I'm OK with retaining 3d4, but don't mind the change to the presumed 1d10, or even 1d12.
What, you think an average damage of 123.5 is too much?
'Twas but a typo, I'll update it.
The AD&D Giant Sea Turtle had a 4d4 bite, which is 1 step up from 3d4, so I though it reasonable to downstep the damage.
The text indicates Nikt'oo have sexual dimorphism. with the males being a marine and a lot less agile out of water. They also grow larger than the females, and are fierce if they think a female is being bothered, all of which makes them less suitable as mount.
It also says the "turtle-like" Nikt'oo is amphibious. Do we want to give them that trait? i.e. add Aquatic and Amphibious and drop Hold Breath.