I'm not sure you're qualified to make the latter statement in light of the former. Its, I'm assuming, quite unconscious use of a racially loaded term (see the fairly recent thread about "Oriental" Adventure) may indicate there are racist or sexist elements that escape your notice.
Always a bit of a risk assuming what other people mean, and trying to make out you know what they consciously or unconsciously know or why they do things.
I rarely say anything unconsciously, especially in written form, and your opinion on this reflects a certain point of view which I first pondered at some length when I lived in Hong Kong years ago. I was also taught at university about the particular pitfalls of cultural stereotyping and the way in which labelling and interpretation can be unconsciously applied when interpreting other cultures (especially ones with no surviving members to correct you). There was plenty of lecture time devoted to how to avoid doing that.
So perhaps unsurprisingly, I regard myself as reasonably well informed on the matter, and therefore won't on this occasion be re-examining
what I am qualified to say or not to say.
I believe you have confused 'Orientalism' (the process whereby Oriental cultures were in times past misrepresented as being culturally and technologically static and lacking in the spirit of innovation or the capacity for adaptation) with the words Orient or Oriental. The first was racially and culturally bias, even racist, but the latter two terms are merely forms of reference.
If you are interested in the actual purpose of the review, then look at the book yourself and reflect on the relative validity of what I'm saying. Only then you can hold an informed opinion on whether such negative elements are in the book. If you then really feel that there is some racism there, then I would advise you to get in touch with the team at Modiphius and ask them why they didn't hire someone to ensure they avoided racist terminology or stereotyping.
I am sure they will have plenty to say on the matter, as from what I have been told by Lloyd Gyan (customer support guru over there) when I talked to him at the last Dragonmeet event, they spent long hours making sure this issue was appropriately handled in their offering. Like any responsible publisher really.
So bearing all of that in mind, I would encourage you to find it in yourself to 'agree to disagree' about the nature of the terminology I used in pointing out that the game isn't racist. You have implied I witlessly used a racist term because of unconscious bias, and having a right to answer, I have refuted anything of sort.
So we have both said our piece.
This thread is about the game, so I would genuinely appreciate it if you would agree to drop this particular issue forthwith.