If you mean things like the ash child, I think the conversions are still available on planewalker, but they seem to have rearranged their web site. At least some of them are still there, although perhaps not all. If they've really removed them, we should certainly (re-)convert them. (Interestingly, I did see one of the incarnates while poking around.) Anyway, take your pick.
Get some quasielemental stats in this thread, then.
I don't want to change the living ash, actually. The CR is I think still ok for the Small and Medium versions, and they don't have to be exact clones of the elementals. Plus I'm a bit reluctant to change conversions we did with Shade. Anyway, as to deliberate or mistaken, I went through the thread and didn't find a discussion of it: you input the Small and Medium versions based off a Large version Shade had. So you'll have to tell us.