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Converting Al-Qadim and Oriental Adventures creatures

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Extradimensional Explorer
Filling in some of the easy stuff:
swim 30 ft.
Environment: Warm Islands (Warm Land)
Organization: Solitary
domains: Chaos, Strength, and Water?

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Monster Junkie

+x natural armor

Skills: 15

Feats: 5

An island giant's bag usually contains 1d4+1 throwing rocks, and x.

Rock Throwing (Ex): The range increment is x feet for an island giant’s thrown rocks.


Inventor of Super-Toast
Both of the huge giants in the Monster Manual get +12 natural armor. We might want to boost that a bit, seeing as they'll be naked--or we might not, seeing as they're a lower CR.

Cloud giants have a 140ft range increment with their rocks, which strikes me as fair.

Island giants don't strike me as being too bright; their giant's bags are probably filled with little more than food or perhaps crude religious fetishes.


Extradimensional Explorer
Let's stick with +12 natural armor. Agreed with the rest.

For skills, I'd go Listen, Spot, Survival (all at 5) or maybe trade one of those for Intimidate.

Feats: Power Attack, Improved Overrun, Improved Bull Rush, Cleave, Great Cleave? Maybe something to enhance the rock throwing instead?


Monster Junkie
Agreed with all that, but how about swapping Survival for Hide, since they like to ambush ships?

CR 8? They're about on par with a stone giant, and definitely better than a hill giant at CR 7.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd think so. The only thing we need to do, unless we want some cosmetic changes, is add this:
Females have the ability to shapechange at will, assuming the form of a human or humanoid. Most prefer the shape of a comely giant or a beautiful human woman of normal sire. The female typically uses this talent to lead wanderers to their doom, as well as to attract a mate.
The usual question: alternate form or change shape? Not much difference here due to lack of special abilities, but I think I'd go with change shape limited to humanoids and giants.


Monster Junkie
Like so?

Change Shape (Su): A female island giant can assume the shape of any giant or humanoid of Small to Huge size. An island giant can remain in its humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but an island giant reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form.

Skills: *When using its change shape ability, a female island giant gets a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.


First Post
Yep that is exactly what I was going to say we should do (ok yours is actually much better phrased then mine was). Everythin else just stays the same right? Couldn't we write it up like the drow then where the male and female are together but seperate?

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