Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings


Extradimensional Explorer
If the surprise is a racial thing, rather than a typical training thing, I'd argue that Imp Init should be a bonus feat. But I won't push terribly hard.

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If the surprise is a racial thing, rather than a typical training thing, I'd argue that Imp Init should be a bonus feat. But I won't push terribly hard.

The SRD Phase Spider has Improved Initiative as a regular feat, so we've got a decent precedent.


Monster Junkie
If the surprise is a racial thing, rather than a typical training thing, I'd argue that Imp Init should be a bonus feat. But I won't push terribly hard.

And I agree with you. :)

In fact, I remember seeing a monster creation guideline back in the early 3e days stating that monsters with surprise bonuses in previous editions should gain racial bonuses to Hide and Move Silently and Improved Init as a bonus feat. If only I could remember where I saw it...

Regardless, it's been done plenty of times in both official products and in the CC to do it again with comfortable preference. :)


If the surprise is a racial thing, rather than a typical training thing, I'd argue that Imp Init should be a bonus feat. But I won't push terribly hard.

Also, I'm not sure it is a racial thing. The text says "If a spider horse's master knows that an enemy is approaching, the spider horse may be used to ambush the opponents". That could mean this "web-strand ambush" is a trick its drow rider teaches it to perform - the rider might even help conceal the Spider-Horse before it attacks.

Still, if you're both really keen on Improved Initiative (B) I could go along with it, despite preferring it as a standard feat.


Extradimensional Explorer
You know, re-reading the original monster convinces me of Cleon's point. Let's make Imp Init a normal feat and replace Endurance.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, the main question is the duration. For a 5HD critter, the slow and paralysis durations seem a bit too long. Cut to a few rounds of slowing and a few minutes of paralysis?


Well, the main question is the duration. For a 5HD critter, the slow and paralysis durations seem a bit too long. Cut to a few rounds of slowing and a few minutes of paralysis?

If it's only a few rounds, the initial slowing effect would wear off by the time the secondary paralysis kicks in.

Hmm... maybe 1d4 minutes slowing, 2d4 minutes paralysis?

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