Hmm, the -2 competence penalty is probably enough.
So, which do you prefer. The +4 ranged touch with the competence penalty plus "Targeting" bonus or the +1 ranged with the competence penalty and without the "Targeting" bonus?
I'm leaning toward the second.
But we need to get something fun for the logic breakdown. Unfortunately, I'm blanking other than having it spin in circles.
How about a small table of random "circuit breakdowns"?
Defective Droid: A defective droid has the following traits in addition to a standard droid's Robot Traits.
Faulty Circuits: A defective droid's misfiring circuitry give it a -2 competence penalty to all its Dexterity-based abilities (including AC, Initiative, Reflex saves and ranged attacks) and a -4 competence penalty to all Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks.
Paradox Break: If a defective droid is presented with a paradox it must succeed at X [Will save? Int check?] or suffer a cognitive breakdown. An opponent can force paradox check by making a DC Y Bluff or Diplomacy check to present the defective droid with an anti-logical argument. A defective droid must also make a paradox check if it in a situation that isn't covered by its programming (e.g. a defective security droid that is programmed to remain within a fortress would suffer a paradox check if it finds itself outside the fortress and has no instructions as to how to address the situation. If it succeeded on its paradox check, it could use its Radiospeech to ask for assistance, or set out in search for the fortress). Once a defective droid fails a paradox check, it immediately starts performing a random, nonsensical behavior determined by a roll on the Paradox Breakdown Table (see below). A paradox breakdown continues until the defective droid is repaired.
Paradox Breakdown Table
Roll dZ Behaviour
?-? The defective droid judders to a stop, emits a shower of sparks, and goes into emergency shutdown (see Power Failure under Robot Traits).
?-? The defective droid starts moving in a straight line or rolling in circles (50% chance of each) while repeatedly saying "Mite... Mite... Mite...". Sages theorize this word means "error" or "does not compute" in the language of the droids' original creators.
?-? The defective droid acts as if it were affected by a confusion spell.
?-? The defective droid obsessively tries to perform its core function - a miner droid could try to dig to the center of the planet; a guardian droid may select a random object and attack any creature that tries to move or damage it; a valet droid might try to launder any clothing it sees, and so forth.
?-? Any other ideas?