Converting Greyhawk monsters


No rush, whenever you're ready. ;)

Yeah, let's use scorpionfolk in the main case. Stingers can be for weaker scorpion monsters. And we'll eventually get around to the Nimmurian ones.

Well I haven't got much on tonight, so let's see what I can come up with…

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Oh, I forgot to mention that WGR3 has some additional background on the crown as the intro section to the New Magic Items chapter:

And so did Shattados the Cruel, Lord of the Lands Between the Mountains, call upon the gods of evil, saying, "Lo! Am I not a great lord? Are my domains not vast and do my people not speak my name with dread? And yet, my land is not at peace and my people obey me not! Great Tharizdun, Master of Darkness and Decay, hear me now! Give me a token so that I may rule unquestioned and my people may bow down to me and me alone?

And the Lord of Decay heard Shattados's entreaty, and granted him a gift, a kingly crown of black metal in the form of a terrible scorpion. With great joy did Shattados don the scorpion crown, but the Lord of Decay had tricked his servant. Shattados's form was changed and his people became as beasts. The great empire which belonged to Shattados vanished into the sands and today is no more. Its ruins are ravaged by the descendants of Shattados and his people are shunned and feared. The riches of these people still lie untouched, but the terrible scourge of Shattados's children prevents any man from claiming them.

From "A Chronicle of the Flan People" by Rexidos the Scholar of Greyhawk.
Last edited:


First draft:

In Greyhawk
There is only one master scorpion in the World of Greyhawk. Together with all the monarch scorpions of that world, these monsters are the result of a cursed artifact called the scorpion crown whose history is as follows.

In the forgotten past of the Flan people there existed a mighty kingdom known as Sulm that ruled the center of what would become the Bright Desert. Sulm was a monarchy that suffered from constant unrest and warfare from internal rebels and nomadic tribes. The kingdom's rulers descended into perverse and decadent practices, including the worship of evil deities. Sulm's last king was a sorcerer called Shattados the Cruel, who entreated Tharizdun the God of Entropy to grant him a gift that would make him the unchallenged ruler of Sulm, able to bend his subjects to his will.

To Shattados's delight, a black crown shaped like a scorpion appeared before him in response to his plea. However, this evil artifact, the scorpion crown, was in fact a perverse joke by the gods of evil. The instant he put it on, Shattados experienced unbelievable pain as he turned into a master scorpion. His subjects were transformed into ghastly hybrids of man and scorpion who immediately began slaughtering any normal humans who remained. The entire kingdom of Sulm was destroyed within a day.

Many centuries passed and the people of the Bright Desert have forgotten that Sulm ever existed, but the curse of the scorpion crown endures, keeping Shattados alive within his scorpion-infested palace and blighting his kingdom into a lifeless desert.

The Scorpion Crown
This evil artifact appears to be a heavy crown crafted in the shape of a scorpion. The scorpion's legs form the circlet with the claws above the wearer's brows and its tail arcing above the head.

The scorpion crown is an incredibly powerful cursed item that has no useful abilities. If a creature puts on the crown within the borders of what used to be the land of Sulm they are permanently transmuted into a master scorpion. Anyone within Sulm's borders who has made an oath of loyalty to the crown's wearer (i.e. followers, henchmen, subjects to a ruler, troops under an officer and so on) must succeed on a DC X Fortitude save or permanently change into a horrible scorpion-creature of neutral evil alignment with no memory of their former existence. Creatures oath-tied to the crownbearer become skorpios if they have fewer than X Hit Dice and manscorpions if they have more than X Hit Dice. If you are using the Monsters of Faerûn sourcebook they become Stingers if they have between Y and X Hit Dice. The oath-tied retain [half of ?] any class levels they possessed. [Scorpion creatures created by the crown are incapable of reproduction.]

As a secondary effect, the scorpion crown creates monarch scorpions and monstrous scorpions within Sulm by transforming normal-sized scorpions into giant monsters. This effect takes place randomly but continuously. The number and distribution of these scorpions is left to the DM's discretion, but the production rate is slow and thinly distributed.

The scorpion crown renders its wearer [and all scorpion creatures it creates ?] immortal. A being cursed by the crown has no special immunities or resistances and will die normally from damage it receives, but will eventually completely recover from any damage or injury it takes that does not kill it - even energy drain, ability drain, aging effects and the like. The recovery process is very slow, a minor permanent injury such as a point of ability drain would take a few weeks to heal, while the gravest permanent injuries like being energy drained down to one HD would take an entire year to recuperate from. The crown-cursed suffer the pain and impairment of hunger, suffocation, exhaustion and similar effects but cannot be killed by them.

The curse also drains the vitality from the ground within the former borders of Sulm. If the crown is destroyed (see below) natural processes return life to the desert, although it will likely take a century or more for the land to fully recover fully.

The scorpion crown's curse only takes effect within Sulm. Nothing happens if someone puts on the crown outside the borders of Sulm. Removing the crown from Sulm makes no difference to a creature already cursed by the crown. Similarly, removing a cursed creature from Sulm makes no difference to them.

The scorpion crown fuses to its wearer and cannot be removed as long as they are alive. If its wearer is killed, the corpse remains that of a master scorpion but rapidly assumes its natural age - the centuries-old Shattados will crumble to dust. Whoever next puts on the crown will become the new master scorpion.

The scorpion crown is a powerful artifact so can only be destroyed by extraordinary methods. It's left to the DM's discretion what methods may work and whether the crown is a minor artifact that has multiple means of destruction (dropping into a volcano, a gold great wyrm's breath, or whatever) or a major artifact that only one specific means can destroy. Every scorpion creature created by the crown dies immediately if it is destroyed.

Overwhelming enchantment and transmutation [evil]; CL 25th; Weight 3 lbs. [?]


Extradimensional Explorer
I like it! Some minor edits:
We need to change "manscorpions" to "scorpionfolk," like we talked about before.
The sentence starting "The recovery process is very slow" is a run-on (comma splice) as written, so we can just change it to "The recovery process is very slow; a minor permanent..."
I think I like making all scorpion creatures created by the curse both immortal and unable to reproduce. That makes destroying the crown all the more dramatic, I think.
I think I'd set the "X" for the boundary HD between skorpios and scorpionfolk at 6HD, same as the scorpionfolk racial HD. As for stingers, I'd make them an alternative to skorpios, but I wouldn't set a separate HD threshold (ie, under 6HD can be either skorpio or stinger). As for class levels, how about they lose class levels equal to the racial HD of the form they become (so total HD remain the same)?


I like it! Some minor edits:
We need to change "manscorpions" to "scorpionfolk," like we talked about before.

Dang it, I was meaning to do that but forgot.

The sentence starting "The recovery process is very slow" is a run-on (comma splice) as written, so we can just change it to "The recovery process is very slow; a minor permanent..."

Fine by me.

I think I like making all scorpion creatures created by the curse both immortal and unable to reproduce. That makes destroying the crown all the more dramatic, I think.

Yes, that works for me. I thought about having the scorpion creatures be able to spawn non-immortal offspring but that seemed contrary to the "they all die if the crown is destroyed" bit.

I think I'd set the "X" for the boundary HD between skorpios and scorpionfolk at 6HD, same as the scorpionfolk racial HD.

As for stingers, I'd make them an alternative to skorpios, but I wouldn't set a separate HD threshold (ie, under 6HD can be either skorpio or stinger).

Eh? The OGL Scorpionfolk have 12 Hit Dice. Skorpios have 3 HD and are CR 3, while Stingers have 4 HD and are CR 4.

As for class levels, how about they lose class levels equal to the racial HD of the form they become (so total HD remain the same)?

That was my original idea, but upon reflection how about we have it go by CR instead of HD, so a CR 1-6 creature becomes a Skorpio or Stinger and a CR 7+ creature becomes a scorpionfolk, and "excess" CR are converted into class levels?

Anyhow, how's this:

Second draft.

In Greyhawk
There is only one master scorpion in the World of Greyhawk. Together with all the monarch scorpions of that world, these monsters are the result of a cursed artifact called the scorpion crown whose history is as follows.

In the forgotten past of the Flan people there existed a mighty kingdom known as Sulm that ruled the center of what would become the Bright Desert. Sulm was a monarchy that suffered from constant unrest and warfare from internal rebels and nomadic tribes. The kingdom's rulers descended into perverse and decadent practices, including the worship of evil deities. Sulm's last king was a sorcerer called Shattados the Cruel, who entreated Tharizdun the God of Entropy to grant him a gift that would make him the unchallenged ruler of Sulm, able to bend his subjects to his will.

To Shattados's delight, a black crown shaped like a scorpion appeared before him in response to his plea. However, this evil artifact, the scorpion crown, was in fact a perverse joke by the gods of evil. The instant he put it on, Shattados experienced unbelievable pain as he turned into a master scorpion. His subjects were transformed into ghastly hybrids of man and scorpion who immediately began slaughtering any normal humans who remained. The entire kingdom of Sulm was destroyed within a day.

Many centuries passed and the people of the Bright Desert have forgotten that Sulm ever existed, but the curse of the scorpion crown endures, keeping Shattados alive within his scorpion-infested palace and blighting his kingdom into a lifeless desert.

The Scorpion Crown
This evil artifact appears to be a heavy crown crafted in the shape of a scorpion. The scorpion's legs form the circlet with the claws above the wearer's brows and its tail arcing above the head.

The scorpion crown is an incredibly powerful cursed item that has no useful abilities. If a creature puts on the crown within the borders of what used to be the land of Sulm they are permanently transmuted into a master scorpion. Anyone within Sulm's borders who has made an oath of loyalty to the crown's wearer (i.e. followers, henchmen, subjects to a ruler, troops under an officer and so on) must succeed on a DC X Fortitude save or permanently change into a horrible scorpion-creature of neutral evil alignment with no memory of their former existence. Creatures oath-tied to the crownbearer become skorpios if they have a Challenge Rating of 6 or less and scorpionfolk if they have a Challenge Rating of 7 or more. If you are using the Monsters of Faerûn sourcebook creatures with Challenge Ratings of 6 or less may become stingers instead of skorpios. The oath-tied have the same CR as they did before the transformation, if this is higher than the basic challenge rating of their monstrous form (skorpios are CR 3, stingers CR 4, scorpionfolk CR 7) they make up the difference with class levels. They gain levels from their original class if this is possible, but may have substitute levels in a similar class or different class abilities if they are ineligible for them in their new evil arachnid form. For example, an 11th-level human paladin is CR 11, so might become a scorpionfolk fallen paladin 2/blackguard 2 with the same Challenge Rating. Similarly, a 9th-level cleric would become a CR 9 skorpio with 6 levels in cleric but may have different clerical domains than in their former lives.

As a secondary effect, the scorpion crown creates monarch scorpions and monstrous scorpions within Sulm by transforming normal-sized scorpions into giant monsters. This effect takes place randomly but continuously. The number and distribution of these scorpions is left to the DM's discretion, but the production rate is slow and thinly distributed.

The scorpion crown renders its wearer and all scorpion creatures it creates immortal. A being cursed by the crown has no special immunities or resistances and will die normally from damage it receives, but will eventually completely recover from any damage or injury it takes that does not kill it - even energy drain, ability drain, aging effects and the like. The recovery process is very slow; a minor permanent injury such as a point of ability drain would take a few weeks to heal, while the gravest permanent injuries like being energy drained down to one HD would take an entire year to recuperate from. The crown-cursed suffer the pain and impairment of hunger, suffocation, exhaustion and similar effects but cannot be killed by them. Scorpion-creatures created by the crown are incapable of reproduction.

The curse also drains the vitality from the ground within the former borders of Sulm. If the crown is destroyed (see below) natural processes return life to the desert, although it will likely take a century or more for the land to fully recover fully.

The scorpion crown's curse only takes effect within Sulm. Nothing happens if someone puts on the crown outside the borders of Sulm. Removing the crown from Sulm makes no difference to a creature already cursed by the crown. Similarly, removing a cursed creature from Sulm makes no difference to them.

The scorpion crown fuses to its wearer and cannot be removed as long as they are alive. If its wearer is killed, the corpse remains that of a master scorpion but rapidly assumes its natural age - the centuries-old Shattados will crumble to dust. Whoever next puts on the crown will become the new master scorpion.

The scorpion crown is a powerful artifact so can only be destroyed by extraordinary methods. It's left to the DM's discretion what methods may work and whether the crown is a minor artifact that has multiple means of destruction (dropping into a volcano, a gold great wyrm's breath, or whatever) or a major artifact that only one specific means can destroy. Every scorpion creature created by the crown dies immediately if it is destroyed and their remains revert to their natural age.

Overwhelming enchantment and transmutation [evil]; CL 25th; Weight 3 lbs.


Okay, if the above is acceptable we need to decide on a DC for the Fortitude save.

Furthermore, should we have anything about how to turn a victim of the scorpion crown back into their former non-scorpion form?

If we want to specify that I'm thinking it should take something like slaying the victim then using wish or miracle to remove the curse (or doing both by destroying the crown) and then restoring the victim to life. Shattados and his cronies have been dead way too long for raise dead to work, but I guess a really high level true resurrection could work, or there's always reincarnation.

Come to think of it, what effect do polymorph spells have? Maybe they change form but still act as "monstrous" as they did in scorpion form, then turn back to scorpion-hybrids after a while.

I'm tempted to add a proviso along the lines of "if a cursed scorpion-hybrid is affected by non-lethal transformation magic such as flesh to stone or baleful polymorph it will always revert back to its monstrous form eventually, even if the effect is normally permanent. The maximum duration a transformation spell can last is a number of days equal to the spell level multiplied by the caster level (i.e. a polymorph any object from a 20th-level caster would never last more than 160 days)."

I'd be concerned that might over-complicate things, though.


Extradimensional Explorer
You can kill the scorpions in combat as usual, so let's just allow polymorphs to work as usual, too, just to keep things relatively simple.

How about DC 25 for the Fort save? Even DC 20 might be ok. Do we know how high a level Shattados was?

Your proposal is fine. I'll just fix some comma issues:

In Greyhawk
There is only one master scorpion in the World of Greyhawk. Together with all the monarch scorpions of that world, these monsters are the result of a cursed artifact called the scorpion crown whose history is as follows.

In the forgotten past of the Flan people there existed a mighty kingdom known as Sulm that ruled the center of what would become the Bright Desert. Sulm was a monarchy that suffered from constant unrest and warfare from internal rebels and nomadic tribes. The kingdom's rulers descended into perverse and decadent practices, including the worship of evil deities. Sulm's last king was a sorcerer called Shattados the Cruel, who entreated Tharizdun the God of Entropy to grant him a gift that would make him the unchallenged ruler of Sulm, able to bend his subjects to his will.

To Shattados's delight, a black crown shaped like a scorpion appeared before him in response to his plea. However, this evil artifact, the scorpion crown, was in fact a perverse joke by the gods of evil. The instant he put it on, Shattados experienced unbelievable pain as he turned into a master scorpion. His subjects were transformed into ghastly hybrids of man and scorpion who immediately began slaughtering any normal humans who remained. The entire kingdom of Sulm was destroyed within a day.

Many centuries passed and the people of the Bright Desert have forgotten that Sulm ever existed, but the curse of the scorpion crown endures, keeping Shattados alive within his scorpion-infested palace and blighting his kingdom into a lifeless desert.

The Scorpion Crown
This evil artifact appears to be a heavy crown crafted in the shape of a scorpion. The scorpion's legs form the circlet with the claws above the wearer's brows and its tail arcing above the head.

The scorpion crown is an incredibly powerful cursed item that has no useful abilities. If a creature puts on the crown within the borders of what used to be the land of Sulm, they are permanently transmuted into a master scorpion. Anyone within Sulm's borders who has made an oath of loyalty to the crown's wearer (i.e. followers, henchmen, subjects to a ruler, troops under an officer and so on) must succeed on a DC X Fortitude save or permanently change into a horrible scorpion-creature of neutral evil alignment with no memory of their former existence. Creatures oath-tied to the crownbearer become skorpios if they have a Challenge Rating of 6 or less and scorpionfolk if they have a Challenge Rating of 7 or more. If you are using the Monsters of Faerûn sourcebook, creatures with Challenge Ratings of 6 or less may become stingers instead of skorpios. The oath-tied have the same CR as they did before the transformation; if this is higher than the basic challenge rating of their monstrous form (skorpios are CR 3, stingers CR 4, scorpionfolk CR 7), they make up the difference with class levels. They gain levels from their original class if this is possible, but may have substitute levels in a similar class or different class abilities if they are ineligible for them in their new evil arachnid form. For example, an 11th-level human paladin is CR 11, so might become a scorpionfolk fallen paladin 2/blackguard 2 with the same Challenge Rating. Similarly, a 9th-level cleric would become a CR 9 skorpio with 6 levels in cleric but may have different clerical domains than in their former lives.

As a secondary effect, the scorpion crown creates monarch scorpions and monstrous scorpions within Sulm by transforming normal-sized scorpions into giant monsters. This effect takes place randomly but continuously. The number and distribution of these scorpions is left to the DM's discretion, but the production rate is slow and thinly distributed.

The scorpion crown renders its wearer and all scorpion creatures it creates immortal. A being cursed by the crown has no special immunities or resistances and will die normally from damage it receives, but will eventually completely recover from any damage or injury it takes that does not kill it - even energy drain, ability drain, aging effects and the like. The recovery process is very slow; a minor permanent injury such as a point of ability drain would take a few weeks to heal, while the gravest permanent injuries like being energy drained down to one HD would take an entire year to recuperate from. The crown-cursed suffer the pain and impairment of hunger, suffocation, exhaustion and similar effects but cannot be killed by them. Scorpion-creatures created by the crown are incapable of reproduction.

The curse also drains the vitality from the ground within the former borders of Sulm. If the crown is destroyed (see below) natural processes return life to the desert, although it will likely take a century or more for the land to fully recover fully.

The scorpion crown's curse only takes effect within Sulm. Nothing happens if someone puts on the crown outside the borders of Sulm. Removing the crown from Sulm makes no difference to a creature already cursed by the crown. Similarly, removing a cursed creature from Sulm makes no difference to them.

The scorpion crown fuses to its wearer and cannot be removed as long as they are alive. If its wearer is killed, the corpse remains that of a master scorpion but rapidly assumes its natural age - the centuries-old Shattados will crumble to dust. Whoever next puts on the crown will become the new master scorpion.

The scorpion crown is a powerful artifact so can only be destroyed by extraordinary methods. It's left to the DM's discretion what methods may work and whether the crown is a minor artifact that has multiple means of destruction (dropping into a volcano, a gold great wyrm's breath, or whatever) or a major artifact that only one specific means can destroy. Every scorpion creature created by the crown dies immediately if it is destroyed and their remains revert to their natural age.

Overwhelming enchantment and transmutation [evil]; CL 25th; Weight 3 lbs.


You can kill the scorpions in combat as usual, so let's just allow polymorphs to work as usual, too, just to keep things relatively simple.

How about DC 25 for the Fort save? Even DC 20 might be ok. Do we know how high a level Shattados was?

I was thinking DC 25 if not higher - the original save was at -5 after all.

Also, I'm wondering about the following two tweaks:

Change "able to bend his subjects to his will" to "able to manipulate his subjects at whim."

Add a paragraph break before "The oath-tied have the same CR as they did before the transformation;". That paragraph seems a bit too long to me.

Oh, and I'd re-italicize all mentions of the scorpion crown and change the "-" hypens to "–" en-dashes.

Do you think that'd be enough to finish off this beastie?


Extradimensional Explorer
DC 25 will work. I don't mind going higher, actually. Someone of Shattados's level shouldn't be able to make the save (or have more than a tiny chance), but I wouldn't mind perhaps epic characters having a decent chance at it. I'll let you choose.

Your other suggested edits are good, and that should be it!


DC 25 will work. I don't mind going higher, actually. Someone of Shattados's level shouldn't be able to make the save (or have more than a tiny chance), but I wouldn't mind perhaps epic characters having a decent chance at it. I'll let you choose.

The DC25 only applies to the transformation of the crownwearer's allies into scorpion hybrids. There's no mention of a save in "If a creature puts on the crown within the borders of what used to be the land of Sulm, they are permanently transmuted into a master scorpion".

Just for clarity I'll tag a (no save) on the end of that in the update.

Your other suggested edits are good, and that should be it!

I'm going out to have some dinner, but should have time to update the Master Scorpion when I get back.

Voidrunner's Codex

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