D&D General US & Canada Gamers: Get D&D Books 2 Weeks Early At Local Game Stores

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WotC has announced that in the US and Canada you can now get your Dungeons & Dragons books--starting with Vecna: Eve of Ruin--two weeks early from your local game store.

The Local Game Store Early Access program allows local game stores in the US and Canada to sell D&D books two weeks before the rest of the world. They can sell Vecna: Eve of Ruin from May 7th, with the global release date being May 21st. This only applies to in-store purchases, and not to online orders.

The early access sale dates for the upcoming books are:
  • Vecna, Eve of Ruin (Early Access May 7, 2024)
  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase (Early Access July 9, 2024)
  • Player's Handbook (2024) (Early Access September 3, 2024)
  • Dungeon Master's Guide (2024) (Early Access October 29, 2024)
  • Monster Manual (2025) (Early Access Feb 4, 2025)
The Making of Original D&D: 1970-1977 is not part of the Local Game Store Early Access program.

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It was, broke down a couple years ago (pandemic logistics issues?).
A little before the pandemic I believe, but I'm not surprised that it took so long to get back off the ground. I think part of the reason they stopped was because WoTC started doing business with Amazon directly, after that the release date was pretty firm between the internet and the stores.
It was like this before with 5e wasn't it? Or I'm confusing it with the Alt Covers that where only sold at FLGS?
There was a time when there was both early releases for FLGSes and alt covers, but alt covers quickly took over and early releases fell to the wayside.

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This assumes that other retailers won't break street dates, which is something the big box chains have done erratically for decades now. Even with proof in the form of receipts and photos they do what they want and WotC really won't do much about it.

This assumes that other retailers won't break street dates, which is something the big box chains have done erratically for decades now. Even with proof in the form of receipts and photos they do what they want and WotC really won't do much about it.

WotC has been known to take action when retailers break street dates. In fact, some of their more zealous contractors have been heard to say "we never sleep" when they're investigating such allegations.


WotC has been known to take action when retailers break street dates. In fact, some of their more zealous contractors have been heard to say "we never sleep" when they're investigating such allegations.

It's hit or miss. They enforce dates more reliably with CCGs than RPG products, and are harsher with small businesses than large ones. WotC/Hasbro is a very small dog to some of the companies they deal with, and can't actually chastise (say) Wal Mart in any meaningful way when one of their managers says go ahead and put it out now. Maybe a bit better now than ten years ago, but that's purely on anecdotal evidence from retailer forums.

My bet is a lot of folks jump on this for the core rules.

FOMO on not being able to post your negative opinions, call out what is broken and specifics on how this eddtion ruined D&D will be too strong for some haters to resist.

Wait nevermind I just remembered actual facts don't matter on the internet.
I wouldn't say that facts don't matter entirely, but certainly a lot of people are very bad about citing primary sources. So instead you get a recap of a summery of a bullet point highlight list, heavily distorted by the game of Internet Telephone. Shorn of context and often turned around completely from the original facts.

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