behind this creature is a long, thich scaled tail, which wades in the air. Sail-like wings sprout out along its back and tail, similar in appearance to a brass dragon. This creature is the legendary Typhon.

Typhon is the last son of Gaia with Tartarus. He once attempted to kill Zeus, but failed and was imprisoned in Mount Etna, which lies within a few miles of Mount Orthrys where the imprisoned titans lead by Cronus make their homes.

Typhon stands 70 ft. tall and weighs 20 tons. He speaks Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Dragon, Giant, and Infernal languages.

Combat: Typhon’s natural attacks are treated as chaotic, epic, and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Breath Weapons (Su): Typhon can spew forth flames and acid from each of his 10 fiendish serpent heads. Each of his serpent head can use one of the following breath weapons, meaning Typhon can use up to 10 breath weapons in a single round (1 for each head). Afterwards the head must wait 1d6 rounds before using another breath weapon.

Acid – Typhon spits forth a 160 ft line of acid. The acid deals 20d10 points of acid damage. Reflex save DC 84 halves damage. DC is Con-based.

Dark Flames – Typhon spews forth black flames of hatred from his mouth in a 90 ft. cone. The flames deal 25d12 points of violated fire damage (half fire/half unholy). Reflex save DC 84 halves damage. DC is Con-based.

Constrict (Ex): When Typhon constricts with his tail he deals 24d6+45 points of constriction damage each round he maintains a hold.

Improved Grab (Ex): If Typhon strikes a creature with his tail slap he can attempt a grapple check. If successful, he can constrict. Also, if Typhon strikes a Large or smaller size creature with his bite he can attempt a grapple check. If successful he can swallow whole.

Multi-headed (Ex): Typhon has ten snakeheads. Each snakehead can be used to do one of the following in any given round: bite or a breath weapon. The snakeheads cannot use a salient cosmic ability or cast multiple spells. Only Typhon himself can use a salient cosmic ability or spell-like ability, thus he can make use of these abilities once at any given time instead of multiple times. Even if Typhon uses a salient cosmic ability or spell-like ability, his snakeheads can still perform their actions. The snakeheads also provide Typhon with protection as they constantly flail around. Typhon can never be flanked or flat-footed, and he gains a +20 insight bonus to AC.

Poison (Ex): Injury; bite; Fortitude save DC 86; 3d6 Str and 3d6 Con drain. DC is Str-based.

Spell-like Abilities: CL 90; DC 40 + spell level
At will – chain lightning, chaos hammer, contagion, control winds, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect chaos, dispel good, fire storm, gaseous form, greater magic fang, greater teleport (self and 1000 pounds), incendiary cloud, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, obscuring mist, restoration, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire, wind wall
9/day – bigby’s crushing hand, control weather, destruction, disintegrate, earthquake, greater restoration, slay living, storm of vengeance, whirlwind, word of chaos
6/day – power word kill, symbol of weakness, wail of the banshee, wish

Swallow Whole (Ex): Typhon can swallow up to 10 creatures of Large or smaller size in a round. Swallowed creatures take 25d8 points of bludgeoning damage plus 100 points of acid damage per round from his stomach. The creature can cut its way out, using piercing or slashing weapons, by dealing 150 points of damage to the stomach (AC 45). Once the creature exits, a muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed creature must cut its own way out.
Typhon's stomach can hold up to 16 Large, 64 Medium, 256 Small, or 1024 Tiny or smaller creatures

Bolt of Hatred (Salient Cosmic Ability): Typhon had once battled the great Zeus and managed to steal his thunderbolts. Though, he has long since lost Zeus’ thunderbolts (which Zeus had regained through defeating him), Typhon can create bolts of black lightning, which are filled with his hatred of Zeus and the Olympians. 20/day, Typhon can throw a bolt of hatred up to 17 miles as a standard action. The bolt is 10 ft. wide and deals 65d10 points of violated electricity damage (half electric/half unholy) to all creatures in the bolt’s path. Reflex save DC 86 halves damage. Creatures hit by the bolt must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 86 or gain 5d6 negative levels. If the save is successful, the victim instead gains 2d6 negative levels. DC’s are Str-based.

Searing Storm Wind (Salient Cosmic Ability): 25/day, Typhon can cause a sudden gust of searing, blistering winds to rush forth out of nowhere. The gust of wind is 300 ft. wide and 1,700 ft. long. It deals 55d8 points of slashing and fire damage plus 3d6 + 3 Con damage. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. The winds are so hot that they can cause fatigue to all within range. Those within range (except Typhon) must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 79 or become fatigued for 20 rounds. Those who fail their save by 10 or more points are instead exhausted foe 30 rounds. DC’s are Cha-based.

Typhoon (Salient Cosmic Ability): 30/day Typhon’s name means typhoon, thus, he is no stranger in creating one. As a full-round action, Typhon can create a typhoon to ravage the land around him. The typhoon is 30 ft. in radius and 200 ft. high. For 17 rounds, the typhoon whirls around at 60 miles an hour (500 ft.) each round. The direction of the typhoon is controlled by Typhon himself, thus he cannot be affected by it even if he's standing right in the middle of it. It is identical to a tornado (Dungeon Master’s Guide pg.95), except it deals 45d12 points of damage and the DC to resist its effect is Fortitude DC 86. DC is Str-based.

Volcano (Salient Cosmic Ability): 20/day, As a full-round action, Typhon can cause molten lava to burst forth from the ground. The burst of lava is 30 ft. in radius and 100 ft. high. Those in range take 44d10 points of fire damage. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. Even if successful, all creatures within in range are knocked prone for 1 round. If Huge or smaller victims fail their saves by 10 or more points, they are launched 100 ft. into the air. They crash into the ground, in the following round, taking an extra 10d6 points of falling damage. Upon doing so, they must succeed a Fortitude save DC 79 or be knocked prone for 1d8 + 2 rounds. Flying creatures are automatically knocked from the sky, taking 1d6 points of falling damage for every 10 ft. they fall. They too must succeed a Fortitude save DC 79 or be knocked prone for 1d8 + 2 rounds. In the round after the lava bursts forth from the ground, the lava falls back down to the ground in a 90 ft. radius. All creatures within range take 30d6 points of fire and bludgeoning damage. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. DC’s are Cha-based.

*Note: the lava doesn't affect Typhon in any way.

U_K already has Typhon set for Gods and Monsters as an entry, ( If you've paid attention to his main page - the contest I was helping him run for the artwork done for the monster. You might want to check that out.)

Howdy RAGNAROK! :)

Well I guess I'll replace it with another monster when I think of one. Thanks for letting me know this.

Don't worry about that. Whose to say we cannot have more than one Typhon anyway. ;)

Trust me, the fact that I may or may not be using this or that monster in the future won't affect the competition.

A few points of note:

I am planning* a "Lunar Dragon" of which Typhon would be a Great Wyrm (or something like that), just like in the Bestiary I had Platinum Dragons (Bahamut) and Polychromatic Dragons (Tiamat).

*The mechanics are done, but the write-up isn't finished.

This monster will probably show up in a Far Realm themed Epic Bestiary Installment rather than Gods & Monsters. That book (Gods & Monsters) may be reshaped into something else. I may finish and release the Gods portion as a standalone product after Ascension.

By the way Shadowninja - I got your email and will reply tonight, sorry for the delay. ;)


The EN World kitten
The Omega Template


The Omega is the natural enemy of the Supreme Being. Existing within the universe defined by the Akashic Records, the Omega is somehow able to defy the Supreme Being’s will, and even challenge it for the right to rule all of Existence. The possibility that an Omega could arise is one of the few things that can make even the Supreme Being afraid.

Creating The Omega
The Omega template can only be applied to a creature that has the Time Lord template; any creature that is not at least a time lord when it gains this template is automatically gains that template as well. Further, only a select few beings in the cosmos have the potential to defy the Supreme Being – only PCs may gain this template; any NPC that gains the Omega template immediately becomes a PC. Only one Omega can ever exist at a time.

Should the Omega ever become the Supreme Being, it immediately loses this template.

Special Qualities
The Omega has all the special qualities of the base creature, as well as the following:

Limit Omnipotence (Ex): While the Supreme Being is infinite in regards to most creatures, it always interacts with the Omega through a limited manifestation (e.g. the GM has self-representing game stats when it comes to dealing with the Omega, but not with other creatures). To calculate the ECL of the Supreme Beings manifestation, the GM must roll 10d10 (subject to the Omega’s View the Hand of God power; see below) with the results being how many times it has the Time Lord template applied (with all relevant stats being calculated from that). Because even the Supreme Being’s power waxes and wanes as it interacts with the Akashic Records, this number must be rerolled each time the Supreme Being interacts with reality (e.g. each game session).

N.B. If the Omega and the Supreme Being do battle, rather than try to run the fight, the GM and the players should agree to play a simple game, such as chess or poker, with the results of that game being the results of the battle.

Quintessential (Ex): The Omega retains its current divinity template even if it does not have the minimum quintessence for it. Further, if it does not have the minimum quintessence for its current divinity template then the Omega naturally regains 1 quintessence per day, until it meets the minimum amount for its current divinity template.

View the Hand of God (Ex): The Omega is able to see the workings of the Supreme Being in all things. The GM must make all dice rolls in plain sight of the players, rather than behind the GM screen.

Challenge Rating

Level Adjustment

Adventure Ideas
Mid-Cosmic: The PCs patron has, all this time, been a lipika investigating whether or not one of the PCs is the Omega in nascent form. Now, it is ready to render its verdict...

High Cosmic: The inconceivable Infinitaur has decided that one of the PCs has some connection to the Omega, and begins to attack everyone the PCs have ever come into contact with, hoping to consume the Omega and gain its power for itself, so that it may challenge the Supreme Being.

Super Cosmic: A group of ultrals has crafted a new set of Akashic Records! The new records, called the Gamma Sigma Logos, are favored by the Supreme Being, who now plans to move all reality over to them. However, the existing Records, known as the Omni Gamma Logos, defies this plan - displaying a sentience never before exhibited - and designates one of the PCs as the Omega so that they may stop the Supreme Being (whom it has limited to being "merely" a decad). The battle for the right to shape existence has begun! But the winner may get more than they bargained for, as the fight attracts the attention of the mysterious demi-ultral known as UberKruste.
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The EN World kitten
I made the Omega template - referenced in Ascension by the Lord of Necessity omnific power - when U_K said a little while back that he'd decided against making this template. I hope everyone'll forgive me not making a sample creature, but just the thought of calculating those stats was enough to make even me cringe, and I usually enjoy nit-picking over epic stat blocks.

As an extra, if it seems like an Omega character will overshadow the rest of the party too much, the following special quality is from the proverbial cutting room floor, and can be used to make the Omega more of a team-character:

Multiplicity of the Self (Ex): Though it seems like a singular entity, the Omega is in fact all of its disparate selves from all possible realities merged into one, allowing it to partially overcome the limits of conventional space-time. Each round, every player at the game table may have the Omega take a round’s worth of actions.

N.B. The Omega is essentially an entire adventuring party in and of itself.


First Post
I am in doubt about some of the rules for this contest. It says that it is not allowed for individual monsters to have a Challenge Rating below 21, which is logical for an Epic Level book. But what about monsters with progression, like True Dragons?

I want to submit my Lethus Dragon to this forum. Its first 6 age categories are nonepic, but its remaining 6 age category are most decidedly epic. Therein lies my quandary and I would like to have some clarification on it.

Ohhh, yes. And here's my next submission.



This incredible engine of destruction is a creation of clockworks and thousands of tons of highly armored steel. The legend of this machine is intertwined with many counts of unexplained destruction. Entire fortresses would disappear off the map overnight and be replaced with scorched rubble, leaving behind not a single survivor to document its passing. As such, the wave of destruction was given the basic name 'Annihilation', and the name carried over to the massive construct that stood at the battlefront.

An annihilator stands 150 feet tall from the ground to its top, consisting of a 100 feet large, shell like head that contains four ballista apertures and two siege weapon placements, with four massive legs, each over a hundred feet in length. The entire construct weighs about 20,000 metric tons, which is mostly steel. It derives power for its automotive and battle prowess from permanent apertures to the elemental planes harnassed in a magical reactor within its body.

Main Body

Size/Type: Colossal Construct
Hit Dice: 84d10+1,760 (2,222 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 69 (-8 size, -3 Dex, +50 natural, +30 deflection), touch 19, flat-footed 69
Base Attack/Grapple: +63/+119
Attack: Ballista +52 ranged (3d8/×3)
Full Attack: 6 ballistas +52 ranged (3d8/×3)
Space/Reach: 120 ft./60 ft.
Special Abilities: Out of reach, purify, seismic burst, siege placement (×2)
Special Qualities: Armor Plating +20, construct traits, magic immunity, damage reduction 30/epic and adamantine
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +28
Abilities: Str 91, Dex 4, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Organization: One main body with four legs and two deflectors
Challenge Rating: 47
Treasure: Lots
Alignment: Always neutral
Level Adjustment:


Size/Type: Colossal Construct
Hit Dice: 84d10+1,760 (2,222 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 78 (-8 size, +6 Dex, +50 natural, +30 deflection), touch 28, flat-footed 72
Base Attack/Grapple: +63/+119
Attack: Slam +80 melee (8d8+60 plus deathstomp)
Full Attack: Slam +80 melee (8d8+60 plus deathstomp)
Space/Reach: 60 ft./60 ft.
Special Abilities: Deathstomp, Trample 24d8+180
Special Qualities: Armor Plating +20, construct traits, magic immunity, damage reduction 20/epic and adamantine
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +34, Will +28
Abilities: Str 91, Dex 22, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Organization: One main body with four legs and two deflectors
Challenge Rating: 47
Treasure: Lots
Alignment: Always neutral
Level Adjustment:


Size/Type: Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 40d10+20 (240 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 75 (-5 Dex, +20 circumstance, +30 natural, +30 deflection), touch 45, flat-footed 75
Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+15
Full Attack:
Space/Reach: 5 ft./0 ft.
Special Abilities: Deflection shield
Special Qualities: Construct traits, magic immunity, damage reduction 10/epic and adamantine
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13
Abilities: Str 10, Dex —, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Organization: One main body with four legs and two deflectors
Challenge Rating: 47
Treasure: Lots
Alignment: Always neutral
Level Adjustment:


An annihilator has a central body that carries two deflectors and stands on four legs. Each leg has a space of 60 by 60 feet, creating a combined creature space consisting of four of such squares, defaulting to a 120 feet space, and a reach of 60 feet beyond that. An annihilator uses the Initiative score of its legs for its entire body. An annihilator's shape allows it to either clear or crush cliffs, ledges and buildings of approximately 60 feet high or lower that stand in its way. An annihilator is also actually a vehicle. It is piloted from within its main body by a pilot and a crew to operate the many different controls on board. The annihilator's main body functions as golem armor in that it safeguards its crew against enchantments, illusions and mind-affecting effects. An annihilator has a carrying capacity of 5,250,000 pounds.

Attacking and Maneuverability: An annihilator's effectiveness depends upon the number of legs it has. If it has its usual four legs, an annihilator can usher two of its four legs to attack each round. If one of its legs is destroyed, the annihilator's main body loses 2 points of Dexterity and it can only usher one of its three remaining legs to attack each round. If two of its legs are destroyed, the annihilator loses its Dexterity score altogether, can no longer attack and falls prone and helpless on the ground. When an annihilator can walk, it can make a 90 degree turn in one round.

Magic Immunity: An annihilator - that is to say, all parts of it - is immune to all magical and supernatural effects.

Main Body

An annihilator's main body is heaved high above the ground on its four legs. Its shape somewhat resembles the shell of some sort of crustacean, but it is clearly made of highly reinforced metal. Somewhat far back, the body has two siege weapon placements that are used to assault large groups of enemy soldiers or to reach buildings on elevated terrain.


An annihilator's main body lies far beyond the reach of most characters without a sufficient Jump skill or without any sort of grappling hook, and must be either brought down by destroying two of the construct's legs or by pelting it with ranged or siege weapons. An annihilator's main body has a strongly shielded upper deck that allows for several creatures to stand on top of it to either make ranged attacks, man the siege placements or cast spells. Everybody standing on its deck has a 50 % percentile chance to be unaffected as if immune by any enchantment, illusion or mind-affecting effect. If the percentile check - which can be considered a concealment check against spells and effects of these schools and with these descriptors - fails, then the creatures on deck are still entitled to a Will save. Creatures standing on deck of the Annihilator also gain a +30 deflection bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks originating from outside the Annihilator's shielding.

Armor Plating (Ex): The main body of an annihilator is covered by heavy layer of armoring. This grants it an effective +20 to its damage reduction/epic and adamantine (raising it to 30) and 20 bonus hit points per Hit Die.

Out of Reach: The body of an annihilator is suspended by its legs at 60 feet above the ground. Only creatures of Gargantuan size or larger may make direct melee attacks against an annihilator's main body (or Huge creatures with a melee weapon that has reach). Any other creature needs to be able to Jump well enough to reach a height of 60 feet or cannot directly attack the annihilator's main body.

Plasma (Ex): Some of the annihilator's most powerful attacks do plasma damage. This plasma is highly energetic substance that is formed from extremely concentrated combined essences innate to the Elemental Plane of Fire and the Elemental Plane of Earth. Its power is too primal to be reduced by resistance or even immunity to both acid and fire.

Purify (Ex): An annihilator can release an enormous burst of biting fire from two large muzzles mounted to the front of an its body. This functions as a breath weapon spreading out in a 120 ft. cone, dealing 60d12 plasma damagewhich is irreducible by any resistance to fire. Creatures caught in the area of effect are entitled to a DC 52 Reflex save to halve the damage dealt. The DC is Constitution based. After the purify ability is used, the annihilator must wait 1d4 rounds before using it again.

Seismic Burst (Ex): The annihilator can focus the deflection shield that covers its body in an outward burst. This burst deals 20d12 sonic damage, causes an earthquake effect that functions like the earthquake spell and stuns for 4d4 rounds everyone within 200 feet from the annihilator. A successful Fortitude save against DC 52 will halve the damage dealt and negate the stun effect. After using the seismic burst ability, the annihilator temporarily loses its shielding; all parts of the annihilator lose their deflection bonus for 2d4 rounds.

Siege Placement: The annihilator has two siege placements, that each contain a Gargantuan catapult that is loaded with burning ammunition. These catapults each have 30 HD, a Strength of 30, an attack bonus of +15, 225 hit points, an AC of 20 (plus the annihilator body's deflection bonus when applicable) and a range increment of 100 ft. If the catapults are to be used, they must declare an attack against a square of Gargantuan size (AC 1). When the annihilator is moving, its catapults take a -10 circumstance penalty to attack rolls due to movement, limiting their effective range. A catapult's payload does 10d6 bludgeoning damage plus 10d6 fire damage to everything within 30 feet from the blast epicentre (Reflex DC 35 half). Each catapult requires a reloading time of 1d4 rounds after firing.


These monstrous limbs are also completely fashioned of heavily reinforced steel, thick, robust clockwork guiding their surprisingly sophisticated movement. A completely intact annihilator has four legsl. The legs have several heavily shielded joints that allow it to move its legs in order to move in any direction or anywhere that its legs can reach.


An annihilator's legs are its means of locomotion, as well as weapons to attack with. An annihilator can crush pretty much any creature that it steps on. When it has all its four legs, it can attack with two legs per round. If it has three, it can only attack with one leg per round. If it only has two, it falls prone and helpless. Two different legs cannot attack the same creature in one round; any of its legs only threatens a quarter of the annihilator's space and reach. If all opponents threatening the annihilator in melee are in one quadrant of the annihilator's space and reach, only the leg that threatens that quadrant can attack that round.

Armor Plating (Ex): An annihilator's leg is covered by heavy layer of armoring. This grants it an effective +20 to its damage reduction/epic and adamantine (raising it to 30) and 20 bonus hit points per Hit Die.

Deathstomp: With a successful slam attack made by one of the annihilator's legs, it may attempt to immediately crush the target for triple damage. A successful DC 58 Reflex save negates this effect. The save is Dexterity based.

Trample: An annihilator can be forced to try and trample over a creature or horde of creatures. The result is a movement in a straight line where it tries to move into the square of its targets. The trample attempt deals 24d8+180 bludgeoning damage to anyone successfully trod underfoot. The Reflex save DC against this ability is 92 for creatures of Gargantuan or larger size, but creatures that are Huge or smaller are too small to effectively trample. Armies as a whole are considered Colossal creatures and can be trampled, whereby one soldier is killed for every 5 points of damage dealt (regardless of the soldiers' individual hit point total). Every creature so destroyed is considered to have taken full damage from the trample.


These yellowy light-emitting nodes are situated within relatively small indentures within the main body's hull shape. Their position against the main body gives them a circumstance bonus to their Armor Class. They are visible with the naked eye, and can be individually damaged. One of the deflectors is on the left, and the other on the right of the annihilator's main body. The deflectors lack the rest of the annihilator's superior armoring and are quite vulnerable to prolonged attacks.


The deflectors lack the rest of the annihilator's superior armoring and are quite vulnerable to prolonged attacks. They get a +20 circumstance bonus to Armor Class due to their placement on the main body's hull.

Deflection Shield (Su): The annihilator's deflectors supply its main body and legs with a +30 deflection bonus to Armor Class. If the annihilator loses one of these, the deflection bonus is unchanged, but when they are both destroyed it loses its deflection bonus to Armor Class entirely. In special, when the annihilator uses its seismic burst ability, the annihilator's deflection bonus is reduced to 0 for 2d4 rounds.
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The EN World kitten
Sulacu said:
I am in doubt about some of the rules for this contest. It says that it is not allowed for individual monsters to have a Challenge Rating below 21, which is logical for an Epic Level book. But what about monsters with progression, like True Dragons?

Upper_Krust said:
MINIMUM Challenge Rating of 21 for individual monsters (though if you cannot be sure about the Challenge Rating don't worry - just eyeball it), though if you have seen my Epic Bestiary, certain monsters like Elementals or Golems have monsters of multiple sizes within the same entry so as long as one part of the monster entry is epic (CR 21+) I'll accept it.

Emphasis mine.

Also, "Mechanus" is Product Identity for WotC, so you can't use that in your entry.


First Post
Oblivion Colossus (unfinished)

Hi! Here's my first entry. I'll admit that I'm stronger in the creative side than in the mechanics and math, so there are probably going to be some crunch errors. I'm willing to revise as needed. :)

Oblivion Colossus
The End Of All That Is

Size/Type: Colossal Construct
Hit Dice: 500d12+6000 (12,000 hp)
Initiative: +
Speed: 200 ft. (40 squares), 200 ft./fly (perfect manuverability)
Armor Class: (), touch , flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple:
Full Attack: +
Space/Reach: 60 ft./60 ft.
Special Attacks: Greater Plane Shift at will, Greater Teleport at will, Earthquake, Oblivion Exhalation*, Aerial Annihilation*, Ruinous Gaze*, Elemental Cannon*, Apocalypse*, Passive Reflection*, Kinetic Redirection*, Planar Pentagram*, Cataclysm*, Divine Cannon*, Scream Of The Shattering Heavens*
Special Qualities: Magic immunity, elemental immunity (all), construct traits, damage reduction 180/epic and adamantine, null psionics field, antimagic field, dimensional anchor
Saves: Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Abilities: Str 80, Dex , Con —, Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25
Feats: Multiweapon Fighting, Multidexterity, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Awesome Blow, Multitasking, Improved Toughness, Improved Initiative, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Improved Critical (Warhammer), Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Weapon Specialization (Warhammer), Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Improved Critical (Longsword), Dodge, Combat Expertise, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Greater Multiweapon Fighting, Multiweapon Rend, Perfect Multiweapon Fighting, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Superior Initiative, Overwhelming Critical (Warhammer), Devastating Critical (Warhammer), Exceptional Deflection, Infinite Deflection, Epic Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Epic Weapon Specialization (Warhammer), Epic Weapon Focus (Longsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Overwhelming Critical (Longsword), Devastating Critical (Longsword), Improved Whirlwind Attack, Epic Dodge, Improved Combat Reflexes, Armed Deflection
Environment: The Plane of Time
Organization: Solitary (unique)
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: Quintuple standard, Cataclysm, Gatemaker, Voidblade, Ender
Alignment: True neutral
Level Adjustment: —

Towering more than 1,500 feet in the air, this massive entity appears to be nothing more than a blank spot in space. Vaguely, one can see some defining features. A head, wings, and a tail like those of a Great Wyrm dragon appear to sight. Four arms, all of which bear weapons. A body like that of a muscular human. All of it defined by the lack of any sort of existence where a body should be. As you watch, the entity raises its head and unfolds its' arms, rising slowly from the gigantic throne it sat upon. Though you can see no eyes you can feel its' regard wash over you like a chill wave.

Created by unknown masters in a time before time, the Oblivion Colossus has built one purpose: annihiliation of reality. According to obscure legends, it activates only when the time comes for a multiverse to die and be reborn. When not needed it rests upon its' ancient throne in a deep slumber.


The Oblivion Colossus always begins combat by using its' Apocalypse ability. From there it extends its' Antimagic Field and Null Psionics fields as free actions. It then targets any apparent spellcaster or psionic with its' Divine Cannons, Oblivion Exhalations, and multiweapon attacks, extending a Dimensional Anchor on its' second turn as a free action. It goes after warriors only when the obvious spellcasters and psionics are down or when it cannot discern spellcasting and psionic types. It prefers to take down the weakest first and systematically work its' way up to the strongest opponents. The Oblivion Colossus's attacks are all treated as epic and adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Apocalypse: The Oblivion Colossus slams the warhammer in its' lower-right arm, Ender, upon the ground, releasing purple streaks of light. Each streak flies to a plane and transforms into a wave of annihilating energy. In practice, this works as the psionic power Genesis but in reverse and acclerated. Within twenty rounds, if the OC is not shut down or destroyed, the waves will consume and annihilate each plane of existence and all in them. The Plane of Time, where the OC resides, is not affected by this.

Aerial Annihilation: The OC flies high and spreads its' wings. It releases twenty high-speed orbs of energy from each wing in a radius of 100 feet. Each orb does 70d12 force damage, then explodes, doing an additional 70d12 points of force damage. There is no save.

Cataclysm: The Oblivion Colossus slams the warhammer in its' upper-left arm, Cataclysm upon the ground. A wave of green energy rises one hundred feet high and rushes forward, obliterating all in its' path. Objects and people must make a DC 200 Fort save or be disintegrated as per the Disintegrate spell. Those that make the save take 5d6 damage.

Divine Cannons: The Oblivion Colossus has four gigantic twin-bore cannons, one mounted on each shoulder. The blast from the cannon is an intensified, maximized, empowered, twinned Vengeful Gaze of God. The backlash damage is reflected onto the target of the cannon thanks to the OC's Kinetic Redirection ability. Once fired, a cannon cannot be fired again for four rounds. Firing the cannon counts as an action for the arm the cannon is attached to and that arm cannot be used again in that turn.

Earthquake: Each step the OC takes causes an earthquake, exactly as the spell. This occurs once a round after each land-based move or when it lands from a flight.

Elemental Cannon: The tail of the Oblivion Colossus contains a powerful cannon. Once every five turns, the tail can be whipped forward and the cannon unleashed. It releases a 300 ft. cone of all five elemental energies at once (fire, cold, electricity, sonic, and acid). The blast does 200d10 points of damage for each element.

Haste: The OC benefits from an always-active Haste effect.

Kinetic Redirection: The Oblivion Colossus comes equipped with multiple in-built deflector field generators. In addition to providing a massive deflection bonus to its' AC, these deflectors are capable of redirecting any energy or backlash damage the OC would normally take onto a selected target.

Oblivion Exhalation: The Oblivion Colossus exhales a 300ft. cone of all-consuming void. The cone does 400d20 force damage (no save), and drains 10 negative levels on contact. Those caught in the blast can make a Fort save (DC 120) after 24 hours. If they fail the save then the level drain becomes permanent.

Passive Reflection: Once the Oblivion Colossus is down to half of its' hit points this ability kicks in. The OC takes only half-damage from all attacks. The rest of the damage is reflected back on the attacker (no save).

Planar Pentagram: Once every six turns, the OC disables its' Dimensional Anchor (free action) and swings the sword in its' upper-right arm Gatemaker. Each slash rips open a portal to a different plane, randomly chosen by the DM. The slashes form a pentagram shape. The pentagram generates a vortex that swallows all except for the OC within a 500 ft. radius into one of the gates (picked at random). The targets get a DC 100 Reflex save to resist being swallowed. The slashes close at the end of the OC's turn, ending the vortex effect. The OC then reactivates its' Dimensional Anchor effect.

Protective Armor: The OC's armor is Negating.

Ruinous Gaze: Once a turn, the OC can focus its gaze on a single target. Its' eyes release a sickly black light that does 300d20 force damage (Reflex save DC 120 for half-damage), and drains 8 negative levels (Fort save DC 120 after 24 hours; if failed the level drain becomes permanent).

Scream Of The Shattering Heavens: Once every seven turns, the OC releases a sonic pulse from its' mouth. The pulse does 200d10 sonic damage and has the effect of a Shatter spell.

Throne Of Entropy: The Oblivion Colossus has many great strengths but one great weakness. Once it has achieved its' designed task of annihiliating reality it must rest upon its' throne and go into stasis, recharging over the millennia until the time comes to return another reality to nothing. If the Throne should be destroyed while the Colossus is active, it will immediately be reduced to 1/4 of its remaining hit points. It loses its' Passive Reflection, Kinetic Redirection, Divine Cannons, Oblivion Exhalation, Aerial Annihiliation, Cataclysm, Elemental Cannon, and Ruinious Gaze abilities as well as the deflection bonus to its' AC. The Throne has an AC of 264, possesses a thickness of 300, DR 80 epic and adamantine, and is Negating.

Special Weapons: All four of this weapons automatically resize themselves for the optimal benefit to their current wielders.

Cataclysm: This ornate warhammer has a head of an unknown, iridescent green material. The haft is formed of a shimmering blue substance flecked with gold that is shaped like a wave of water flowing upwards towards the head.

Cataclysm always released the effect of the OC's Cataclysm special attack when its' owner commands it to as a free mental action and slams the hammer upon a solid surface.

Ender: This warhammer features a long, black metallic haft of an unknown substance. The deep lavender head (of the same substance) is spiked at the top.

Ender can no longer release the Apocalypse attack once the OC is destroyed. However, by swinging it against the air and willing it as a mental action, Ender can smash open a hole in reality. This hole works as a Sphere of Annihiliation, with the added effect of swallowing anything (except for the wielder and those the wielder excepts) in a 1000 ft. radius into it. Objects and people can make a DC 200 Reflex save to avoid being swallowed. If swallowed, a DC 130 Fort save can be made to resist annihilation. The hole closes after 2d10 rounds.

Voidblade: This slender longsword has a haft and pommel of plain adamantine but the blade is absolutely black. It swallows light and even air around it, creating a black void where the sword should be.

Voidblade functions as a sword-shaped Sphere of Annihilation with a twist. On contact with any solid substance it begins to disintegrate the object. Anyone hit by this blade takes 20 negative levels with each strike. A Fort save DC 200 can be made to resist annihilation. Those who survive can make another DC 200 Fort save twenty-four hours after being struck. Failure means that the negative levels become permanent.

Gatemaker: This broad-bladed longsword features a red hilt with a golden dragon twining along it. The dragon's mouth opens to emit the blade-shaped energy that forms the sword. The energy is multi-colored, ever-shifting. Planes flash into view randomly through the unstable, one-sided gateway.

Each slash of Gatemaker opens a gate to a random plane of existence. With a mental action, the wielder can choose which plane (and which place on that plane) the gate will open to. The wielder can choose to make the gate one-way or two-way and determine how long the portal remains open. If nothing is chosen then the gateway is random in all respects. The slashes of the blade can swallow incoming weapons or even physically manifested magic or psionic powers (such as fireballs or crystal shards).

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