Converting prehistoric creatures


21d10!!!! ;)

I'm OK with retaining 3d4, but don't mind the change to the presumed 1d10, or even 1d12.

What, you think an average damage of 123.5 is too much?

'Twas but a typo, I'll update it.

The AD&D Giant Sea Turtle had a 4d4 bite, which is 1 step up from 3d4, so I though it reasonable to downstep the damage.

The text indicates Nikt'oo have sexual dimorphism. with the males being a marine and a lot less agile out of water. They also grow larger than the females, and are fierce if they think a female is being bothered, all of which makes them less suitable as mount.

It also says the "turtle-like" Nikt'oo is amphibious. Do we want to give them that trait? i.e. add Aquatic and Amphibious and drop Hold Breath.

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Extradimensional Explorer
1d10 bite and aquatic/amphibious works for me. If you want to go the dimorphism route, we can put an underbar mentioning that females are not aquatic but have hold breath or something.


1d10 bite and aquatic/amphibious works for me. If you want to go the dimorphism route, we can put an underbar mentioning that females are not aquatic but have hold breath or something.

I was thinking something like the following:

Male Nikt'oo
The above entry describes a female nikt'oo. Male nikt'oo are bulkier than females and spend their lives at sea. They are clumsy on land, and usually only emerge from the water to attack creatures they think are threatening a female nikt'oo. Male nikt'oo can grow much bigger than females, reaching lengths of up to 20 feet.

A male nikt'oo uses the following changes:

Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), swim 40 ft.
Environment: Any aquatic
Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge) [?]

Female Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large) [?]


What about droppoing Aquatic/Amphibious for females and giving them hold breath as freyar suggested?

I'd rather not.

The original text says nikt'oo are amphibious, not that only male nikt'oo are amphibious.

It'd seem off to have one sex that can drown in the sea while the other won't, especially when there's nothing to that effect in the original description.


Monster Junkie
I'd rather not.

The original text says nikt'oo are amphibious, not that only male nikt'oo are amphibious.

It'd seem off to have one sex that can drown in the sea while the other won't, especially when there's nothing to that effect in the original description.

OK, I'm convinced.

Voidrunner's Codex

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