Converting monsters from Dragon magazine

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I was voting for them actually

Okay, so I'm voting for Ihagnim or Dark Dweller and you're voting for Power Slug or "Planar Equine".

What specific unconverted planar equine did you have in mind?

I'm inclined to wait for Freyar to either propose his own monster or pick between the monsters we suggested.

If he has a preference of his own, I guess we'll have to decide it with a virtual dice-off.

Assuming I can remember how to do it…

Let's see, was it:

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Extradimensional Explorer
I kind of feel like something easy. The ihagnim doesn't seem too difficult actually, but I couldn't find power slug stats. If they don't look too bad, how about we do the power slug then ihagnim? Or if they're complex, let's do the ihagnim first.


Powerslug* it is then. I'll post the original stats. They're pretty minimalistic, we might get away with doing them as a hazard rather than a full monster.

*I think I've mentioned this before, but it's name in Dragon #259 was one word not two. Not that I haven't incorrectly used "Power Slug" a few times on this thread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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