Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings


The "drow" feels superfluous, but I can live with it if it is important to you.

It is, although I consider "Jiathuli's Spider-Destrier" an equally fine alternative. :)

Updating Working Draft.

If we use the Full Warhorse's physical stats, its ability scores come to...

Abilities: Str 20, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 6.

That would require a +8 natural armour to match the original's AC 2, so I I suggest increasing the Dexterity to 17 (the standard for Large Monstrous Spiders and Phase Spiders) and lowering the Constitution a bit.

Jiathuli's Spider-Destrier: Str 20, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 6, +6 natural armor.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Suggested abilities and NA sound fine.

I like base speed 30 ft, climb 30 ft, but I'm not sure these should get wallwalking. I don't see evidence in the original monster that they should be better at climbing than regular monstrous spiders. Still, I might reconsider later.

On the poison, have we used slowing as damage before?


Suggested abilities and NA sound fine.

I like base speed 30 ft, climb 30 ft, but I'm not sure these should get wallwalking. I don't see evidence in the original monster that they should be better at climbing than regular monstrous spiders. Still, I might reconsider later.

Updating Working Draft.

I'll leave out Wallwalking for the time being.

What about the idea of calling them "Jiathuli's Spider-Destrier"?

On the poison, have we used slowing as damage before?

I believe so.


I added the bite and hoof damage. I also changed the Attack line to "hoof or bite", since I thought it made sense to allow it to bite as a standard attack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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