Converting monsters from First Edition modules

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Shirokinukatsukami fan
The life-bane duplicates don't have a stat block, but instead have about three-quarters of a page of text explaining how to create duplicates from the original. I'm guessing this would become a template. Should I post all of that text?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Mortis said:
Surely we can just give the vampire template to a lizard man?

I have to agree with this sentiment. No need for a real conversion here, since the text says they are vampires in all respects.


Extradimensional Explorer
Echohawk said:
The life-bane duplicates don't have a stat block, but instead have about three-quarters of a page of text explaining how to create duplicates from the original. I'm guessing this would become a template. Should I post all of that text?

If it's not too much trouble, sounds fun! Thanks for inputting all these, btw.


Monster Junkie
Wow, Echohawk, thanks! :cool:

It looks like several these don't really need converting.

As mentioned, the vampiric lizard man is really just that. Not a unique creature like the vampiric illithid.

The Symbayan and Thune dervishes appear to simply be humans.

It was brought to my attention that we've got a version of the viper vines in the CC:

That one appears to be from MC11, Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium Appendix II. Anyone know if these are the same?

It looks like the Awtawmatawn might be a good one to start with. It sounds like its a horned devil trapped in a stone golem body. Is this a correct assessment?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Life-Bane Duplicates

A duplicate created by Nuala's power of life-bane (see PSVII) is a magical entity which can parasitically tap the vitality of a single victim (no saving throw). This tapping cannot be halted until the duplicate is destroyed, or the victim dies from the strain, giving the duplicate the powers of the victim.

In appearance, voice and so on, a duplicate is indistinguishable from the original, and even has copies of the victim's clothing and equipment. Although a duplicate would be capable of fooling even the closest associates of the victim under normal circumstances, a truesight spell or similar magic would reveal it as an impostor, and a detect magic spell will reveal a magical aura.

Powers of Duplicates

Duplicates exist only as long as their individual victims live and they can continue to sap energy from them. During this time, duplicates can utilise all of the powers and abilities available to their individual victims... and more!

Duplicated Powers

With the exception of additional powers (see below), all of the attributes of a duplicate (including ability scores and bonuses, hit points, combat abilities, special abilities and so on) are identical to those of its victim before he or she was affected by Nuala's magic.

When the link is first established with a spell-using victim, the duplicate gains "copies" of the spells which the victim has memorised at the time and can cast them in the same manner. Although a duplicate's spells are used up in the normal way when it casts them, it cannot relearn spells of its own accord. Instead, the spells it has available are determined by which ones the victim memorises. Each time that its victim relearns spells or memorises new ones, the duplicate's list of available spells becomes the same as the victim's.

Although the duplicate has the same list of spells as its victim, the casting of a given spell by the duplicate does not affect the character's ability to use it. Similarly, if the character casts a spell this does not deprive the duplicate of it.

Duplicated Equipment

In addition to taking on the physical form of its victim, a duplicate also acquires temporary "copies" of all his or her personal equipment. This includes clothing, armour, weapons, magical items, horses or other animals, but not, of course, any human or demi-human henchmen or hirelings.

This equipment is identical in appearance to the originals, and can be used by the duplicate in the same way. It is not real in the ordinary sense and exists only because of the duplicate's life-draining. Only the duplicate concerned may use it, and it vanishes if the duplicate is destroyed. Acquisition or loss of equipment by the victim or duplicate do not affect the equipment possessed by the other -- nor do damage or other changes (including using up the charges of magical items).

Additional Powers

In addition to simply copying characters' original abilities, the accelerated rate at which duplicates use their victims' energies means that, in some respects, they are more powerful than the victims were originally. The extra abilities of duplicates are listed below:

  • Regeneration: Duplicates regenerate lost hit points at a rate of 2 per round after injury, so long as they remain above zero hit points.
  • Movement: Duplicates can move at a rate 3" greater than the victim.
  • Reaction Speed: Duplicates have a bonus of 1 on all initiative rolls.
  • Melee Attacks: In melee, a duplicate has 1 attack per round more than its victim had.
  • Magical Immunity: Duplicates are immune to mind-affecting magic, such as sleep, char, and hold spells.

Killing Duplicates

When a duplicate is "killed" (reduced to 0 hit points or below), it and all of its duplicated equipment vanish in a brilliant flash of light, leaving behind not a single trace.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Shade said:
It was brought to my attention that we've got a version of the viper vines in the CC:

That one appears to be from MC11, Forgotten Realms Monstrous Compendium Appendix II. Anyone know if these are the same?
I think so, the Viper Vines first appeared in Polyhedron #19 (1984), were reprinted in Bane of Llewellyn (C5) (1985) and updated to 2nd Edition in Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (MC11) (1992). I'm going from memory here though, since most all of my D&D collection is currently packed in boxes in preparation for a cross-country move next week. :\

It looks like the Awtawmatawn might be a good one to start with. It sounds like its a horned devil trapped in a stone golem body. Is this a correct assessment?
Yes. Here's some more background from DQ1:
The specific aspects of magic are taught by specialized colleges. Two of these Colleges no longer exist. They were destroyed by the Statue of Awtawmatawn, a magical creation of Valmous the Shaper, an Adept of the College of Shaping Magics.
Valmous was completing the first of his awtawmatawns, gargantuan yet gentle stone golems, who, in the space of a few years, could advance the king's ambitious building projects by generations. During the final stage of the statue's creation, the spell backfired and a minor devil appeared, taking over the statue. Unprepared, the Shapers could not defend themselves adequately and most were slain. The gravely injured Valmous was driven away.
Sensing one more magical college nearby, the awtawmatawn thundered over the mountains into the College of Rune Magics. The Rune Adepts were waiting, allied with Valmous. Valmous suspected the statue's weakness and guided his brothers in magic to destroy it.
Even so, few survived the fierce battle and yet another College of Magic lay in ruins, its practitioners dead or scattered.
With the aid of several young Rune Magic Adepts, Valmous hid the awtawmatawn’s fragments. He could still detect the aura of the devil amongst the pieces. Were the statue to be reassembled, it would live again. Using their own magics and the Shaper's devices, the Rune Adepts placed the dying Valmous into a healing stasis trance, to awaken when the need arose. All then faded into history.
Countless decades later, an excited Alchemist held his breath as his magical potions welded the fragments of a colossal stone arm and its magical aura grew. The legends he had discovered were true. The ancients had indeed created a stone golem of mythic proportions, and he, Amelior Amanitas, would be the one to bring this wonder of the ages back into being, to serve mankind as the legends described. He began excitedly scribbling notes again. He would need some brave heroic types to recover the lost fragments from the places the superstitious locals had hidden them in. If the rest of the pieces were even half as large as those he now had, he would need wagons... big wagons.


Monster Junkie
Echohawk said:
I think so, the Viper Vines first appeared in Polyhedron #19 (1984), were reprinted in Bane of Llewellyn (C5) (1985) and updated to 2nd Edition in Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (MC11) (1992). I'm going from memory here though, since most all of my D&D collection is currently packed in boxes in preparation for a cross-country move next week. :\

Thanks, and good luck with the move! :)


Monster Junkie
So to get started with the awtawmatawn, I've reprinted both of Echohawk's posts here.

AD&D Game Awtawmatawn Statistics:
MOVE: 15"
HIT DICE: 40 (180 hit points)
% IN LAIR: 0%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2/3 rounds
MAGIC RESISTANCE 50% (see below)
SIZE: L (30' tall)
Attack/Defense Modes: B, C/F, G, H

From the golem, the awtawmatawn gains the following abilities: cast slow spell on any opponent within 1" of its front facing every other melee round; immunity to normal weapons-- +2 or greater weapons required to hit; immune to physically-damaging spells other than rock to mud (which slows the monster 50% for 2d6 melee rounds, while mud to rock repairs all damage suffered by the golem), and stone to flesh makes the golem vulnerable to normal attacks on the next round (Note: a single use of this spell will affect 1d6+2 of the monster's Hit Dice.)

Because of its size, the awtawmatawn moves more slowly than the characters and may attack foes less than half its size twice every three rounds. it may attack larger foes and buildings once per round.

From Rotbite the horned devil, the awtawmatawn gains the ability to exude fear in a 30' radius (normal radius of 5' enhanced by its size-saving throw vs. wands applies); once per turn or melee round as applicable: charm person, suggestion, infravision, know alignment, animate dead, pyrotechnics, produce flame, ESP, detect magic, and illusion. Once per day, it can create a wall of fire of triple normal strength with regard to damage caused (3d8).
Rotbite's natural Magic Resistance is applied to all magical spells that can physically affect the golem's stone body or mentally affect his mind. In his current form, the horned devil Rotbite cannot summon others of his kind.

The specific aspects of magic are taught by specialized colleges. Two of these Colleges no longer exist. They were destroyed by the Statue of Awtawmatawn, a magical creation of Valmous the Shaper, an Adept of the College of Shaping Magics.

Valmous was completing the first of his awtawmatawns, gargantuan yet gentle stone golems, who, in the space of a few years, could advance the king's ambitious building projects by generations. During the final stage of the statue's creation, the spell backfired and a minor devil appeared, taking over the statue. Unprepared, the Shapers could not defend themselves adequately and most were slain. The gravely injured Valmous was driven away.

Sensing one more magical college nearby, the awtawmatawn thundered over the mountains into the College of Rune Magics. The Rune Adepts were waiting, allied with Valmous. Valmous suspected the statue's weakness and guided his brothers in magic to destroy it.
Even so, few survived the fierce battle and yet another College of Magic lay in ruins, its practitioners dead or scattered.

With the aid of several young Rune Magic Adepts, Valmous hid the awtawmatawn’s fragments. He could still detect the aura of the devil amongst the pieces. Were the statue to be reassembled, it would live again. Using their own magics and the Shaper's devices, the Rune Adepts placed the dying Valmous into a healing stasis trance, to awaken when the need arose. All then faded into history.

Countless decades later, an excited Alchemist held his breath as his magical potions welded the fragments of a colossal stone arm and its magical aura grew. The legends he had discovered were true. The ancients had indeed created a stone golem of mythic proportions, and he, Amelior Amanitas, would be the one to bring this wonder of the ages back into being, to serve mankind as the legends described. He began excitedly scribbling notes again. He would need some brave heroic types to recover the lost fragments from the places the superstitious locals had hidden them in. If the rest of the pieces were even half as large as those he now had, he would need wagons... big wagons.


Monster Junkie
For starters, lets advance a stone golem to 40 HD, giving us...

Stone Golem
Huge Construct
Hit Dice: 40d10+40 (107 hp)
Initiative: -2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 27 (–2 size, –2 Dex, +21 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 27
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+52
Attack: Slam +41 melee (4d8+13)
Full Attack: 2 slams +41 melee (4d8+13)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Slow
Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +13
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 7, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills: -
Feats: -
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary or gang (2–4)
Challenge Rating: 18
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 41–42 (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -


Slow (Su): A stone golem can use a slow effect, as the spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range of 10 feet and a duration of 7 rounds, requiring a DC 30 Will save to negate. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A stone golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A transmute rock to mud spell slows a stone golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw, while transmute mud to rock heals all of its lost hit points.

A stone to flesh spell does not actually change the golem’s structure but negates its damage reduction and immunity to magic for 1 full round. lets note a few subtle differences in the statblock...

Move 15 translates to 40 ft.

Damage: 5d8. We could simply bump up the damage, or, thanks to its Intelligence granting it feats, take Improved Natural Attack as a bonus feat.

Int: High translates to an Intelligence score of 13-14. A horned devil's mental ability scores are Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 22, so this fits nicely. Shall we just use those mental stats?

Other things we might borrow from the cornugon...

Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/good and silver, immunity to fire and poison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, regeneration 5, see in darkness, spell resistance 28, telepathy 100 ft.
Skills (as inspiration for which skills it should take): Bluff +24, Climb +28, Concentration +24, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +6 (+8 acting), Hide +21, Intimidate +26, Listen +22, Move Silently +23, Search +20, Sense Motive +22, Spot +22, Survival +4 (+6 following tracks)
Feats (as inspiration for which feats it shoudl take): Cleave, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spiked chain)

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—dispel chaos (DC 21), dispel good (DC 21), magic circle against good, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); persistent image (DC 21) 3/day—fireball (DC 19), lightning bolt (DC 19). Caster level 15th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Fear Aura (Su): A horned devil can radiate a 5-foot-radius fear aura as a free action. A creature in the area must succeed on a DC 23 Will save or be affected as though by a fear spell (caster level 15th). A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same horned devil’s aura for 24 hours. Other devils are immune to the aura. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Stun (Su): Whenever a horned devil hits with a spiked chain attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 27 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based. This ability is a function of the horned devil, not of the spiked chain.

Infernal Wound (Su): The damage a horned devil deals with its tail attack causes a persistent wound. An injured creature loses 2 additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a DC 24 Heal check, a cure spell, or a heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by a horned devil’s tail must succeed on a DC 24 caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. The check DC is Constitution-based.

Regeneration (Ex): A horned devil takes normal damage from good-aligned silvered weapons, and from spells or effects with the good descriptor.

See in Darkness (Su): All baatezu can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.

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