Converting Monsters from Polyhedron Magazine

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Monster Junkie
Sounds good. We know Int is 18. Cha should be 19+ so they can cast 9th-level spells. Wis is probably in the same general ballpark.

Str should be low, Dex average to decent, and Con good (since they were 8+8 HD orginally).

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Extradimensional Explorer
Suggested stats: Str 6, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 25, Cha 25. Just making up some numbers, what do you think?


Extradimensional Explorer
Let's try filling in some Xs. Does CL 20 sound good for the spell school mastery? Let's make the vulnerability Su (unless there's something wonky about that and the antimagic field). DC25 for the CL check on dispel magic?

Also, let's add:

Rejuvenation (Su): There is no known way to destroy a magistar. When a magistar is reduced to 0 hit points or would be otherwise destroyed (such as by having its Constitution reduced to 0), it becomes completely dormant for 24 hours, after which it returns to activity and full hit points, which all ability drain or damage restored. If under the influence of an antimagic field at the end of the 24 hour rejuvenation period, the magistar instead revives the instant the antimagic field is removed.


Monster Junkie
Sounds good.

The caster level check is 11 + magistar's CL, so 31. I left it as an X since we didn't have the other X at the time. Perhaps it should have been a "y". ;)

For the attack lines, shall we go with "-" or put "spell +x melee or spell +x ranged"?


Extradimensional Explorer
I guess the "spell +x melee or spell +x ranged" option collects the necessary information for ray and touch spells. This brings up a different point: how is the magistar supposed to deliver a touch attack? Bumping someone (so we need to give it a movement rate), or do we want to say those spells get turned into rays?


Monster Junkie
An excellent question.

First, I think we should give a movement rate of 5 ft.

Second, its natural reach should give it a decent range for a touch attack. For flavor text, we could say that it delivers touch attacks by forming a short tendril of magical energy or somesuch.


Extradimensional Explorer
That sounds like a plan. These guys should get a pretty high natural armor, I guess, or we could go for something like deflection because they're all magical and all that. ;)


Monster Junkie
Let's go with deflection.

Shall we revise their function as portals to be gateways to other planes?

Alignment: Always neutral?

Skills: 12 at 17 ranks
Concentration 17, Diplomacy 17, Intimidate 17, Knowledge (arcana) 17, Knowledge (history) 17, Knowledge (the planes) 17, Listen 17, Search 17, Sense Motive 17, Spellcraft 17, Spot 17, Use Magic Device 17?

Feats: 5
Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus, Spell Penetration?


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade said:
Let's go with deflection.
You know, that's good, because natural armor would do nothing for them, since they're immune to weapons.
Shall we revise their function as portals to be gateways to other planes?
Yes, we should probably leave that out (except in the notes about the Colossal+ ones) or come up with some alternative.
Alignment: Always neutral?

Skills: 12 at 17 ranks
Concentration 17, Diplomacy 17, Intimidate 17, Knowledge (arcana) 17, Knowledge (history) 17, Knowledge (the planes) 17, Listen 17, Search 17, Sense Motive 17, Spellcraft 17, Spot 17, Use Magic Device 17?

Feats: 5
Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus, Spell Penetration?
That all looks good, though aren't the spells SLAs? Do the Spell Focus feats apply to them? I suppose we could alter the special ability to allow that...

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