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Converting Monsters from Polyhedron Magazine

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Extradimensional Explorer
Hmm, I'd prefer tremorsense, actually, since that's what I get from reading it.

Slam is ok, but I think maybe it's a bite instead. Hard to tell. Agreed on the separate entanglement.

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Monster Junkie
Here's how the assassin vine handles entangling:

Entangle (Su): An assassin vine can animate plants within 30 feet of itself as a free action (Ref DC 13 partial).

The effect lasts until the vine dies or decides to end it (also a free action). The save DC is Wisdom-based. The ability is otherwise similar to entangle (caster level 4th).

Now, the telexian vine is actually using its own roots, but the mechanics could remain the same. Thoughts?


Extradimensional Explorer
I think the mechanics work just right for that. Even the CL is right.

Any decision on blindsight vs tremorsense?


Monster Junkie

Since it actually entangles with its own roots and vines rather than animating others, I changed it to an Ex ability and don't think Wisdom-based DC still applies. Strength-based?


Extradimensional Explorer
Switching to Ex sounds right, and so does Str-based.

The fruit of the telexian vine is addictive and contains a special, mild paralytic poison. Any creature eating the fruit must save versus spell or become charmed by the plant. Creatures so charmed walk numbly to the vine's main stalk, which usually eats them. Telexian vines do not devour all human and demi-humans who eat the fruit, however. Commoners and non-spell casting adventurers are frequently kept around as slaves, their loyalty insured by their addiction to the fruit. These slaves perform errands for the plant, such as acquiring food, water, and -- if possible -- magic items, some of which the plant can employ. Telexian vines can consume potions, and often do so to aid in their capturing other, useful victims. The slaves are also used to lure others to the plant, sometimes in elaborate ploys.

Some sort of weird poison or a new special ability?


Monster Junkie
Good question. It needs to have an addictive quality to it (possibly like the drug rules in various sources).


Monster Junkie
Excellent suggestion!

Here's that particular ability...

Musk Puff (Ex): Yellow musk creepers attack by puffing a spray of potent-smelling dust upon a nearby target. The musk has a range of 30 feet and can target one creature per round.

Creatures struck by a yellow musk creeper's musk puff must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or fall under a mind-affecting compulsion to get closer to the entrancing source of the musk. The duration of the effect is 2d8 rounds, although creatures within the plant remain under the compulsion until removed from the creeper. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Creatures under the yellow musk creeper's compulsion can take no actions other than moving to enter the plant's space. (The creeper does not oppose these attempts, of course). Affected creatures do anything they can to comply with the compulsion and even attack companions who seek to restrain them. Once within the plant, the affected creature drops anything in hand and stands motionless. The creature is dazed and does not resist the creeper's attacks as long as it remains within the plant.


Extradimensional Explorer

Telexian Fruit (Su?): Any creature that eats a fruit from a telexian vine must make a Fortitude save (DC X) or fall under the domination of the plant (as the spell dominate monster) for X rounds (or longer?). Typically, this compulsion causes the victim to move to the center of the plant, where the plant will eat the victim, but the plant may keep the victim alive to carry out other tasks (such as luring even more victims to the plant). Victims are also instructed to keep eating the telexian fruit in order to remain dominated.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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