Converting monsters from Dragon magazine


Monster Junkie
Let's make the bite in Fine form do 1 point of damage. Table 5-1: Creature Size, Ability Scores, and Damage in the Making Monsters chapter suggests 1 point of damage for a Fine creature's bite attack.

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Extradimensional Explorer
That's fine for the bite.

I think we need to specify more about what happens to the swallowed victim when the death minnow changes size. Is the victim affected as if by multiple reduce person spells, for example? If so, or if weapons are resized, we might need to reduce the points of damage needed to cut out of the gizzard. Also, does someone who cuts out of the small size death minnow automatically return to normal size? (I'd have to say yes.)


That's fine for the bite.

I think we need to specify more about what happens to the swallowed victim when the death minnow changes size. Is the victim affected as if by multiple reduce person spells, for example? If so, or if weapons are resized, we might need to reduce the points of damage needed to cut out of the gizzard. Also, does someone who cuts out of the small size death minnow automatically return to normal size? (I'd have to say yes.)

It'd be easier if we just say the miniaturized victim fights the Death Minnow as if the fish was in its Large "Monster Form".

Plus, they should definitely resize as soon as (if) they escape being swallowed.


Looks fine. And I'm ok with sticking to 2d6 rounds for the dispel magic bit.

Updated the Working Draft with 2d6 rounds.

Are the Spot DCs and damage for Swallow Whole OK by you?

EDIT: aren't we giving it Weapon Focus (bite)?

We talked about WF (bite), but it just seems a bit like gilding the lily to me, since the minnow form has a +15 melee, so I was hoping for something different (and more interesting).

Swimby Attack would fit, but I fear it isn't OGL.


Extradimensional Explorer
Could go with Stealthy, I guess.

The DCs and damage are ok. For swallow whole, just add:

The swallowed victim interacts with the death minnow as if both are their natural sizes. Further, a victim who escapes instantaneously reverts to natural size.


Could go with Stealthy, I guess.

That's awfully dull. Besides, as a magically engineered stealthy killer guard it may well have a racial bonus to sensory and stealth skills (e.g. Listen, Move Silently, Spot).

The DCs and damage are ok. For swallow whole, just add:

The swallowed victim interacts with the death minnow as if both are their natural sizes. Further, a victim who escapes instantaneously reverts to natural size.

I'll remove the question marks from the DC/Damage and red-in a modification based on your proposed change.

Voidrunner's Codex

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