Converting Monsters from Polyhedron Magazine

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Monster Junkie

Damage reduction x/piercing or slashing (x=?)

Skills: 7
Hide 3, Move Silently 4

+x racial bonus on Hide checks?

Feats: 2
Stealthy, Weapon Focus (tentacle)

Challenge Rating: x

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Monster Junkie

A phase jelly can grow to a diameter of about X feet and a thickness of about x inches, but can compress its body to fit into cracks as small as 1 inch wide. A typical specimen weighs about X pounds.


Monster Junkie
I just divided an ochre jelly in half which gave us...

A phase jelly can grow to a diameter of about 7 feet and a thickness of about 3 inches, but can compress its body to fit into cracks as small as 1 inch wide. A typical specimen weighs about 2,800 pounds.
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Monster Junkie
by Dale A. Donovan
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Interior of Crystal Sphere surface
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: See below
ARMOR CLASS: Irrelevant
THAC0: 13
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to physical attacks
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 100% to own school, nil for others
SIZE: G (size varies)
MORALE: Fearless (20)
XP VALUE: 6,000

MagiStars are extremely rare residents on the interior of crystal spheres which have "stars" present on them. Not every star is a MagiStar. As a rule, there are only eight (one of each school) on any sphere that has MagiStars.

MagiStars are intelligent collections of pure magical energy of anyone of the eight schools of magery. They appear as brightly colored fire-bodies with an unusual degree of activity. Flares, swirls, and even small energy whirlpools are not uncommon near them. Care should be taken by all on-deck persons to avoid being caught by one of these magical outbursts.
Most of the time, the greatest danger of being caught in a MagiStar's flare is the possibility of being knocked off the ship. The flares possess a degree of physical force, and this fact can be to the MagiStar's advantage if unwanted guests approach too closely (see "Combat").
Another troublesome aspect of too closely approaching MagiStars is the occurrence of bizarre random magical effects (pertinent to that MagiStar's school) that are noticed by the crew of a passing ship (see below).

The most important fact about MagiStars is that they are also "living gates" through the Sphere to the Phlogiston. Since they are immobile, spacefarers needn't hunt for a gate. Convincing a MagiStar to allow your ship to pass through the gate is another matter entirely.

Combat: When engaged in combat, a MagiStar can use any one spell of its school, at a rate of one per round, once a day. Unharmed by all physical attacks, including magic weapons, only magic spells can harm them. Spells from schools other than its own (and Priest spells) will affect a MagiStar normally, with appropriate saves. MagiStars save as 10th-level wizards. Spells from their own school are simply absorbed by the MagiStar, and this allows the MagiStar one extra use of any such spell per day.

As mentioned above, MagiStars' flares possess a degree of physical force, similar to a strong wind on a planet. A MagiStar can produce one flare a melee round, but cannot cast a spell on the same round it uses a flare. Under normal circumstances, the effect of a flare is identical to a gust of wind spell, although, technically, it is not that spell. When a MagiStar wishes to prevent a ship from approaching too closely, it can, once every 10 rounds, amplify this effect to be equal to a wind wall spell. Both of these effects act as if the MagiStar were a 10th-level wizard. Both types of flares have a range of l,500 yards (three tactical hexes).

In addition to these conscious attacks, any spelljamming ship's approach to a MagiStar can cause unpredictable magical effects to take place on board. Some possible effects include: all magic items onboard that are related to the MagiStar's school begin to glow, and continue to do so until the ship moves away; a sudden drop to tactical speed, or a jump to "normal" speed, via the helm; sudden fainting spells (save vs. spells to avoid) for specialist mages of schools opposing the MagiStar's; or a +1 level to any specialist mages of the MagiStar's school for the duration of the mage's stay within the MagiStar's area of effect. Any of these effects can take place when a ship passes within three tactical hexes (1,500 yards) of a MagiStar. All of these random effects should be relatively harmless, serving more as nuisances than as harmful incidents. The DM may choose from the above examples, or may create his own, original, random effects, keeping in mind the idea that these effects should annoy the PCs, not annihilate them.

Only two spells affect all MagiStars equally: dispel magic and anti-magic shell. Dispel magic will, if the MagiStar fails a save vs. spells, disrupt the MagiStar for 1d4 rounds. A disrupted MagiStar can cast no spells, but any random effects and flares continue. A disrupted MagiStar cannot be used as a gate. To cause all effects of being near a MagiStar to cease, an anti-magic shell must be cast about the ship, or between the ship and the MagiStar, allowing the ship to leave the area, and it causes all random magical effects and flares to no longer affect that ship.

Whenever a MagiStar is brought to 0 hp, it is incapacitated for 1d6 hours, during which time the gate will function. Otherwise, a MagiStar can prevent a ship from using its gate, by using its flares. Also, MagiStars serve only as one-way gates. Since none exist on the exterior of the Spheres, it is impossible to use a MagiStar to pass from the Phlogiston into a Sphere.

Some wizards, of various races, have on occasion tried to magic jar a MagiStar. This is normally fatal, since the sheer amount of magical energy that composes a MagiStar simply burns out the mage's mind and body.

It should be stated that even when a MagiStar is brought to 0 hit points, it is not killed (how can you kill raw magic?). The MagiStar will regenerate itself completely in the space of 24 hours, with no other harmful effects.

Habitat/Society: Solitary beings, MagiStars are philosophers, contemplating the movements of the worlds beneath them and how their magic school has effected events on those worlds. They are intensely interested in planetside events involving their school of magic; large battles, mysteries uncovered or solved, new items or spells created, etc. This is a source of pride for them, and may make negotiations for passage with them easier.

As residents living on the crystal sphere, MagiStars are also "living gates" to the Phlogiston. MagiStars can communicate with spacefarers via telepathy. Passage through the MagiStar may be purchased, but the price usually involves some magic item, spell, scroll, etc., related to the MagiStar's school. This item is then consumed by the MagiStar.

As each MagiStar is the embodiment of one school of magic, their personalities exemplify the types of mages that choose to specialize in that school. Most MagiStars are relatively secretive about their specific school of magic, as it is the key to their personalities, and is their prime point of pride.

Abjuration MagiStars consider themselves to be sensible, solid, and cautious in their dealings with other races. To many of the spacefaring races, they come across as cowardly, even paranoid. This personality trait can be used to the spacefarers' advantage, but the advantage must not be overly pressed, for if abjuration MagiStars feel too threatened, they could panic, and blindly attack the ship with flares and any appropriate spells. Once they do panic, it is all but impossible to calm them down (especially since most ships can't take that kind of punishment for too long).

Conjuration MagiStars have explosive personalities. They are short-tempered, overbearing, and often insulting to "lesser" creatures. Spacefarers must be prepared with scrolls or other conjuration-related magical items in order to appease their host and potential transport for their disturbance. Another thing spacefarers hoping to use the conjuration MagiStar's gate must possess is the ability to fawn and grovel convincingly.

Divination MagiStars are introspective, careful negotiators. They seldom seek more than information in exchange for passage. They do have the annoying habit of following any passage agreement they make to the letter. Space-farers must be masters of a carefully worded turn of phrase.

Enchantment MagiStars are self-centered and extremely vain. They are often over-confident when dealing with others. Spacefarers must be willing to sing the praises of any enchantment MagiStars if they wish passage. These MagiStars especially enjoy the talents of any bards aboard the ship desiring passage. But woe to the bard who sings off-key or even misses a single note while regaling the MagiStar of its virtues. Obviously, playing to their vanity is the key to success when dealing with these MagiStars.

Illusion MagiStars are very secretive, not very willing to give passage, unless the price involves some important secrets. They enjoy negotiating with allusions to some deep, dark, secret, making cryptic references to events or people unknown to the passengers of the ship desiring passage, forcing the ship's occupants to solve some puzzle or win a riddle contest to win passage.

Invocation MagiStars are greedy and acquisitive. Their spell selection allows them to be very confident whenever contact with spacefarers takes place. They will sometimes resort to extortion and threats of violence if they do not find the price for passage offered to be substantial enough.

Necromantic MagiStars are, naturally, very interested in death. They will take every opportunity to view it up close. Not much more needs to be said here, except that just about the only thing these MagiStars are good for is to eliminate some foe if said foe was to venture to within the MagiStar's range of effect.

Transmutation MagiStars are ready to converse with any passersby, and may not stop for months or years, holding a ship "dead" with its magical effects and flares. They are not unreasonable negotiators as long as the ship's passengers are willing to listen to the latest events on the third world of that system's latest fashions, the MagiStar's latest ideas on the theory of transmutation, or the story of the last passersby this MagiStar talked to (they still may be there), etc.

Once contact has been established, and if the MagiStar is inclined to negotiate, it may temporarily suspend its random magical effects and flares. Ships desiring passage generally stand a better chance of gaining passage if they can lure a specialist mage of the appropriate school to negotiate with the MagiStar; this is not always an easy thing to do.

Ecology: Almost nothing is known about how the MagiStars came to be, what causes magical energy to coalesce in such a manner, or what the MagiStars' relationship is to the crystal spheres they inhabit. One theory, completely unproven, states that the stars are the result of the phlogiston's friction against the exterior surface of the sphere.

Note that not all crystal spheres have MagiStars, but all of those that do also have an outpost or base of the Arcane within that sphere as well. What the relationship, if any, between the MagiStars and the Arcane is unknown at this time.

From Polyhedron #55


Monster Junkie
Hmmm...Colossal Outsiders?

8 HD is awfully low for something of this size. I'd recommend we either sufficiently increase the HD or make them tiny portions of a larger star. Based on their spellcasting prowess, they'll be high CR, so I'd prefer an equivalent HD increase.


Extradimensional Explorer
I still need to read through the whole thing, but I'd have to agree that 8HD is too small.


Extradimensional Explorer
Hmmm, maybe even Colossal+, if we're allowed to use that size category.

I can see that these are going to be a bit weird to convert. Should we make reference to any 3e Spelljammer rules?


Monster Junkie
Colossal+ is in the SRD, so I'd say it's fair game. :)

I don't think there's any official Spelljammer rules that would apply here. Shadows of the Spider Moon seriously retooled the setting.


Extradimensional Explorer
Ok. Here's an attempt at the SLAs. Check what you think of the question marks!

Spell School Mastery (Su): A magistar may use any arcane spell from its associated school of magic once per day as a spell-like ability at caster level 20(?). In addition, a magistar is immune to arcane spells from its associated school of magic; rather than affecting the magistar, the magistar absorbs the spell and may use it as a spell-like ability an additional time that day.

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