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Concerning Celene: Scyld's Story Hour (updated 2/27)


First Post
Meeting the gang

Yes, Embek is quite interesting, isn't he? Heh. Heh-heh.


To update, the group is now either fifth level or on the cusp of it, and now numbers six characters. The group is now:

Wyn A'rienh - elf female Ftr 3/Rgr 1/Sor 1
Eladkot - human male Wiz 4/Rog 1
Tankar Lostson - dwarf male Clr 5
Foop Bodkins - gnome male Rog 3/Wiz 1/Ftr 1
Kerrick "The All-Powerful" - human male Wiz 4
Platypus - halfling male Drd 4

So there's still two characters to meet. And I'm getting farther behind. At the current rate, the first three characters will be epic before I introduce the halfling. <sigh>

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First Post
Meeting the sage

Meetings, no matter how momentous, still take place in the world we live in. Even people talking of eternity sit on chairs. And so it was that the Eladkot, Tankar, Wyn and Foop listened to a blind, ancient elf named Embek as he acted out his destiny, remembering a great leader from his childhood who fell, a leader whose name had vanished beneath the haze of a powerful dwoemer: Kyrani.

Khalak ak-ludum is properly translated The Valley of the Flower,” Embek responded immediately. “I hope you weren’t serious when you translated it Hidden Valley Ranch.

“It was a holy site. It was the holy site when I was a little child. The dwarves had found it: a valley of basalt and what they called ‘living rock’ with a natural stone formation in the center. The formation was a lily, 20 feet across or so. And natural. No divinations ever indicated that the Flower was created by any other than a god.

“The lily was our symbol, the symbol of elvendom, at the time. The dwarven king, whose name was Duma the Wise, immediately saw an opportunity to draw the two great kingdoms together: The people of stone and the people of the lily. He sent word to the king at the time, and to his heir, a young yet storied leader named Kyrani.”

The blind elf’s empty gaze shifted toward Foop, who was investigating a rickety shelf piled to the point of collapse with scrolls. “Master gnome, I would ask you not to touch anything,” he said, imperiously. “Again.” Wyn, standing rather bored near the door, made an impatient cease-and-desist gesture toward Foop, who ignored her and continued his investigations, this time without touching anything.

“So. Kyrani was a prince, the chosen heir of elvendom. It was the custom at that time that we would alternate between leaders whose gifts included those of warfare and those whose gifts lay elsewhere. Kyrani was gifted in warfare.

“More than gifted, really. Chosen. He was one of the favored of Corellon, and his beauty and fearsomeness while in battle were the thing of legend. Glory wreathed him, and when he fought, he gave off a light that denied darkness any room to hide.”

Eladkot broke into the ancient one’s reverie. “But, respectfully, master Embek … I have read some references to this Kyrani in ancient texts,” he said haltingly. “I … if he was as you describe, he would not be a footnote on small texts written at the time, yes? He would be famous. We would … everyone would … know his name.”

“Ahm. Yes. That is odd,” Embek said, his eyes seeming to search for a clue in the ceiling of his study. “I have thought long on this in recent days because … well, because I did not remember. I didn’t remember this, this story about Kyrani until a few days ago.”

Waving a hand to calm the outburst of curious questions, Embek continued. “It was as if a curtain lifted, and a part of my memory came back to me. This is unusual. I am old but I have not lost my mnemomic faculty – far from it. Most of my life has been spent in the discipline of keeping that faculty sharpened to a razor’s edge. So for this to happen is unprecedented.

“But there it is. Memories of Kyrani and the events of so long ago have come flooding back, and I have scarcely spent a moment of meditation since. I’ve constructed what I think is a good understanding of the situation and written it here. Young Eladkot, please, tell me if you can read this.”

Eladkot took the offered scroll in hand, unrolled the opening section and glanced at it. Draconic, rendered in elvish script, he thought. Piece of cake. But what he said was, “I believe I could make something of this, yes, master Embek.”

The ancient one turned his lined face toward the wall and said quietly, “Good. I hope it helps. Now, if you don’t mind, I must meditate for a bit. The last several days have left me feeling like a sprout during Leaffall.”


First Post

I finally started work on this Story Hour again. Still trying to decide between posting the whole thing in this style or, alternatively, doing a few summary posts to fast-forward to somewhere near the current point in the campaign (as the characters approach 10th/11th level). If anyone has any thoughts about that decision, feel free to post 'em or email me.

The current group (which calls themselves the Heroes of Covenant) is the folks listed above, but without Tankar. <sniffle> Kerrick has gotten a bit less brash, Foop has died twice, and Wyn has been named the heir to Queen Yolande, much to her surprise and chagrin. Politics has become a prominent feature, and the events the group finds themselves in are winding tighter and tighter ... this is the best campaign I've ever been part of, and I need to write it down so we can all remember it; letting other people look in on our fun is nice, too.

So. On we go.


First Post
Unrolling the scroll

A few feet outside Embek's domicile, Foop found he couldn't restrain his curiousity any longer. Fixing Eladkot with what he hoped was a winning smile, he said, "Wellllll? What's it say?"

Eladkot halted and pulled the document out, confident that no one else could read it. To his chagrin, everyone crowded around - even that warrior-elf-girl, Wyn - and seemed able to follow the text, which began:

The Curious and Hidden History of the Valley of the Flower
With Special Attention Paid to the Matter of the Compact City of Covenant
And the Unfortunate End of Kyrani, Prince of Celene

A monograph by Embek Syla-systanye, Enstad

It is well known that, some 1,100 years ago, there was an elven prince named Kyrani, and that Kyrani met his end in some unfortunate incident. What is less known – in fact, has not been known at all until recent days – is what, exactly, brought about his end, and what was the situation surrounding these hidden events.

If one is to pursue the enigma known as Kyrani through time, the watchword will be frustration. Even some simple facts have eluded us: When did Kyrani perish? Why? Doing what? This mysterious figure has existed as a marginal notation on the pages of Celene’s history, half-attested. And even those scraps of information available have been largely ignored. For an age, the story of Kyrani has vanished, untold.

I now believe this neglect to be the product of a powerful and long-lived dwoemer (cf. “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Binding of Nature Spirits to Stabilize Dwoemers of Obfuscation” by Embek Syla-systanye, et al, for further discussion of how this is possible). In short, the story of Kyrani and the events surrounding his fall have, I believe, been hidden from view for more than 1,000 years purposefully. I will not discuss why in this paper, which is written as a history, since I have no wish for this to become a political document. Instead, I will cleave to the path of historian, researcher, and writer.

Over the last several weeks, recollections from the furthest extremity of my youth have flooded back – recollections that all involve the ending of Kyrani’s tale. It is one of power, and pride, and betrayal. It is a story that emerges as a cautionary tale. And it is a story that is playing itself out in unexpected ways even as I write this.

"Gah!" Eladkot said, briskly rolling up the scroll and cutting off the impromptu reading party. "I need to sit down and read this." The Former Unicorn Rider beckoned, and the party moved quickly toward the welcoming glow of Poracious Luv's hearth.

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