Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine


Extradimensional Explorer
Let's let it choose breath type, as that's what the original text suggests.

I like your suggestions for Immunity to Magic, including going overboard. ;) This is epic, seriously.

I guess the rust thing works, though I'm not sure the Taumet is obviously made from metal.

Fly, probably clumsy.

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Monster Junkie

I'm fine with dropping the immunity to rust, as it has enough going on. :)

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—cause fear, detect magic; 3/day—command, faerie fire, gust of wind, locate object ; 1/day—charm monster, control weather, darkness, discern location, fireball, fog cloud, ice storm, lightning bolt, mirage arcana, poison, ventriloquism, wall of fire. Caster level xth. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

I think we should change its mental ability scores to reflect the highest scores of each of its component relics. It should also get the component relics' senses and languages.


Extradimensional Explorer
Agreed to all that. Should we add any other SLAs? My feeling is that this is probably enough, but we might want to empower or quicken some. There might be one or two more good "dragony" ones, though.

So Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 19? Maybe we should boost these some, too, to represent combined mental power.


Monster Junkie
It's already on par with a great wyrm white dragon. We could go with the middle-of-the-pack green dragon, who at great wyrm gets 22s and 23s.


Monster Junkie
Updated with those revised ability scores to see how it would look.

I also threw in some flavor text.

How does this work for taking the host's hit points?

Incorporate Host (Su?): As part of the transformation process, the Taumet acquires all of the host creature's permanent hit points (such as those gained from class levels and unmodified Constitution score). It does not incorporate hit points gained from spells (such as Bear's Endurance), magic items (such as an amulet of health), or other temporary sources.


Extradimensional Explorer
That looks pretty good. Let's make it Ex, though, so it doesn't disappear in an antimagic field or something.

I think these ability scores look fine, and the flavor is great!

Caster Level 20 for SLAs?

If we're happy with the SLAs, time for the transformation process? Or is there anything else to add?


Monster Junkie

I added the bit about retaining the lawful/neutral/chaotic portion of the host's alignment into incorporate host.

Do we still need a transformation process, since the increasing "set powers" of the artifacts essentially cover the same groound? We could just simplify it to take a full-round?


Extradimensional Explorer
Let's say it takes 3 full rounds, adding 15d10 HD each round. It gains disassembly at the start but construct traits, DR, and immunity to magic at the end. How's that sound? I think it would give a dramatic window for the heros to destroy the Taumet before it's fully functional.


Monster Junkie
That sounds reasonable. Should we put that in the Combat section, or in the Taumet relics area where we mention triggering the transformation?


Extradimensional Explorer
Relics section, with it's own heading. Also, I'm thinking that it shouldn't get any action during those 3 rounds, but it can defend itself normally (ie, not flat-footed).

Voidrunner's Codex

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