Converting Planescape monsters


Let's go with Weapon Focus. And I think we're then done with the stats.

Updating the Modronoid Working Draft.

Tactics: Modronoids attack with blind fury, howling their pain as they hurl themselves into melee. ??

I think we need tactics for "uncontrolled" or "insane" modronoids and "sane" modronoids being directed by their creator.

Let's see, how about…

Modronoids attack with howling fury, hurling themselves into melee combat with their arm blades. An "insane" modronoid, or one left to its own devices, tries to kill any non-modron or non-modronoid it sees. A "sane" modronoid being directed by its creator, or a supervisor its master ordered it to obey, will slavishly and unimaginatively follow any order its controller gives it.

Unless otherwise directed, modronoids fight until they kill all their opponents or die. They have no fear of death, which would end the agonising pain of their existence.​

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Extradimensional Explorer
I like that, let's go with that.

Description, let's see: A bizarre amalgam of metal and flesh, screaming in fury and waving blades attached to its arms.


I like that, let's go with that.

Updating the Modronoid Working Draft.

Description, let's see: A bizarre amalgam of metal and flesh, screaming in fury and waving blades attached to its arms.

Well there isn't any illustration in the original source, so all we have to work with is an encounter description:

The Great Modron March said:
…the characters hear a strange dragging and hissing outside their door. A moment later, something heavy and metallic strikes against the door, knocking several times. Before they can answer, the door bursts inward, revealing a gleaming thing with pieces of flesh squeezed between metal plates. Crazed eyes stare at them and blades slowly extrude from its arms. The creature has Xaldra’s form underneath the metal — but the barmy look in its eyes tells the PCs that there’s nothing left of her mind in this thing.

Hmm, perhaps…

A stocky man-shaped thing covered in gleaming metallic plates. Shorter and heavier than an average human, the gaps in its armor reveal glimpses of mutilated humanoid flesh forced into a mechanical frame. Chunks of its body have been sutured to or replaced by bizarre machine-like organs, including vicious blades that slide out of a sheathe implanted in each of its forearms. The creature still has humanoid eyes glaring from its helmet-like head. What's left of its face shows nothing but pain, despair and murderous fury.​


Come to think of it, doesn't a Modronoid need some kind of "Modron Link" special quality since if the Modron its parts come from dies the Modronoid dies too.

Also, if the Modronoid is killed the link to the donor Modron is broken and all its parts vanish from the Modronoid.

The Great Modron March said:
If the modronoid’s killed, the metal parts fade away, leaving only the mutilated body of Xaldra behind. Her eyes don’t even look like they’ve found peace.

10E. MODRON PRISON: The captured modrons are kept here — both the whole and dismembered ones. Valran does his best to ensure that all his prisoners are treated well, even those that’ve already been mutilated to serve as parts. He’s well aware that his process links the life force of the modrons and the humanoid victims: When the humanoid host dies, so does the modron whose pieces are grafted on to it. If the modron manages to expire first, the host dies as well. Valran’s learned to combine only one modron with one host; it cuts back on the possibility that a deceased host or modron will destroy a whole batch of experiments.

Note that the above indicates that a single Modron can be used to create more than one Modronoid. I'm guessing that only higher grade Base Modron like a Quadrone or Pentadrone are large/hearty enough to survive "donating" parts to multiple Modronoids.

There's no mention as to whether a Modronoid can have parts from multiple Modrons, but since the life forces of the two creatures are linked I'm guessing this is impossible.


Extradimensional Explorer
Description looks good!

I think you're right in principle that a single modron could "contribute" to more than one modronoid, but then killing one modronoid would kill the donor modron which then kills a bunch of other modronoids. So they would only ever be made in pairs of one modron with one modronoid.

I think I would treat this link like the weakness for the seven swords and make the modrons helpless (in the rules sense).


Description looks good!

Updating the Modronoid Working Draft.

I think you're right in principle that a single modron could "contribute" to more than one modronoid, but then killing one modronoid would kill the donor modron which then kills a bunch of other modronoids. So they would only ever be made in pairs of one modron with one modronoid.

I think I would treat this link like the weakness for the seven swords and make the modrons helpless (in the rules sense).

Yeah, let's keep it a one-to-one link if only for the sake of simplicity.

So something like.

Linked Modron (Ex): A modronoid's construct parts are implants taken from a base modron that is kept alive in a helpless condition. If either the base modron or modronoid is killed, the link is severed and the other linked creature immediately dies. The modron's corpse will vanish back to Mechanus since it is an extraplanar creature, including the parts implanted into the modronoid.
That seems to cover it.


Extradimensional Explorer
Do the modronoid and modron need to be on the same plane? Something like the range limit from dominate person perhaps ("Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited, as long as you and the subject are on the same plane. You need not see the subject to control it.") So maybe

Linked Modron (Ex): A modronoid's construct parts are implants taken from a base modron that is kept alive in a helpless condition. If either the base modron or modronoid is killed, the link is severed and the other linked creature immediately dies. The modron's corpse will vanish back to Mechanus since it is an extraplanar creature, including the parts implanted into the modronoid. The base modron and modronoid may be an unlimited distance from each other, as long as they are on the same plane.


Do the modronoid and modron need to be on the same plane? Something like the range limit from dominate person perhaps ("Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited, as long as you and the subject are on the same plane. You need not see the subject to control it.") So maybe

Linked Modron (Ex): A modronoid's construct parts are implants taken from a base modron that is kept alive in a helpless condition. If either the base modron or modronoid is killed, the link is severed and the other linked creature immediately dies. The modron's corpse will vanish back to Mechanus since it is an extraplanar creature, including the parts implanted into the modronoid. The base modron and modronoid may be an unlimited distance from each other, as long as they are on the same plane.

Yeah, I wondered about that too but opted to keep the first draft simple.

The original text didn't say anything about limits of distance or plane regarding the link, nor whether it was possible to sever the link or restore either or both of the creatures to their previous state.

Presumably that was considered to be way outside the scope of the original scenario. All the modronoids in the encounters were on the same plane as the modrons whose parts they came from, so it wasn't an issue.

However, the modronoids creators were planning on using them for armies, and in Planescape an army that can't move from one plane to another is severely limited. Plus, if the link requires them to be on the same plane, then wouldn't any ability that moves a target to another plane (e.g. plane shift) would instakill them.

Maybe the modron and modronoid are connected by an transdimensional silver cord like astral projection creates? Then the two can be on different planes.


Extradimensional Explorer
I like that!

Linked Modron (Ex): A modronoid's construct parts are implants taken from a base modron that is kept alive in a helpless condition. If either the base modron or modronoid is killed, the link is severed and the other linked creature immediately dies. The modron's corpse will vanish back to Mechanus since it is an extraplanar creature, including the parts implanted into the modronoid. The base modron and modronoid are connected by a silver cord (see the astral projection spell) and do not need to be on the same plane of existence, but both die if the silver cord is severed.


I like that!

Linked Modron (Ex): A modronoid's construct parts are implants taken from a base modron that is kept alive in a helpless condition. If either the base modron or modronoid is killed, the link is severed and the other linked creature immediately dies. The modron's corpse will vanish back to Mechanus since it is an extraplanar creature, including the parts implanted into the modronoid. The base modron and modronoid are connected by a silver cord (see the astral projection spell) and do not need to be on the same plane of existence, but both die if the silver cord is severed.


Updating the Modronoid Working Draft.

So we're all done apart from the background?

Voidrunner's Codex

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