Converting Planescape monsters

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Vacuum quasi-elementals are highly social creatures on their home plane, but they rarely travel beyond it, perhaps because they find their void storm ability tiring and dislike air. However, when forcibly summoned by wizards to serve as guardians on the material plane, .....


Vacuum quasi-elementals are highly social creatures on their home plane, but they rarely travel beyond it, perhaps because they find their void storm ability tiring and dislike air. However, when forcibly summoned by wizards to serve as guardians on the material plane, .....


Let's see...

A shifting distortion hovers before you, like an amorphous bubble full of nothingness.

Vacuum quasi-elementals inhabit the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum, which is formed from the junction of the Negative Energy Plane and the Elemental Plane of Air. They are naturally invisible, but effects that reveal invisible creature reveal the three-dimensional skins of force that outline their bodies, giving them an appearance similar to a transparent amoeba.

These quasi-elementals enjoy the company of their own kind and always try to gather into small groups. They do not like any other creatures, and hate to leave the comfortable emptiness of the Plane of Vacuum, typically attacking any creature who intrudes into their native plane.

Vacuum quasi-elementals are usually only encountered on other planes when they have been forcibly summoned there. Some spellcasters summon them to create vacuum chambers for experiments that require an area free of dust or gas. A vacuum quasi-elemental finds life in an atmosphere extremely uncomfortable, and most eventually perish from the stress. Those that survive are generally sealed inside an air-tight container they can empty of gases with their Void Storm ability. Some sages believe they may be comfortable in the airless void of space or the lifeless infinity of the Negative Material Plane, but this has not been confirmed.

A vacuum quasi-elemental has the same height as an air elemental of the same size and is completely weightless.

Looks good! With that, shall we move to the next one? Since we're done with the negative ones, I guess the next one is Lightning. I'll copy the stats in the next couple of posts.

Planescape Appendix II version

Quasielemental, Positive

Climate/Terrain: Quasiplane of Lightning
Frequency: Common
Organization: Band
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Any energy
Intelligence: Low to high (5–14)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1d6
Armor Class: 2
Movement: Fl 18 (E) (plus special)
Hit Dice: 6, 9, or 12
— 6 HD: 15
— 9 HD: 11
— 12 HD: 9
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 1d6 + 1 hp/HD
Special Attacks: Lightning globe
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: S (3’ diameter)
Morale: Champion (15–16)
XP Value:
— 6 HD: 2,000
— 9 HD: 5,000
— 12 HD: 8,000

The Quasiplane of Lightning is a wild and dangerous place, and the living embodiments of the realm are no different. If any of the quasielementals (or paraelementals, for that matter) could be said to lean a bit more toward chaos than pure neutrality. it’d have to be those of Lightning.

These creatures look like small balls of lightning, with bolts of electricity constantly arcing from them toward the nearest conductor. Further, they can carry themselves along one of these arcs, effectively teleporting (as per the spell) up to 60 yards away to any grounded or metallic object with a mass greater than 5 pounds. Each round, a quasielemental can “teleport” in this fashion in addition to physically moving its normal rate (18).

Combat: The touch of a lightning quasielemental carries with it a powerful jolt of electricity, enough to inflict 1d6 points of damage plus 1 additional point for each of the creature’s Hit Dice.

The quasielemental can also discharge globes of electricity, one per round, for as many rounds per day as it has Hit Dice. (Thus, once per day a quasielemental of 6 HD can release six globes, one of 9 HD can release nine, and one of 12 HD can release 12.) These globes float near the creature, sticking close wherever it goes. When a significant amount of metal (such as a basher in armor) or any living being of 200 pounds or more comes within 5 feet of the quasielemental, the globes move toward the target and discharge. Each globe inflicts damage according to the strength of the quasielemental: 1d4 points (for 6-HD quasielementals), 1d6 points (for 9-HD), or 1d8 points (for 12-HD). The victim receives no saving throw versus the attack, which could prove exceedingly dangerous if many globes zap the sod at once.

A lightning quasielemental can be struck only by a weapon of +1 or greater enchantment. Anyone who strikes it with a conductive material (such as a metal sword, even one that’s magical) suffers 1d4 points of electrical damage from the creature’s power. Not surprisingly, the quasielemental is immune to electricity. Fire- and acid-based attacks cause only half damage. Water, on the other hand, inflicts 1d8 points of damage per gallon to a lightning quasielemental.

Habitat/Society: Intelligent lightning quaielementals flock together in the constant storms of their home plane in a display that outsiders'd call a huge electrical conflagration. No one knows the dark of what happens during these gatherings. Some think it's for reproduction, while others say the quasielementals meet to exchange information.

Beyond these mysterious assemblies, the creatures seem to have no real organization. No lightning quasielemental ruler is known to exist, nor — does it appear — could one. The beings are truly alien, somewhat chaotic loners.

Ecology: Virtually nothing is known or the life cycle of lightning quasielementals. Still, it’s clear that they’re the undisputed masters of their plane. Should a need for hierarchy arise (which it hardly ever does), the creatures known as shockers are almost always subservient to the quasielementals.

MMII version

Quasi-Elemental Lightning
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 18” (plus special) (MC: A)
HIT DICE: 6, 9, or 12
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6 +1 point/HD
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (chaotic)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/nil
LEVEL/XP VALUE: VII/1000+ 15/hp

Creatures of this sort inhabit the Elemental Plane of Air and the Positive Material Plane. They are rare even in those places. During a great lightning storm on the Material Plane, large numbers of lightning quasi-elementals will sometimes gather. During such violent thunderstorms, the creatures feed and reproduce. In addition to normal movement, lightning quasi-elementals can “arc,” leaping up to 6" to any grounded or metallic object of mass greater than 50 gp. Such leaping arc is in addition to normal movement, coming either at the beginning or end of it.

There are 3 hit die categories of quasi-elementals, and the small 6-hit die variety are most common in the Prime Material Plane (60%), the 9-hit-die size less common (30%) and the 12 (or more)-hit-die size rarest of all (10%). In the Elemental Plane these figures are reversed, the smallest quasi-elemental being encountered 10% of the time, the medium-sized encountered 30% of the time, and the largest type encountered 60% of the time.

In addition to normal attack of electrical discharge by touch, a creature of this sort can discharge 1 small globe of ball lightning each round for 6, 9, or 12 rounds (depending on hit dice). This globe will float near the quasi-elemental until some creature of large mass (2000 gp or more) or with a large quantity of conductive metal comes within 5 feet. The ball lightning will then move to that object and discharge, inflicting 1-4,1-6, or 1-8 points of damage, depending on the size of the quasi-elemental that discharged it.

Lightning quasi-elementals can be harmed only by +1 or better magic weapons. If the weapon used against such a creature is of conductive material, its wielder will suffer electrical damage of 1-4 points whenever the weapon strikes the lightning quasi-elemental. Lightning and electrical attacks do no damage. Fire and acid do only half-normal damage. Cold does full damage. Water attacks inflict 1-8 points of damage per gallon, or double full normal damage. For example, an ice storm spell does 6-60. Falling water, as in some form of rain, inflicts 2 points of damage for each 1/10th of an inch of precipitation which falls upon the creature.

Lightning quasi-elementals have no known social organization. It is generally not possible to conjure quasi-elementals, although powerful magic-users have been known to do so.

Planescape Appendix II version

MMII version

We've also got a 3.0 conversion in the Creature Catalog:

ELEMENTAL, Lightning (Quasi)
Lightning Quasi-Elemental, Small
Small Elemental (Air, Electricity)
Hit Dice: 6d8 (27 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
60 ft
AC: 18 (+1 size, +4 Dex, +3 natural)
Slam +4 melee
Damage: Slam 0 and 1d6 electricity
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Globe, electricity, arc
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/+1, elemental, electricity immunity, fire and acid resistance 20, water vulnerability
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Listen +9, Spot +9
Feats: Dodge
Any land
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: None
Always neutral
Advancement: Small 7-9 HD (Small); medium 10-11 HD (Medium-size); large 12 HD (Large)

Lightning quasi-elementals can be found in the quasi-plane of Lightning, the Elemental Plane of Air, and the Positive Material Plane. During great electrical storms on the Material plane, a few have been known to gather.

A lightning quasi-elemental appears as a small bluish globe of electrical energy. Lightning plays off of and around its body.

A lightning quasi-elemental attacks by arcing itself into an opponent (if the opponent is wearing metal armor) or by releasing small globes of electricity.

Electricity (Ex): A lightning quasi-elemental is composed completely of electricity; therefore any creature touched or touching it takes 1d6 points of electrical damage. An opponent grasping or wearing conductive material (metal weapon, armor, and so on) that comes into contact with a lightning quasi-elemental takes 1d6 additional points of electrical damage.

Arc (Ex): The lightning quasi-elemental may move up to 120 feet and make an attack by arcing from its current location to any grounded metallic object (including creatures holding metal weapons or wearing metal armor). This is treated as a charge attack.

Globe (Ex):
A lightning quasi-elemental can discharge one globe, once per round, for each Hit Die it possesses. This globe will hover near the elemental until an opponent comes within 5 feet, at which time, the globe moves to the opponent and discharges; 1d4 points of damage, Reflex save (DC 13) half.

Electricity Immunity (Ex):
Lightning quasi-elementals are immune to all electrical effects

Water Vulnerability (Ex): A lightning quasi-elemental takes 1d8 points of damage per gallon of water it contacts.

Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits or flanking attacks. Lightning quasi-elementals have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Lightning Quasi-Elemental, Medium
Medium-Size Elemental (Air, Electricty)
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65 hp)
+6 (Dex)
Speed: 60 ft
19 (+6 Dex, +3 natural)
Slam +13 melee
Damage: Slam 0 and 1d8 electricity
5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks:
Globe, electricity, arc
Special Qualities:
Damage reduction 5/+1, elemental, electricity immunity, fire and acid resistance 20, water vulnerability
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +13, Will +3
Str 12, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +12, Spot +12
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse (slam)
Challenge Rating:

Electricity (Ex): 1d8 points of electrical damage; those grasping or wearing conductive material (metal weapon, armor, and so on) take 1d8 additional points of electrical damage.

Globe (Ex): 1d6 points of electrical damage, Reflex save (DC 17) half.

Lightning Quasi-Elemental, Large
Large Elemental (Air, Electricity)
Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp)
+12 (+8 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
60 ft
21 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +4 natural)
Slam +16 melee
Damage: Slam 0 and 2d6 electricity
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks:
Globe, electricity, arc
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/+1, elemental, electricity immunity, fire and acid resistance 20, water vulnerability
Fort +5, Ref +13, Will +3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 26, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +14, Spot +14
Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (slam)
Challenge Rating: 9

Electricity (Ex): 2d6 points of electrical damage; those grasping or wearing conductive material (metal weapon, armor, and so on) take 2d6 additional points of electrical damage.

Globe (Ex):
1d8 points of electrical damage, Reflex save (DC 19) half.

Ok, I guess the first question is how much of the 3.0 version should we use?

I guess we should stick to the size/HD progression we've used for the Negative Quasi-Elementals for the sake of consistency, so our 6 HD Lightning ought to be Large size, not Small, and we'd better forget about the 10 HD size step in the 3.0 version.

Beyond that, is there anything we want to keep?

The all-electricity slam damage of the 3.0 version seems an iffy idea, I'd prefer bludgeoning + energy damage like the SRD Fire Elemental.

The originals are pretty clear that the normal melee attack of the lightning quasi is an touch attack that does electricity damage. It is a bit weird, but I kind of like it as a distinguishing feature. You're welcome to change my mind, of course. ;)

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