Converting Al-Qadim creatures


Nice deductive reasoning! I like it. Updated. Finished?

Methinks you lacked "Alertnness" when entering the feat.

The "Symbiotic Spellcasting (Su)" is followed by a semi-colon instead of a colon and the body text has an "additonal".
Symbiotic Spellcasting (Ex); A creature with an attached vizier's turban can transfer up to 10 points of its Constitution to the vizier's turban each day. For each point of Constitution transferred, the host gains 1 point of spell resistance and one additional spell level. These spell levels can be used to cast additional spells. Spontaneous spellcasters gain additional spell slots totaling a level equal to the sacrificed Constitution. Spellcasters who must prepare their spells may memorize additional spells totaling a level equal to the sacrificed Constitution. The spell levels may be split in any combination, but a single spell slot/prepared spell cannot exceed 5th-level. A 0-level spell counts as a half-level for these purposes. Thus, a sorcerer sacrificing 5 points of Constitution could gain a single 5th-level spell slot, a 4th-level and 1st-level spell slot, a 3rd-level and 2nd-level spell slot, and so forth. A wizard transferring 5 points of Constitution to its attached turban could prepare an additonal 5th-level spell, a 4th-level and 1st-level spell, a 3rd-level and 2nd-level spell, and so forth.
Apart from that we can move on.

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Monster Junkie

We seem to have run out of critters for this thread. Can anyone think of a generic creature that fits this setting, or a creature already converted by another unofficial source we'd like to tackle?

Number 6

First Post
So much for "tonight".
Better late than never, I suppose. ;)

Segarran, Lesser
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
NO. APPEARING: 1-20 (or more)
HIT DICE: 5 +5
THAC0: 16
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type +2 or 2d8 (bite)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fight and save as 5th-level warriors
SIZE: M (6' tall)
MORALE: Fearless (20)

Segarrans are special minions of Ragarra, an ancient, evil goddess of the jungle, typhoons, and revenge, once openly worshipped in the Ruined Kingdoms.

A lesser segarran has the head and tail of a crocodile but the stocky, heavily muscled body of a human or humanoid. Lesser segarrans are usually created from devoted followers, but they also can be created from infant crocodiles using a spell granted only to Ragarra's priestesses. These lesser servants have average human intelligence and can communicate in Midani or any of the dead tongues of the Ruined Kingdoms.

Combat: Lesser segarrans fight using the tactics and weapons of 5th-level human warriors, though their supernatural strength lends them a +2 bonus on damage. If unarmed, they attack by biting for 2-16 (2d8) points of damage. All lesser segarrans have 10% magic resistance.

Habitat/Society: Once, when the powers of Ragarra were great, even her lesser servants could assume human form and walk the city streets unnoticed; now they are limited to their half-reptile form. They are found primarily in the Ruined Kingdoms and Zakhara's eastern jungles, but they sometimes can be encountered mingling with human society at night, when they can hide their monstrosity through careful disguise. More often they are used as defenders for Ragarra's few shrines or as protectors for her chosen few.

Ecology: All segarrans are voracious carnivores. Though they usually subsist on animal meat, they ritually devour their enemies' remains at the end of every battle. When slain, they return to their original (human or baby crocodile) form.

Segarran, Greater
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Tropical/forests
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Very to genius (11-18)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
MOVEMENT: 12 (as human) or 9, Sw 12 (Fl 18, D)
HIT DICE: 9 +18
THAC0: As priest
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 (as human) or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type +6 or 3d6 (bite)/2d10 (tail)
SIZE: M (6' tall) or H (30' long)
MORALE: Champion (16)
LEVEL/XP VALUE: 8,000+1,000 per level above 12

Only Ragarra's most favored high-level priestesses become greater segarrans as a result of powerful magic. Once transformed, they retain their original human form. Furthermore, they can also assume a towering reptilian shape at will, with the transformation taking but a single round. This reptilian form depends on the personality or whim of the priestess, but usually includes at least the head and tail of a giant crocodile. At 16th-level, a greater segarran's reptile form can also include a pair of giant bat wings, permitting her to fly at a rate of 18.

Combat: While in human form, Ragarra's chosen fight using the tactics, magical items, and weapons of priests, though their supernatural strength lends them a +6 bonus on damage. They never wear armor, though they may use magical items (such as a ring of protection) to enhance their Armor Class. All greater segarrans have 20% magic resistance.

Although they retain most of their priest spells from before the transformation, greater segarrans cannot memorize the highest level spells to which they are normally allowed (for instance, a 13th-level priestess, while a greater segarran, cannot memorize or cast her 6th-level spells).

In her reptilian form, a greater segarran can attack with her massive jaws (3d6 points of damage) and swipe up to 3 opponents standing beside or behind her with her powerful tail (2d10 points of damage). At 16th level, a segarran's bat wings can also be used for two wing buffets instead of flight, each inflicting 2d6 points of damage. All victims of a tail swipe or wing buffet must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1-4 rounds.

Habitat/Society: In addition to the loss of her most powerful spells, a priestess of Ragarra must have a Wisdom of 17 and be at least 12th-level to complete the exhausting ceremony that transforms her into a greater segarran.

In return for such power, the priestess must swear to undertake a difficult quest or perform a dangerous service for her goddess. Those few who disappoint Ragarra are punished with a painful demise and suffer an eternity of undeath. More details about the cult of Ragarra can be found in Chapter Three of the Campaign Guide (in The Ruinted Kingdoms sourcebook).

Ecology: Greater segarrans can easily infiltrate human society. The only clue to their monstrous nature is their craving for raw meat. They must eat the flesh of their fallen enemies as a tribute to Ragarra.


These look fairly straightforward.

I'm tempted to make these straight monsters rather than a template.

We can probably recycle some of the Brute and Master Crocodilian conversions we did some time ago.

Shall we use a low Wisdom to represent the Greater Segallan's inability to cast its highest level spells? (e.g. have them cast spells as 13th level clerics with Wisdom 15).

I know it says that the candidate must have a Wisdom of at least 17, but that's before they become a Greater Segallan. Maybe the transformation imposed a Wisdom penalty. Obtaining a crocodile's head might do that to you!

I'm also tempted to add a "Greatest Segallan" for the bat-winged, 16th level spellcaster version.

Voidrunner's Codex

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