Converting monsters from Dragon magazine


Frankly, I'm more in favor of just a magical beast version.

Well, the AD&D monster we're converting was a non-magical creature, so it'd feel odd not to consider a mundane set of stats.

There's just not so much different here compared to the other big turtles. However, if you really want to do it, let's go with what you have and maybe just give it a Hide bonus in water. Unless you mean it camouflages itself as an island. ;)

Why, yes I did, or possible a "blend in to the ocean" ability like we gave the Globigerina:

Transparent (Ex): A globigerina is difficult to see when it is in the ocean, since it blends in to the color of deep water. It takes a DC 13 Spot check to notice one. Creatures who fail to notice a globigerina and move within 5 feet of it are automatically attacked.

Something like this...

Camouflage (Ex) [or Mimicry?]: A giant crypto-chelonian can blend into the color of deep water or imitate the shape of a natural marine feature of approximately its own size and shape, such as a small shoal, an islet, or a mound upon a beach. So long as the chelonian does not move, it requires a DC X Spot check for another creature to notice it is not part of the scenery. It takes a cypto-chelonian 1 minute to assume a camouflage.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Mimicry sounds too much like a mimic. But this is pretty close to standard Camouflage, and it works well. Any other ideas for this? I still think the mundane version should have fortification, probably heavy.


Mimicry sounds too much like a mimic. But this is pretty close to standard Camouflage, and it works well. Any other ideas for this? I still think the mundane version should have fortification, probably heavy.

I can go along with Fortification for it, although I prefer Moderate since the turtle's scales aren't that big. ("The scales on the front are hardly noticeable, while those to the rear of the shell are so large they have been compared to roofing shingles")

I'll update the Father-Of-All-The-Turtles Working Draft with that plus the above Camouflage SQ.

That'll do it for me for the SQs. I thought about coming up with some minor Special Attack that involves the "fleshy filaments" some of these critters have around their mouths, but it just didn't thrill me. Besides, they're more likely to be sensory in nature. Maybe short-range Blindsense?

Hmm, we could give it Swallow Whole like you suggested earlier, since it has "a mouth so wide that it splits the head in two when it opens".


I've rephrased the special abilities so they use the "father-of-all-the-turtles" name rather than "giant crypto-chelonian". I'm thinking we should make that what the "sages" call this creature.

For the magical beast version, I suggest we call it a "grandfather-of-all-the-turtles" or "godfather-of-all-the-turtles".

Any opinions?


Extradimensional Explorer
Given the way the mouth opens, I'd think it should have Swallow Whole or some such ability.

For the magical beast, I like the logic of the "godfather-of-all-turtles," but it makes me think it'll start threatening people with cement shoes. "Grandfather-of-all-turtles" probably sounds better.


Given the way the mouth opens, I'd think it should have Swallow Whole or some such ability.

Another day, another monster with Swallow Whole.

Updating the Father-Of-All-The-Turtles Working Draft.

For the magical beast, I like the logic of the "godfather-of-all-turtles," but it makes me think it'll start threatening people with cement shoes. "Grandfather-of-all-turtles" probably sounds better.

When the godfather-of-all-the-turtles carries a message from heaven, he brings you a message you can't refuse... :p

I prefer Grandfather too, since according to Wikipedia the Hoan Kiem lake turtle is known as "great grandfather".


Extradimensional Explorer
Looks good. Feats: want to aim for Awesome Blow? That gets us three feats right there (with the prereqs).


Looks good. Feats: want to aim for Awesome Blow? That gets us three feats right there (with the prereqs).

Well I suppose it could be handy for knocking big opponents prone, so why not.

Improved Critical would be handy, too.

I'd like to have a feat that's not combat-only. Maybe Endurance or Run?

Hmm, Diehard seems a good fit to them too, so how about Diehard, Endurance & Improved Critical (bite) for the other three?

That combines to:

Feats: Awesome Blow, Diehard, Endurance, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Bull-Rush, Power Attack


The feats look good.

Updating the Father-Of-All-The-Turtles Working Draft.

I'm thinking that these aren't too aggressive. Do you agree?

There are no accounts of them attacking boats or people, so I think that's reasonable. How about this:

* * *

A titanic turtle as big as a merchantship. Its head has large eyes and a mouth so wide its head seems to split in two. The inside of its mouth is bright red and surrounded by fleshy filaments. Most of the scales that cover the turtle are so smooth and tiny they're barely visible, but the rear of its shell has scales ridged like roof-shingles and several feet long.

Scholars call this huge reptile the cryptic chelonian, but the common folk know it as father-of-all-the-turtles. These marine turtles are so large they can live in cold seas as well as the tropics.

Fathers-of-all-the-turtles can change their color and texture to almost disappear, so are rarely seen despite their gargantuan size. Like a squid or chameleon, they can take on many shades and patterns and may change color to indicate their mood or status. When not camouflaged or displaying, a father-of-all-the-turtles often turns its shell ivory-white to conserve heat, or turns coal-black and floats on the surface to bask in the sun.

Fathers-of-all-the-turtles are omnivorous, mostly feeding on jellyfish, seaweed and fish. They occasionally attack marine mammals up to the size of a small whale, but prefer cold-blooded prey. Fathers-of-all-the-turtles do not view humanoids as food and are only likely to devour one in "self defense". These reptiles are just as tasty as their normal-sized cousins, and their shells are so huge they can be used as roofs or boats.

A father-of-all-the-turtles typically measures from 40 to 60 feet from snout to tail, with a shell from 30 to 50 feet in diameter, and weighs 120 tons or more. The oldest individuals grow to length of 100 feet or more.

Fathers-of-all-the-turtles are shy and relatively inoffensive, preferring to swim away from threats or conceal themselves using their camouflage ability. If a creature proves a persistent nuisance, a father-of-all-the-turtles usually tries to knock it away using its Awesome Blow feat (it can choose to do nonlethal bludgeoning damage with its bite attack). Should a creature seriously annoy or injure the turtle, it will bite with deadly force, trying to swallow opponents who are small enough. An angry father-of-all-the-turtles may capsize ships by surfacing underneath them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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