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Concerning buying D&D 4th Edition


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Those of us that did pre-order from a local gaming store should flood Wizards with e-mail requesting them to release the books to those stores. Use the list of the locations hosting the D&D Game Day as a guide. It is unfair that some of those ordering online are already getting a copy of the books.

I got two great local stores in my area which host games like three days a week.

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pogminky said:
I wonder if RPGs will exist in a decade's time - or if it'll be just loads of MMOs???
I think RPGs will exist as playable games long as those who took them up before MMOs & consoles took off, keep playing them. Players from the 70s, 80s, even (mid?) 90s.

There is a theory that tabletop roleplayers are an historical 'blip'. The way things seem to be going, this cannot be ruled out.

Even if you want to roleplay around a table, you have to find enough people in your local area who want to do the same, which could become an increasing hurdle. You also require people prepared to read (often big) books, have an attention span, and an imagination. It's all starting to pile up. None of these are particularly required by MMOs.

Ten years, no problem tabletop roleplayers will still be around.

Fifty years.....?


If I had a FLGS that provided me with added value besides that of the product itself, like being a channel of comunication between gamers, or taking the promotion of the local gaming scene beyond what WOTC can do, I would spend my hobby euros there. As it is, I use online sellers. The RPG state in medium size cities in Spain is sad, which is a pity taking into account that other industries, like videogames' one, make good money.

greatamericanfolkher said:
It must suck not having an awesome FLGS nearby. (Nearby is a relative term, the store I consider my FLGS is a forty minute drive for me. That fact alone should tell you how I feel about the store.)


We had a game store with an awesome RPG secion... back when I worked at one and ran it. But we got a new owner and he ran it into the ground and killed it in 6 months. *sigh*

And while I don't buy from LGS, I do try to support the publishers, when I can buy directly from them (GR, Hero, Paizo). The way the three tier system works, it nets them as much profit as 4 books sold through normal channels. :)


I drop a lot of money at my local gaming store every year, so I don't feel any guilt picking up the occasional product online -- especially when (a) it's going to save me a lot of money, and (b) it's a product that the local store is clearly going to sell a ton of anyway.


First Post
I've had two FLGS's in my life that I would go out of my way, and out of my pocket to support.

Book Villa in Huntsville, AL has always had top notch service (ever since the current owners took over at least) or rather, that was the case as of 2 years ago when I moved away from Huntsville to Austin, TX.

Here in Austin, Dragon's Lair is the best RPG store I know of. I know there are others, but DL is close to my work, so its where I buy from. Also, my D&D group PLAYS THERE every other Saturday night, and they have gone OUT of their way to accomodate us even when there are GW tournies running, etc. So I have preordered my books at DL, knowing I will pay tax and full price (and have to wait till release date! Argh!). If they charged to use their table space, then I would not feel the need to buy there. They even let us use their copy of KotS since they had a preview copy prior to release. For doing that, and letting us play there, I encourage my players to buy their books there. Some did, some kept their Amazon pre-order, and I'm okay with that.

For me its not about guilt, its about paying for a service (table space).

Dr. Talos

First Post
Sorry, it's the way the business world works. I no longer have a LGS (notice I left off the F, for they weren't) so I am forced to buy online. If I buy the products cheaper, I buy more of them, which is better for WOTC. That which is better for WOTC is better for the D&D brand. Also game stores make almost all of their money off of CCGs and CMGs, not selling game books. So I will continue to buy mine online, even if my LGS, miraculously comes back to life. Besides the internet provides a better community and makes it much, much easier to find a group than a game store has ever made it. I firmly believe the LGS is a dying business model, and unless they can find a way to provide a service that is unique. that the internet cannot provide than they will go away.

Thornir Alekeg

I no longer have a FLGS that I wish to support.

I do have a family that I need to support, so that online discount price is certainly worth it to me.


bandrewski said:
Those of us that did pre-order from a local gaming store should flood Wizards with e-mail requesting them to release the books to those stores. Use the list of the locations hosting the D&D Game Day as a guide. It is unfair that some of those ordering online are already getting a copy of the books.

I got two great local stores in my area which host games like three days a week.

This isn't a bad idea, but I fear it won't work.

All this thread has done in regards to myself is make me want to go to my FLGS ( http://www.mguinc.com/ ) and hug Alan, the owner. He will look at me funny, and ask me what I'm doing, and then I will explain. Right after I get all the other customers nearby to join in group-hugging him, and maybe singing a RPG-themed rip of Kumbaiya.

Meta games is hosting a HUGE D&D gameday event the day after the release. They have participated in D&D gameday fro the past three years, and it always rocks; it is like a miniature convention.

Thank you so much for showing me just how lucky every gamer in Springfield, Missouri is.


I have already ordered my books from my FGLS. They hold a RPG day every month and have very friendly staff. They even have a special on pre-orders. I would much rather encourage them and pay a bit more than throw money at a soulless online store like Amazon.

I have been had in the past by Amazon and now boycott them. They are thieves and @%#&@# who don't care about customers as long as they can get your money.

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