Converting monsters from Dragon magazine


Powerslug Original Stats

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Swamps, bogs, jungles
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Adrenaline
MOVEMENT: 1, Swim 3
HIT DICE: 1–4 hp
SIZE: T (2" long)
MORALE: Average (10)

A powerslug is a thick-bodied gastropod found primarily in swamps and bogs, where it swims through the tepid waters in search of prey. Its black body is soft and rubbery, and two tiny eyestalks extend from its head. The powerslug exudes a slimy coating that makes it extremely slippery.

Combat: The powerslug avoids combat, preferring to sneak up on potential hosts. The creature’s slimy coating acts as an anesthetic that keeps the victim from noticing its touch. Once in contact with a host, it uses its innate phasing ability to enter the host’s body without breaking the skin. This is a slow process, taking 1d10 minutes; if the victim notices the intrusion, a dispel magic cast upon the powerslug ejects it from the body. The slug cannot be grasped or wounded while phasing.

Once inside the host’s body, the powerslug attaches itself to the adrenal gland and pumps chemicals into the host’s bloodstream. For the first month, there is no noticeable change in the host’s behavior other than a slight irritability. After the first month, the changes become noticeable. Layers of dense muscle tissue build up in the host’s body, the central nervous system becomes more efficient, and the host can endure higher levels of pain. Each week after the initial month of parasitic infestation, the host’s Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores each increase by one point. Once this pushes the host into the 18 Strength range, additional Strength bonuses add one level of percentile Strength each week.

As the host’s physical prowess grows, so does the capacity for mindless violence, forcing the host to make a saving throw vs. poison each time a potential combat situation occurs. The saving throw incurs a cumulative –1 penalty for each week of “body enhancement.” If the saving throw is successful, the host can avoid violence. If it fails, the host jumps into combat, fighting to the death. At first, a “combat situation” might include being attacked by a hostile enemy. As the infestation progresses, a combat situation ranges from someone accidentally spilling the host’s drink to not liking someone’s looks.

Once one of the host’s ability scores reaches 19, there is a cumulative 10% chance per round of combat that the stresses put upon the host’s body are too much. If this point is readied, the host’s heart simply explodes in his or her chest, causing immediate death. The powerslug then exits the body by phasing through it and leaves in search of another victim.

A remove curse spell cast on the host by a Priest of 9th or higher level drives a powerslug from the body.

Habitat/Society: Powerslug hosts are usually not even aware of the parasite. The initial benefits of infestation often have the unwitting host jumping for joy. However, as the infestation progresses and the host becomes more violent, the host’s companions start to notice that something is wrong.

If the powerslug is driven from the host’s body, it uses its phasing abilities to escape into the nearest pool of water or muck. (While phasing, it is immune to weapons unless the weapon-wielder can somehow affect ethereal creatures.) Once the powerslug is no longer present, the host’s ability scores drop to their pre-infestation levels.

Ecology: Powerslugs feed on the adrenaline pumped into the host’s system during times of great stress, as during battle. This chemical manipulation is their way of ensuring the flow of adrenaline. Unlike most parasites, the powerslug cares little about killing its host; it’ll just find another one.

Powerslugs aren’t choosy about their warm-blooded hosts. They can be found in animals; in fact, many violent animal attacks are the result of powerslug infestation. Druids hate these creatures, for they disrupt the harmony of nature.

Originally appeared in Dragon Magazine #259 (“Symbiotes and Parasites” by Johnathan M. Richards, May 1999)

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Hmm… I think there's enough meat there to justify a full monster statblock despite its only "attack" being parasitically attaching itself to a host.

So to me it looks like the CC's Magical Leech would be a decent model to base it on.

Fine Magical Beast (Aquatic) with the Amphibious trait. Very low Dex. The 1 to 4 hit points matches up to half a Hit Dice, which is ridiculously high for something two inches long - but then it is Powerful! I'll start a rough draft.


Fine Magical Beast (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 1/2d10 (2 hp)
Initiative: –4
Speed: 5 ft. (cannot run), Swim 10 ft. (2 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+8 size, –4 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/–20
Full Attack:
Special Attacks: Infestation, POWER!
Special Qualities: Amphibious, blindsense 10 ft., phasing, salt vulnerability, scent
Saves: Fort +2, Ref –2, Will –1
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 2, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 11
Skills: Hide +12* (+20 in jungles or swamps), Listen +1, Move Silently +6, Spot +1, Swim +12
Feats: Alertness
Environment: Warm and temperate swamp or warm forest
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Level Adjustment:

A nondescript slug whose black skin glistens with mucous. It has two very small eyestalks.

A powerslug is a very rare parasite found in bogs, tropical swamps and jungles. The slime exuded by the slug is anesthetic: creatures may see or hear a powerslug crawl upon their skin but they will never feel it. Powerslugs can phase themselves away from the Prime Material Plane to become intangible while remaining visible. While useful for avoiding threats this serves a more sinister purpose. Once the slug finds a warm-blooded creature it uses its phasing to enter their body and parasitize them. Powerslugs never share hosts no matter how large they might be; a slug will not enter a creature if their bloodstream tastes of another powerslug's infestation.

Powerslugs feed off adrenaline and similar chemicals. A slug fastens onto its host's adrenal gland and forces it to go into overdrive. The flood of chemicals enhances the host's muscles and nervous system, causing them to become far stronger and more agile than is natural as their muscles swell and their movements grow more energetic. Unfortunately, this increased performance comes with a price. The host becomes increasingly aggressive and violent, eventually fighting to the death at the slightest slight or setback. Even worse, the unnatural development of their body puts such a strain on their cardiac system that most victims of a powerslug suffer fatal heart attacks within a few months of infestation. If the host dies the slug just phases out of the corpse to seek new prey.

A creature fully infested by a powerslug gains the powered creature template.

Druids despise powerslugs for the devastation that creatures infected by these magical pests do to their environment: an outbreak of powerslugs is usually accompanied by a spate of savage animal attacks. Some brutal individuals or cultures actually seek out powerslug infection for the crude physical power it provides, not caring for the risk of heart attacks and senseless violence.

Like many gastropods, powerslugs are hermaphrodites. Unlike most they never mate with each other, but fertilize their own eggs while remaining inside their victim. When the slug senses it is in a warm and humid environment suitable for their development, the eggs are laid in a phased condition to exit the host.

A powerslug is a couple of inches long and has a negligible weight of around one-hundredth of an ounce.

A powerslug has no means to directly injure opponents, so stays hidden and tries to sneak up to creatures it can infest. The slug spends most of its time phased, so if an enemy notices it they'll have a hard time injuring the creature.

Threatened powerslugs instinctively head for cover, ideally water clogged with mud and dense undergrowth, but are so slow they are unlikely to outrun any pursuit.

Infestation (Ex): If a powerslug phases inside a living warm-blooded creature, it moves to the creature's adrenal glands and attaches itself to them, unphasing into corporeality as it does so. It takes 1d10 minutes for a phasing powerslug to reach the adrenal glands of a Small or Medium creature, each size increase larger than that doubles the time (2d10 minutes for Large, 4d10 for Huge, et cetera). A creature can only be infested by a single powerslug regardless of its size.

Once a powerslug has attached itself to a creature's adrenal glands it begins injecting chemicals into the glands' blood supply that enormously boost their adrenaline production and gradually alters the host's body, increasing the creature's muscle density, nervous system speed and tolerance of pain. The powerslug feeds off the excess adrenaline thus produced. The effects on the host are detailed below (see POWER!).

A powerslug infestation can be removed by any of the following methods.

Casting remove curse or remove disease will force the infesting powerslug to phase and leave their host if the caster succeeds at a DC 20 caster level check. A properly worded limited wish, wish or miracle will automatically expel a powerslug or both kill and expel it.

A powerslug infestation can be surgically removed. Each attempt does 1d6 Con damage and requires a DC 20 Heal check to succeed, failures cause the patient to start bleeding at 1 Con damage every 1d12 rounds (roll time separately for each point of damage), a DC 20 Heal check or any amount of magical healing will stop this bleeding.

The simplest method of expelling a powerslug infestation is simply exposing it to salt, since powerslugs are as vulnerable to salt as ordinary slugs. If a creature consumes enough salt to feel ill (sickened for 2d6 hours) any powerslug infesting them will phase and abandon that host. This only requires a tablespoon or so of salt for a typical Medium humanoid, an overdose of salt (an ounce or more) cause nausea for 2d6 hours and forces the creatures to succeed on a DC 10 Fortitude save or take 1d4 Constitution damage, while an extreme overdose (typically requiring three or more ounces of salt) does 1d10 Con damage on a failed DC 10 Fort save. It takes a powerslug the same amount of time to leave a host as it took to reach its adrenal glands, normally 1d10 minutes.

Phasing (Su): A powerslug can become incorporeal as standard action, and shift back into corporeality again as a move action (or during a move action). Unlike a normal incorporeal creature, a phasing powerslug can entirely enter solid objects and does not have to remain adjacent to the object's exterior. However, the powerslug moves incredible slowly when phasing through objects. It takes 1d10 rounds to phase its own body length into solid material, so needs at least that much time to entirely enter an object and gain total cover from external attacks. A dispel magic spell immediately forces a phasing powerslug to become corporeal, if the slug was phased inside an object it is ejected into the nearest open space.

Once fully phased inside an object or creature, the powerslug can still be attacked by other incorporeal creatures (who can simply reach in and grab it). A properly worded limited wish, wish or miracle can expel a powerslug, force it to stop phasing, or simply kill it; a mage's disjunction or antimagic field will force a powerslug to stop phasing even if totally inside an object.

POWER! (Su): After 3d6+20 days of infestation by a powerslug, its host gains +2 alchemical bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution (roll the time separately for each ability). These bonuses increase by an additional +2 every 3d6+20 days to a maximum of +8 after 12d6+80 days.

Once a creature gains a bonus to Strength, Dexterity or Constitution from a powerslug infestation they become increasingly aggressive. Whenever something happens that might provoke anger, the creature must succeed at a Wisdom check or lose their temper. For a minor provocation, such as someone spilling their drink, the DC is 5 for every +2 of physical ability bonus, so DC 5 for +2, DC 10 for +4, DC 15 for +6 and DC 20 for +8. A moderate provocation, such as being slapped without cause, adds another +5 to the DC. A severe provocation, such as being attacked, adds +10 to the DC. Attempting to forcibly remove the powerslug is a serious provocation. All creatures infested with powerslugs hate the taste of salt, so giving one salty food is always at least a moderate provocation, whether it's a coincidence or an attempt to expel the powerslug.

If the creature fails this Wisdom check they will attack the provoking object or creature in a violent frenzy. This frenzy lasts until the host dies, loses consciousness, or the provoking creature or object is either out of their sight for 1d4 rounds or destroyed; if the provoking creature flees the host will pursue them. A calm emotion spell will stop the frenzy if the host fails their Will save.

Once all a powerslug host's physical ability scores gain a +8 alchemical bonus, the enormous strain on their body damages their heart. If the host performs extremely vigorous activity, such as combat, for 1d4+1 rounds, they must succeed at a DC 5 Constitution check or suffer a fatal heart attack and die over 4d4 rounds. The save must be repeated each 1d4+1 additional rounds of vigorous activity, with the DC increasing by +1 for each previous check. The rounds of vigorous activity need not be consecutive or on the same action. The accumulated strain of vigorous activity can be healed by rest down to the minimum of DC 5: a night's sleep lowers the Con check DC by –1, a full day's rest lowers the DC by 1d2, and long-term care with a DC 15 Heal check lowers it by –3 per day. A restoration or cure critical wounds spell can prevent a host dying from a heart attack, the restoration also lowers the Con check DC by –5 (minimum DC 5). A heal or greater restoration completely cures a fatal heart attack and sets the Con check starting value to DC 5.

If the infesting powerslug is removed, the host creature immediately loses all the physical ability bonuses and aggressiveness from the infestation, but they continue to be at risk of a fatal heart attack, retaining the Constitution check DC they had when the powerslug was removed. The damage to their heart can be healed as described above. Once the Con check is reduced to DC 1 or lower the host's heart is fully healed and the risk of a POWER! induced heart attack ends.

Salt Vulnerability: A pinch of salt does 1 point of damage to a powerslug on contact and causes it to flee, a larger amount (enough to cover the creature) kills the powerslug.

Skills: Powerslugs have a +8 racial bonus on Move Silently checks. A powerslug has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Powerslugs use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Swim checks, whichever is higher.

* Powerslugs have a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks in their native environment (jungle vegetation or swamp water).

Originally appeared in Dragon #259 (1999).
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Extradimensional Explorer
I am tempted to suggest a template for infested characters, but that may end up being too much more work for these.

Con 10, Wis 10, Cha 11? I can understand the desire for low Dex, so perhaps 2 or 4?


I am tempted to suggest a template for infested characters, but that may end up being too much more work for these.

The transformation feels too temporary and mechanically simple for a template approach to be worthwhile.

Con 10, Wis 10, Cha 11? I can understand the desire for low Dex, so perhaps 2 or 4?

Hmm… the original monster had AC 10 which is mechanically impossible for the clumsiest of 3E Fine creatures unless it has some ability that gives it an AC penalty due to the +8 size adjustment. Even if the slug has Dex 1 it still has Armour Class 13: base 10 +8 size –5 Dex.

If we made it Diminutive like we did the Psionic Leech / Magical Leech we could give it Dex 2 for AC 10 (10 +4 size –4 Dex), but I'd rather bite the bullet and just accept we can't hit that AC number.

Let's say Dexterity 2 for AC 14.

Don't see why it needs human level Wisdom. We gave the Leeches conversion Wisdom 8 so I'll go for that.

Updating Powerslug Working Draft.


Okay, assuming the above is allright by you I guess Phasing is the next point to address.

The nature of this ability isn't explained. It's not shifting to the ethereal like a phase spider, since it takes the slug 1d10 minutes to enter a host and it must remains on the same plane as them as it is able to interact with their andrenal gland and bloodstream. I interpret it as a special form of incorporeality which allows the powerslug to entirely enter a creature with considerable effort.

Can a powerslug move while phased? If so, why would it ever unphase and become vulnerable to attack? Since powerslugs cannot fly I'm not sure how one would even move when incorporeal since it can't push against surfaces that it can't touch. Then again, it must somehow be able to remain on the skin of a prospective host for up to 10 minutes to phase into them, so how would it hold onto them without being able to touch them?

Never mind, the same issues apply to all incorporeal creatures that walk or swim about. Let's get onto hard tacks and sketch out a rough draft:

Phasing (Su): A powerslug can become incorporeal as standard action, and shift back into corporeality again as a move action (or during a move action). Unlike a normal incorporeal creature, a powerslug can entirely enter solid objects and does not have to remain adjacent to the object's exterior. However, the powerslug moves incredible slowly when phasing through objects. It takes 1d10 rounds to phase its own body length into solid material, so needs at least that much time to entirely enter an object and gain total cover from external attacks. If a phasing powerslug is targeted by a dispel magic spell while phasing it is forced to immediately become corporeal and is ejected into the nearest open space (note that the Area Dispel form of dispel magic cannot expel the slug).

Once fully phased inside an object, the powerslug can still be attacked by other incorporeal creatures (who can simply reach in and grab it). A properly worded limited wish can expel a powerslug or kill and expel it, a mage's disjunction or antimagic field forces a powerslug to stop phasing even if totally inside an object. A corporeal creature can cut or pierce an object a powerslug is inside to in order to target it, but if the object is a living creature then obviously slicing them open to expose the slug is rarely tenable. The safest surgical method is driving a fine hollow needle to where the slug is and using that as a line-of-effect for something that removes or kills the slug, such as dispel magic or even a simple magic missile. This requires a DC ## Heal check and does ## damage, but failures do ## damage or ## damage if the roll fails by 10 or more.

The simplest method of expelling a powerslug from an object is simply infusing it with salt, since powerslugs are as vulnerable to ordinary salt as normal slugs are. If a creature drinks enough salty water to feel somewhat ill (sickened for ## hours) any powerslugs within them will leave them immediately by ending their phasing power.

Infestation (Su): ####

I've got a few chores to do, might do an Infestation Rough in a few hours.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, the abilities and AC look fine.

A regular template would definitely be too much, but maybe we can write something like a simple template from Pathfinder into the ability.

The Phasing SA draft looks generally fine, though definitely more detailed than the original. There are a couple of things to clarify: (1) why shouldn't the area dispel work to eject the slug? I don't know that the language from the original monster is that specific to rule out the area dispel option. (2) We should list remove curse as a way to get rid of the powerslug, since the original specifically mentions the spell. (3) These are low CR critters, so maybe make the Heal check DC 12 or 15 with 1d4 hp damage with failure doing maybe 1d8 hp (not worrying about degree of failures unless you want to do a critical failure).


Yes, the abilities and AC look fine.

A regular template would definitely be too much, but maybe we can write something like a simple template from Pathfinder into the ability.

I'd be OK with that. Maybe have the "mini-template" be the changes for a fully infested victim who has a risk of dying from heart failure during combat? The original description doesn't quite specify where (or if!) the ability increase stops but it could be interpreted as continuing until a score of 19 is reached. Assuming an average of 10, that's +9 Con, +9 Dex and +15 Str (since there's six levels of percentile strength from 18/01-50 to 18/00).

It seems easier to just cap it at +8 to all physical stats (which'd require three months of power-infection).

The Phasing SA draft looks generally fine, though definitely more detailed than the original. There are a couple of things to clarify: (1) why shouldn't the area dispel work to eject the slug? I don't know that the language from the original monster is that specific to rule out the area dispel option. (2) We should list remove curse as a way to get rid of the powerslug, since the original specifically mentions the spell. (3) These are low CR critters, so maybe make the Heal check DC 12 or 15 with 1d4 hp damage with failure doing maybe 1d8 hp (not worrying about degree of failures unless you want to do a critical failure).

I picked the targeted option since the original text says "a dispel magic cast upon the powerslug" which to me implies the spell was aimed specifically at the magic vermin.

It makes little difference to me either way.

Would you rather it be both-option dispel?

Say change that line to "A dispel magic spell immediately forces a phasing powerslug to become corporeal, if the slug was phased inside an object it is ejected into the nearest open space."

(2) We should list remove curse as a way to get rid of the powerslug, since the original specifically mentions the spell.

I wasn't sure whether that belonged into infestation since it (a) forces the slug to leave a host (so it might not do anything if it's just crawling about).

Come to think of it, the original text makes no mention of remove curse or dispel magic forcing the slug to stop phasing.

Upon reflection it might well not, since the text says "If the powerslug is driven from the host’s body, it uses its phasing abilities to escape into the nearest pool of water or muck", which suggests that if a remove curse forces it to leave it stays phased. Not sure about the dispel magic forcing corporeality but if that doesn't interfere with the phasing magic how is it making the slug quit trying to enter a host?

(3) These are low CR critters, so maybe make the Heal check DC 12 or 15 with 1d4 hp damage with failure doing maybe 1d8 hp (not worrying about degree of failures unless you want to do a critical failure).

Since critical failure is not a RAW rule and we're likely making these too complicated already I'd rather leave that out. I was thinking Con damage rather than hit point injury though. Just seems more "meaty". How about hit point damage for success, hit point damage plus Con damage for failure?

They may be low-CR but they do seem a potent nuisance, so I'd rather the surgery DC be something respectable. It does attach to an adrenal gland after all - isn't that a fairly risky operation? If it was realistic there'd be serious risks from bleeding (there's a lot of blood vessels in the area) and infection, and there's some important nerves around there too.

Hmm… I'd lean more towards, say, DC 20 or 25. High enough an unskilled character wouldn't chance it.


Extradimensional Explorer
Capping ability boosts at +8 works for me. Though maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves with that.

I'd prefer both options for dispel magic --- the area effect version does affect all "creatures," and I'd rather treat phasing as a magic ability acting on a creature.

So I guess the question about remove curse is whether the slug is phased once it's attached to the adrenal gland. If it is, I'd think remove curse affects any phasing slug, even one that's phasing through inanimate matter. But I could see what you're saying --- the slug is corporeal once it attaches in the host body (something like a trill symbiont), so remove curse just gets rid of the parasite. So I could see just putting that in Infestation if that's what you want.

I could go for a Heal DC 20.


Capping ability boosts at +8 works for me. Though maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves with that.

Yes, we can leave that for Infestation - although I may attempt a first draft of that ability.

I'd prefer both options for dispel magic --- the area effect version does affect all "creatures," and I'd rather treat phasing as a magic ability acting on a creature.

I'm OK with that, it doesn't really make much difference.

So I guess the question about remove curse is whether the slug is phased once it's attached to the adrenal gland. If it is, I'd think remove curse affects any phasing slug, even one that's phasing through inanimate matter. But I could see what you're saying --- the slug is corporeal once it attaches in the host body (something like a trill symbiont), so remove curse just gets rid of the parasite. So I could see just putting that in Infestation if that's what you want.

Hmm, I guess that logically it can't "attach itself to the adrenal gland" if its incorporeal, so presumably it must stop phasing while parasitising its host. If that's the case we could move the "removing a slug surgically" bit to Infestation.

That would mean that a powerslug can't be driven out of a host with dispel magic once it's reached the infestation stage since it's no longer phasing, which neatly explains why that option is only available for the first 1d10 minutes.

Oh, and I'm thinking we should add remove disease to the list of magical solutions since "[remove disease] also kills parasites, including green slime and others. Certain special diseases may not be countered by this spell or may be countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher."

I could go for a Heal DC 20.

That (and your damage suggestions) just seems too trivial. A properly tricked-out 1st level character can have a quite impressive Heal skill. I'd rather it be something that can't be easily performed by a low-level healer and then trivially fixed with a cure light wounds.

Methinks I'll homebrew some rules on Hypernatremia in there while I'm at it!

How about this revision, plus a first draft of Infestation:

Phasing (Su) #2: A powerslug can become incorporeal as standard action, and shift back into corporeality again as a move action (or during a move action). Unlike a normal incorporeal creature, a phasing powerslug can entirely enter solid objects and does not have to remain adjacent to the object's exterior. However, the powerslug moves incredible slowly when phasing through objects. It takes 1d10 rounds to phase its own body length into solid material, so needs at least that much time to entirely enter an object and gain total cover from external attacks. A dispel magic spell immediately forces a phasing powerslug to become corporeal, if the slug was phased inside an object it is ejected into the nearest open space.

Once fully phased inside an object or creature, the powerslug can still be attacked by other incorporeal creatures (who can simply reach in and grab it). A properly worded limited wish, wish or miracle can expel a powerslug, force it to stop phasing, or simply kill it; a mage's disjunction or antimagic field will force a powerslug to stop phasing even if totally inside an object.

Infestation (Su): If a powerslug phases inside a living warm-blooded creature, it moves to the creature's adrenal glands and attaches itself to them, unphasing into corporeality as it does so. It takes 1d10 minutes for a phasing powerslug to reach the adrenal glands of a Small or Medium creature, each size increase larger than that doubles the time (2d10 minutes for Large, 4d10 for Huge, et cetera). A creature can only be infested by a single powerslug regardless of its size.

Once a powerslug has attached itself to a creature's adrenal glands it begins injecting chemicals into the glands' blood supply that enormously boost their adrenaline production and gradually alters the host's body, increasing the creature's muscle density, nervous system speed and tolerance of pain. The powerslug feeds off the excess adrenaline thus produced.

A powerslug infestation can be removed by any of the following methods.

Casting remove curse or remove disease will force the infesting powerslug to phase and leave their host if the caster level is 9th or higher [OR "if the caster succeeds at a DC 15 caster level check"?]. A properly worded limited wish, wish or miracle will automatically expel a powerslug or both kill and expel it.

A powerslug infestation can be surgically removed. Each attempt does 1d6 Con damage [?] and requires a DC 20 [?] Heal check to succeed, failures cause the patient to start bleeding at 1 Con damage every 1d12 rounds [?] (roll time separately for each point of damage), a DC 20 [?] Heal check or any amount of magical healing will stop this bleeding.

The simplest method of expelling a powerslug infestation is simply exposing it to salt, since powerslugs are as vulnerable to salt as ordinary slugs. If a creature consumes enough salt to feel ill (sickened for 2d6 [?] hours) any powerslug infesting them will phase and abandon that host. This only requires a tablespoon or so of salt for a typical Medium humanoid, an overdose of salt (an ounce or more) cause nausea for 2d6 hours and forces the creatures to succeed on a DC 10 Fortitude save or take 1d4 Constitution damage, while an extreme overdose (typically requiring three or more ounces of salt) does 1d10 Con damage on a failed DC 10 Fort save. It takes a powerslug the same amount of time to leave a host as it took to reach its adrenal glands, normally 1d10 minutes.

After a month of infestation, the host gains a +2 alchemical bonus [or circumstance ?] to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. This bonus increases by an additional +2 every month to a maximum of +8 after four months of infestation.

Stuff about aggressiveness [? Triggers should include forcing them to consume salt!].

As soon as all the host's physical ability scores gain a +8 alchemical bonus from the infestation, the strain… [risk of death from heart exploding at +8 Str/Dex/Con. Undecided on whether critical resistance/immunity offers any protection ?].
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