Converting monsters from Dragon magazine

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Extradimensional Explorer
Let's see. We have

Cleon said:
Crush Ship (Ex): A super eel can wrap its serpentine body around a ship up to half the eel's length (i.e. a 30 ft. ship for a 60 ft. eel) and squeeze with devastating pressure. This action takes 1 full round and provokes attacks of opportunity. This attack deals 2d6+16 points of damage and breaches the ship's hull if the super eel succeeds at a Strength check, which causes the ship to sink in 1d10 rounds. The break DC varies with the type of vessel crushed, as follows: rowboat DC 20, keelboat DC 23, sailing ship or longship DC 25, warship DC 27, or galley DC 30. A vessel's crew can counteract a super eel's Crush Ship attack if the captain succeeds on a DC 20 Professional (sailor) check; this increases the Crush DC of their ship by +2. The ship's crew cannot make Aid Another actions to assist their captain, as they are involved in resisting the attack. (See Chapter 5 of the DMG for information about ships).

No need to argue, as it looks good to me. ;) Any other special abilities?


Let's see, 16 skill points, so 4 each in Hide, Listen, Move Silently, & Spot?

We'd better give it a hefty racial bonus in its Stealth skills, since they obviously must be good at keeping a low profile to avoid being spotted by cryptozoologists.


Extradimensional Explorer
But maybe everyone sees them all the time on Toril or Oerth. I'm not sure why we should insist on large Hide modifiers for critters just because they don't exist here.


But maybe everyone sees them all the time on Toril or Oerth. I'm not sure why we should insist on large Hide modifiers for critters just because they don't exist here.

Na, they'd mention Giant Eel Pies in the Volo's Guides if they were that visible. :cool:


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd be willing to give it a smallish bonus to Hide and Move Silently, but not too much. I think we're getting a bit too carried away with what's a cryptid and needs to hide anyway.


I'd be willing to give it a smallish bonus to Hide and Move Silently, but not too much. I think we're getting a bit too carried away with what's a cryptid and needs to hide anyway.

You're still a spoilsport.

The Stormwrack Dire Eel has +4 hide (+8 in coral, rock, or heavy kelp), so I'd give it at least that much, which might be enough once we slap Stealthy and Skill Focus (Hide) on top of it.


Extradimensional Explorer
You're still a spoilsport.

That's how I see my job here. :p ;)

The Stormwrack Dire Eel has +4 hide (+8 in coral, rock, or heavy kelp), so I'd give it at least that much, which might be enough once we slap Stealthy and Skill Focus (Hide) on top of it.

I can go with that kind of racial bonus. I see that you've added a feat selection to it, too. But, truthfully, I'd prefer something like Snatch or Awesome Blow to both of those feats.

Voidrunner's Codex

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