I can get behind that, I guess. Allowing an extra move action is worth something!
Scythe Whirlwind (Ex): The Reaper can use Whirlwind Attack with a scythe as a standard action (instead of the usual full attack action).
The original combat maneuver was called "Propeller Attack" and also increase the Reaper's AC to 0 (a +2 on its usual armour class).
Should we include that as well?
Seven Blades is next, I guess. I'm not sure how I want that to work. It should give him extra parries and somehow extra attacks (how is this better than the whirlwind?).
Seven Blades It doesn't explicitly say it gets extra attacks, just a higher bonus for up to three attacks. The Reaper
normally gets three attacks - it has "#AT 3" in its statline - but presumably it could use Propeller Attack to get 3+ attacks.
That #AT 3 makes me think we should either give its scythe the
speed quality, have it be permanently
hasted, or increase its HD and BAB to 11-15.
I prefer the
speed option.
Also, does the whirlwind only work when the seven blades are activated?
Yes, the Whirlwind is the equivalent of the original's "Propeller Attack", so the original monster could only use it when deploying the Seven Blades.
A literal interpretation would be something like...
"Scythe Propeller" [?] (Ex): The Reaper can use Seven Blades (see below) to make a Whirlwind Attack with its scythe as a standard action instead of the usual full attack action. Furthermore, The Reaper gains a +2 dodge bonus to its AC when it uses Whirlwind Attack with a scythe.
I'd rather do something in the middle:
Scythe Whirlwind (Ex): The Reaper gains a +2 dodge bonus to its AC when it uses Whirlwind Attack with a scythe. Furthermore, if the reaper has deployed its Seven Blades (see below) it can use Whirlwind Attack as a standard action instead of the usual full attack action.
And for the "Seven Blades".
Seven Blades (Ex): As a standard action, the reaper can split its scythe into seven separate blades that extend in a circle like the spokes of an umbrella. During this action, the Reaper can make a standard melee attack and a free disarm attack (+20 modifier) that is resolved as if it had the Improved Disarm feat (no attack of opportunity and +4 bonus on its opposed attack roll). It can make the melee and disarm attacks against different opponents or the same opponent.
Once deployed, the Reaper can whirl the Seven Blades like a buzzsaw, giving it bonuses of +X to attack and +Y damage on subsequent rounds.
The Reaper can not make Scythe Sweep special attack while it has deployed its Seven Blades, but gains the use of its Scythe Whirlwind special attack. It can still use Scythe Parry (with a +16 modifier on the roll).
The Reaper gains three additional attacks of opportunity while it has its Seven Blades deployed, which it can use for Parrying it it wishes.
The Reaper can collapse its scythe back into a single blade as a free action.
[or a swift action