Converting Al-Qadim creatures



Take 4:
Multiconstrict (Ex): A teak serpent can constrict several opponents simultaneously as a standard action. The teak serpent may constrict as many opponents as its Dexterity bonus (minimum 1), as long as none are larger than two size categories smaller than the serpent. The serpent rolls seperate grapple checks against each constricted opponent. If it chooses to remain ungrappled itself, the serpent takes a -10 penalty on its grapple checks instead of the normal –20 penalty.

Dang it, I did the old "seperate" typo. Better fix that.

Anyhow. I want the "grappling multiple opponents checks" to be at a penalty even if it "chooses to remain grappled". Indeed, I wouldn't care if it has the normal -20 to remain ungrappled while constricting two or three creatures simultaneously.

The -20 penalty is to grapple checks to maintain a hold at the same time as the grappler is doing something else (like a regular attack)? In this case it's not trying to "ungrapple" to do something else (move, bite, etc) its trying to grapple three opponents at the same time:

Come to think of it. Where does that "-20 to act as if ungrappled" rule appear? I can't find it in the SRD Combat section on grappling.

So, how about this:

Multiconstrict 5 (Ex): A teak serpent can constrict several opponents simultaneously as a standard action. The teak serpent may constrict as many opponents as its Dexterity bonus (minimum 1), as long as none are larger than two size categories smaller than the serpent. The serpent rolls separate grapple checks against each constricted opponent, with a -10 penalty on its grapple checks.

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Extradimensional Explorer
The -20 is from the Improved Grab rules. It's what would allow the serpent to grapple the second or third opponent in the first place! But we can leave that at -20 if you like. I personally don't want it to take as much of a penalty when it's just holding 3 characters, since it's supposed to be good at constricting. Could we compromise at -5?


The -20 is from the Improved Grab rules. It's what would allow the serpent to grapple the second or third opponent in the first place! But we can leave that at -20 if you like. I personally don't want it to take as much of a penalty when it's just holding 3 characters, since it's supposed to be good at constricting. Could we compromise at -5?

Thanks. I knew it was in there somewhere, I just couldn't find it.

Yeah, I was worried -10 was a bit high too.


How about it's -5 for a normal multiconstrict AND it "opt to not be considered grappled itself" at -10 à la Expert Grappler?


Extradimensional Explorer
That sounds fine.

Multiconstrict (Ex): A teak serpent can constrict several opponents simultaneously as a standard action. The teak serpent may constrict as many opponents as its Dexterity bonus (minimum 1), as long as none are larger than two size categories smaller than the serpent. The serpent rolls seperate grapple checks against each constricted opponent with a -5 penalty on its grapple checks. If it chooses to remain ungrappled itself, the serpent takes a -10 penalty on its grapple checks instead of the normal –20 penalty.


That sounds fine.

Multiconstrict (Ex): A teak serpent can constrict several opponents simultaneously as a standard action. The teak serpent may constrict as many opponents as its Dexterity bonus (minimum 1), as long as none are larger than two size categories smaller than the serpent. The serpent rolls seperate grapple checks against each constricted opponent with a -5 penalty on its grapple checks. If it chooses to remain ungrappled itself, the serpent takes a -10 penalty on its grapple checks instead of the normal –20 penalty.

I suggest we include the following modification to make it clear it's applying Multi-Constrict:

Multiconstrict (Ex):
A teak serpent can constrict several opponents simultaneously as a standard action. The teak serpent may use multiconstrict against as many opponents as its Dexterity bonus (minimum 1), as long as none are larger than two size categories smaller than the serpent. The serpent rolls separate grapple checks against each multiconstricted opponent with a -5 penalty on its grapple checks. If it chooses to remain ungrappled itself, the serpent takes a -10 penalty on its grapple checks instead of the normal –20 penalty.


Sure thing. Ready for skills and feats?

A standard Huge Constrictor has Str 25, Dex 17, Wis 12, Alertness and SF (Hide), giving it skills as follows:

Skill Ranks (15): Balance 0, Climb 2, Hide 8, Listen 2, Spot 2, Swim 1
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +17, Hide +10, Listen +9, Spot +9, Swim +16

It ought to have 14 skill points but its ranks add up to 15 - they let 1 slip in there.

The Teak serpent currently has:
Skill Ranks (12 assigned): Balance 0, Climb 0, Hide 8, Listen 2, Spot 2, Swim 0

I'd give it Stealthy, a point more Listen and Spot and add the rest in Move Silently.

Skill Ranks (19 assigned): Balance 0, Climb 0, Hide 8, Move Silently 5, Listen 3, Spot 3, Swim 0

Skills: Balance +11, Climb +17, Hide +12*, Move Silently +10, Listen +10, Spot +10, Swim +17
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Weapon Focus (bite), [plus one]


Extradimensional Explorer
I can go with those skills and feats. What about Snatch, so it can toss characters around? Or else Iron Will. That Will save is pretty weak.


I can go with those skills and feats.

Updating the Teak Serpent Working Draft with skills & feats.

I can go with those skills and feats. What about Snatch, so it can toss characters around? Or else Iron Will. That Will save is pretty weak.

Snatch doesn't seem terribly useful. It wants to keep hold of victims to crush & eat them - why would it toss them away and give them a chance to escape?

Iron Will seems more useful.

Voidrunner's Codex

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