Converting Monsters from Polyhedron Magazine

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Extradimensional Explorer
Let's try

Phase into Stone (Su): A phase jelly may, three times a day as a standard action (?), meld its body into stone as the spell, with the following exceptions: The phase jelly may move while phased into stone and it may also phase a creatures feet into the stone along with itself (if that creature fails a DC X Reflex save). Any creature so victimized takes 8 hp of acid damage per round that it is phased with the jelly. The jelly may remain phased with the stone for up to one minute.

The lists of spells that affect the phased phase jelly and someone using meld into stone are somewhat different. Should we move this more away from the spell?


Monster Junkie
Now that you've called attention to the spells that affect it, the ability almost seems more like a slow earth glide, eh?


Extradimensional Explorer
At first I thought that didn't make much sense because why would they need a burrow speed? But now that I look more closely, xorn have a burrow speed, too. So let's go with a modified earth glide. Will write that up soon...


Extradimensional Explorer
How's this? Not too wordy, I hope! :p

Earth Glide (Ex): A phase jelly can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth, earthquake, stone to flesh, or transmute rock to mud spell cast on an area containing a burrowing phase jelly forces the jelly to surface, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save. A passwall or phase door spell cast on an area containing a burrowing phase jelly kills the jelly instantly unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save.

Phase Feet (Su): A phase jelly using its earth glide ability may attempt to phase the feet of a single creature into the stone. If the jelly ends its turn in the same square as the same Medium or smaller creature for three consecutive rounds, that creature's feet become phased into the stone (a DC 17 Reflex save negates; the save DC is Constitution-based). The victim is checked (unable to move) and takes a -4 penalty to AC (as if pinned). In addition, the victim takes 8 points of damage per round from the phase jelly's acid. The victim remains phased until the jelly decides to release it, is killed, or is forced out of the stone (see Earth Glide, above).


Monster Junkie
That looks pretty good, although I'd rename "phase feet", maybe "enveloping earth" or somesuch?


Monster Junkie

3-24 copper pieces per individual

2-8 gold pieces per individual

1-4 gems: 50%

Habitat/Society: Metal armor, weapons, and coins can be found in the vicinity of a jelly, as its digestive juices cannot handle these materials. These expelled materials often inadvertently create a trap for adventurers who attempt to greedily gather up the items.

Standard coins; standard goods (gems and metal goods only); standard items (metal only)?

Each jelly has 10 tentacles, each ranging from 12' to 18' long.

Split the difference and give it 15-foot reach with tentacles?

Combat: The phase jelly attacks similarly to a marine ooze, its tentacles erupting from the floor, ceiling, or walls of subterranean passages. The jelly has the ability to phase into and out of solid stone, making these attacks possible. Although the tentacles secrete a noxious mixture that only causes 1-2 points of physical damage, creatures coming in contact with the mixture must save verses poison at +2 or become paralyzed.[/quote]

Borrow from carrion crawler?

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a carrion crawler's tentacle attack must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

The jelly is immune to acid and attacks from blunt weapons. Edged weapons cause only one-half damage. Fire, cold, and electricity cause full damage. In addition, electricity stuns any tentacles it touches for 1-10 rounds.

Immunity to acid?

Damage reduction x/piercing or slashing?

How's this?

Stunned by Electricity (Ex): An electrical attack stuns a phase jelly for 1d10 rounds (no saving throw).

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