Tireless March (Ex): In a day of normal walking, a nikt'oo can walk for 16 hours instead of the 8 hours of a normal creature. The remaining time is usually spent resting and eating. Thus, a nikt'oo can move twice as many miles in a day as its 20 ft. land speed would indicate. If a nikt'oo walks for longer than 16 hours per day it can become worn out (see the Forced March subsection of the Overland Movement rules). A nikt'oo can use its Tireless March ability while swimming, but it swims at half speed (20 ft.) while doing so. A nikt'oo can not use Tireless March while under the effect of any spell or special ability that increases its speed.
A nikt'oo can eat and sleep during a Tireless March and continue walking (or swimming at half-speed). If it encounters a threat or unexpected obstacle while "sleep marching" it can attempt a Listen or Spot checks to notice it, at a -5 penalty. If it succeeds the nikt'oo immediately wakes up.