Converting monsters from Tales From The Infinite Staircase

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That'll work.

Updating the Kamerel Working Draft.

The armour and speed penalties make its skills pretty pathetic, I'm afraid.

Sure you don't fancy changing them?

Description, if I recall, is a pale-skinned humanoid, right?

The original text has:

"Kamerel look like short, white-skinned humans. They usually have long shocks of wild hair in which they weave greenery and flowers. Kamerel teeth are slightly pointed. They favour clothing in blue, green, or white and carry short-bladed weapons and light crossbows"


Extradimensional Explorer
These are low-level mook-y types, so I'm ok with having a bit of pathetic-ness about them.

Description: A short, white-skinned humanoid with pointed teeth and foliage braided in its hair.

Short and hopefully also sweet. :p


These are low-level mook-y types, so I'm ok with having a bit of pathetic-ness about them.

I don't mind leaving the skills as-is. There'll always be the Cleon Special! ;)

Description: A short, white-skinned humanoid with pointed teeth and foliage braided in its hair.

Short and hopefully also sweet. :p

That'll do I guess.

Hmm, when the original says they're "white skinned", does that mean Kamerel are pale pink like some humans or sheer white like bleached-paper/alabaster/Corinthian marble?

Checking the original adventure it doesn't clarify, and the "humans" in "like short, white-skinned humans" suggests they're just on the pale-skinned end of the human skin colour spectrum.


Extradimensional Explorer
Very good, then!

Background: Kamerel are highly xenophobic humanoids of the Outlands who retreated into the Plane of Reflection long ago. ...?

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