Figment Original Stats
Pathways of colorful stone wind through this garden room. Flowers of all descriptions grow in the paths, and skylights in the ceiling provide sunlight from the Arcadian sky. This the chamber of Tomin, a tall, wiry, and cruel barmy with long, greasy hair. He wears what appears to be a black cloak but is actually a cloak of figments. Figments are tiny, humanoid shadow creatures – literally, figments of Tomin’s imagination made real by the powers of his addle-coved mind. They hang together from Tomin’s back and arms, forming a cloaklike cape of moving, chattering beings.
Tomin commands his figments, often sending them scurrying away from his body to take any shape he can imagine. If a PC fails to make a successful save vs. rod when attacked by a figment, the PC believes it to be real, and the figment can then cause real damage. Each PC must make his own saving throw; if even one PC fails the roll, the figment becomes real for all. If attacked by several figments, the PCs must save against each one separately.
Tomin’s figments come in three types: small, medium, and large. Small figments appear as pixies with shark heads, or goblins with tentacles for arms. Medium-sized figments take the form of wolf-headed humans, winged beetles the size of elves with tooth-filled maws all along their abdomens, or centaurs with the heads and torsos of tieflings attached to the bodies of red dragons. Large figments look like cyclopses with tentacles instead of legs, or huge snakemen with scimitar arms and dagger teeth.
If Trolan is present, Tomin laughs hysterically. “The Lady can’t see you here,” he cackles. “She can’t see any of us! That’s why Nari’s going to win! I love her!”
THAC0 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 2d4+1 (broad sword +1); AC 7 (magical cloak, Dex bonus); hp 49; MV 12; SA Strength bonus ( +1 to attack and damage rolls), innate ability (create figments calls forth four small figments, two medium figments, or one large figment every round); SD immune to charm and illusion spells; MR 25%; SZ M (6 feet tall); ML fanatic (18); XP 3,000.
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12.
FIGMENT, SMALL: THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4+1; AC 8; HD 2+1; hp 9; MV 6; SD +1 weapons or better to hit; SZ S (3 feet tall); Int animal (1); AL N; ML champion (16); XP 120.
FIGMENT, MEDIUM: THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg 1d6+1; AC 4; HD 5+2; hp 26; MV 9; SD +1 weapons or better to hit; SZ M (6 feet tall); Int semi (3); AL N; ML fanatic (17); XP 420.
FIGMENT, LARGE: THAC0 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1d8+3; AC 0; HD 8+3; hp 43; MV 12; SD +2 weapons or better to hit; SZ L (9 feet tall); Int low (5); AL N; ML fearless (19); XP 1,400.
Originally appeared in Harbinger House (1995).