Converting True Dragons


Nature Sense, Woodland Stride, plant growth, and command plants are fine with me.

OK then, that leaves the question of what age categories to slot them in.

I don't think we should stick command plants in the Great Wyrm slot like a Green Dragon, since it's already got quite a couple of powers there, so I'm thinking Ancient.

How about the following:

Nature Sense - Wyrmling
Woodland Stride - Very Young
plant growth - Old
command plants - Ancient

I've Updated the hit points, BAB/Grap, saves and Frightful Presence DCs.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Agree on the class skills.
Same here, and to the SLAs.

I think we still need the breath weapons:
either of its two breath weapons, Faerie Fire and Lightning. The Faerie Fire covers an area of 6.x6. at a range up to 3. from the dragon’s mouth. Any in the fire are covered (no saving throw) for 4-80 turns and they also take the sum of the dragon’s age level and hit dice in damage unless a saving throw versus magic is made, in which case they take no damage. The Lightning is in a single bolt 8” long and ½” wide for full age times hit dice in damage, or ½ if a s.t. is made.
Ok, lightning is a line, and we can worry about the damage. Faerie fire is straightforward enough (well, spread or cone?), but we need to decide if we want a damage rider and how much of one.


Monster Junkie
We can probably just borrow the black dragon's breath weapon damage progression.

As for the faerie fire, I'm ambivalent about adding damage. If we do add it, I'd prefer to make it fire damage rather than some odd type/untyped damage.


We can probably just borrow the black dragon's breath weapon damage progression.

As for the faerie fire, I'm ambivalent about adding damage. If we do add it, I'd prefer to make it fire damage rather than some odd type/untyped damage.

I think we'd better make the faerie fire breath do damage, but we'd better change the name to something different from the spell.

Sylvan Flames?

I wouldn't mine having it do another kind of damage than fire - maybe it's an electrical effect like St Elmo's fire so does electrical damage? Perhaps it's pure magical force?


The faerie fire spell only dimly illuminates the target without doing damage, right? Maybe nonlethal damage is appropriate, as I don't think the dragon really wants to kill the target with this breath since it can do it with its lightning breath.


The faerie fire spell only dimly illuminates the target without doing damage, right? Maybe nonlethal damage is appropriate, as I don't think the dragon really wants to kill the target with this breath since it can do it with its lightning breath.

I like the idea of merciful fire.

It gives the dragon a handy way of dealing with intruders it doesn't want to kill.

Voidrunner's Codex

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